how to stop Matlab figure from maximizing? - matlab

I want to disable the Maximize option of Matlab figure.

There's a figure property you need to change for that:

The MATLAB File Exchange has WindowAPI, which does exactly what you're looking for.
You can crop the complete window border by:
WindowAPI(gcf, 'Clip', true);


Dymola Command to Maximize or Manipulate Size or Placement of Plot Window

Is there a command to maximize or manipulate in any way the size and placement of a plot window in Dymola?
After creating a plot using createPlot(), I would like to maximize that window within its allowed area of the screen.
No resource, either online or printed, has indicated how to do this, and none has said it couldn't be done. I am hoping someone can point me to a source that tells me how, or tells me to stop trying.
Here is the entirety of my test script:
simulateModel("TIL_AddOnTraining.Example07a", stopTime=300, method="dassl", tolerance=1e-005, resultFile="Example07a");
position={0, 0, 857, 705},
autoscale = true
[Here is where I would like the command to maximize window called "Plot [0*]".]
Thanks in advance.
Not an answer to the feasibility of doing this in Dymola, but here's a way to create and fine tune plot windows for Modelica using Mathematica and SystemModeler.
plot=WSMPlot[sim,{"x","der(x)"},PlotLabel->"Very Interesting Plot\[Dash]Full Screen"];
The setting WindowSize can be changed to different options to select a fraction of the window, full screen, pixel size, and so on.

are we able to getposition while vision.VideoPlayer is running?

In Matlab, I need to manually select object from vision.VideoPlayer directly while it is running. instead of show frame and then use figure; imshow(frame); objectRegion=round(getPosition(imrect))
are we able to do this?
No, unfortunately, you cannot. You would have to use imshow to display the image, to be able to use imrect.

Matlab GUI, create two tabs

I want to create two tabs within one GUI. One can show the plot of sine function, the other shows cone function. I can handle these two functions. but i do not know how to create two tabs. Thanks a lot!
If by tabs you mean 'plotting area' then you likely need to create 2 axes objects and display each plot in its own axes. In GUIDE it's very easy...more info here.
Let's say you have axes1 and axes2, you can do this:
axes(axes1) % Make axes1 the current axes.
axes(axes2) % Make axes2 the current axes
and that's it. Hope this is what you mean! If not sorry I misunderstood the question.
I thought about it and I'm probably wrong about what I thought a tab is. Matlab does not allow to do it directly, although it might be possible with the GUI Layout Toolbox. Here is a submission from the FIle Exchange which could be interesting to you: link here!. Sorry abut the confusion.
uitab() can be used for creating tabs. If you want to create tabs using guide it's currently not natively supported but possible with a work around I described here.

Matlab figure contents lost while saving as eps/pdf

I have tried most of the usually used options (print(figr, '-depsc', 'cross_corr.eps');) to save a matlab figure as eps/pdf but each time I do it, the figure contents are saved partially and perhaps one quarter of it is lost.
I have shared the figure here:
Using the options such as the following save it completely but I prefer it save it directly inti eps/pdf:
print(figr, '-dpng', 'cross_corr.png');
The problem seems to be that you have very small values in the 'PaperPosition' property of the figure. Try changing them to the default ones,
set(figr, 'PaperPosition', [0.634517 6.34517 20.3046 15.2284])
and then apply your print(figr, '-depsc', 'cross_corr.eps').
I attach results on my computer without and with 'PaperPosition' correction (using GSview with bounding box showed):
Also, consider reducing font size to avoid overlapped text:
set(findobj('type','text'), 'Fontsize', 5)
If I first enlarge the figure size (by using the middle button on the top right), and then save it as eps, I get this:
The quality is very nice as compared to all other options and the content are also ok.
Its not possible to automate it through script?...

Selecting a ROI manually in Matlab

I'm trying to select a user-defined area and fill with 1s, preferably with mouse input. Any suggestion how? Thanks.
The command
does exactly what you're looking for.
You'll need the Image Processing Toolbox to use roipoly as Georg suggested.
If you don't have that, you could try creating a rubber band box using
There's a good example in the help. You might need to fiddle with units depending on how you're displaying your data. Remember to click and hold, drag and release..
This code helps you to select a closed polygon of the image.