Special Characters in Hyperlinks - Sphinx - special-characters

Suppose, I want to link "http://www.google.com" with the text Search & Learn. How do I use that in Sphinx ?
E.g. text : Now you can `Search & Learn`_.
.. _Search & Learn: http://www.google.com doesn't work as there's & in the text.

The problem is the link syntax, not the & character.
The underscore must come after the second backtick, like this:
`Search & Learn`_


VSCode multiline search of two words?

I saw a SO post that says you can search using regex or an actual literal text on it to search multiline texts. But what if you want to (quickly) search two or three of words within a specified lines of text content?
For example, what if you want to search for multiline text area that contains "ruby" and "regex" (assuming you want to know where you took a note on your txt (or markdown or rich text format) file. you may want to search for "how to use regex in ruby" or "the ruby regex tutorial", right? )
Now you can use a simple (but redundant) regex like ruby(.*\n)+regex|regex(.*\n)+ruby. But to me it doesn't look beautiful. For three or more words, this kind of regex workaround increases its redundancy exponentially also, not good.
So is there a smarter way to do this? Thanks.

How do I display German characters in flutter?

When I try to display words containing German characters, I get the following for überschreitung:
see picture
Find your desired character and put it after \u like this :
For example:
The output for the "g\u00D6" will be gÖ
Take a look at the
To find your special codes

officejs : Search Word document using regular expression

I want to search strings like "number 1" or "number 152" or "number 36985".
In all above strings "number " will be constant but digits will change and can have any length.
I tried Search option using wildcard but it doesn't seem to work.
basic regEx operators like + seem to not work.
I tried 'number*[1-9]*' and 'number*[1-9]+' but no luck.
This regular expression only selects upto one digit. e.g. If the string is 'number 12345' it only matches number 12345 (the part which is in bold).
Does anyone know how to do this?
Word doesn't use regular expressions in its search (Find) functionality. It has its own set of wildcard rules. These are very similar to RegEx, but not identical and not as powerful.
Using Word's wildcards, the search text below locates the examples given in the question. (Note that the semicolon separator in 1;100 may be soemthing else, depending on the list separator set in Windows (or on the Mac). My European locale uses a semicolon; the United States would use a comma, for example.
"number [0-9]{1;100}"
The 100 is an arbitrary number I chose for the maximum number of repeats of the search term just before it. Depending on how long you expect a number to be, this can be much smaller...
The logic of the search text is: number is a literal; the valid range of characters following the literal are 0 through 9; there may be one to one hundred of these characters - anything in that range is a match.
The only way RegEx can be used in Word is to extract a string and run the search on the string. But this dissociates the string from the document, meaning Word-specific content (formatting, fields, etc.) will be lost.
Try putting < and > on the ends of your search string to indicate the beginning and ending of the desired strings. This works for me: '<number [1-9]*>'. So does '<number [1-9]#>' which is probably what you want. Note that in Word wildcards the # is used where + is used in other RegEx systems.

Markdown: less sign and back slash interpretation

I'm writing a README.md file on GitHub.
In my project explanation I would like to refer to a Windows user path, in particular:
I just see here on SO that the formatting is working fine. On Github, instead, that row is shown like this:
even if the md file contains the correct format. It seems that the \ and the < are (due to some rule I don't know) simply converted into <.
Do you have any clue why is happening?
Markdown allowd HTML entities in it, so '<' is <, '\' is e.g. \ (also \\ works for me on GitHub) and '>' is > etc.; search for HTML special characters if you need more. you can encode verything in UTF8 easily by the notation with &#dddd; where d stands for a digit.
unfortunately often in code segments or other interpreters it is different.
examples working in GitHub editor with preview:
all result to the same output.

How to ignore leading special characters in sphinx search?

For example, we want the search term "Test" to match the word "#Test" and "(Test)"in the results.
it does this by default. Unless you have added these chars to the charset_table in the config
Did you try with escape character backslash just before special characters.
Also check there is EscapeString function available in sphinx API.