Nginx redirect all contents of a subdirectory to another subdirectory - redirect

Let say that I have a url like this:
how can I rewrite the url to be
Thank you
Update: this is what I've tried so far, but it will not redirect admin.php?fail=1
location /admin/ {
rewrite ^/admin/(.*)$
/another/subdirectory/$1 redirect;

I rather use return 301 for redirections and use rewrite only if I want to display something like a nice url.
Please try the following
location ~ ^/admin/(.*) {
return 301 /another/subdirectory/$1 ;


how to make this nginx location redirect not case sensitive

my situation: is a WordPress site (and WP works fine). its installed at the root.
I also created/add a sub folder:
that has an index.php page in it, like so:
I need any URL entered into browser to redirect to subfolder index.php page.
I have this nginx location, but it ONLY works if you type in case sensitive subfolder or subfolder/, I need non-sensitive:
location /subfolder {
return 301;
location /subfolder/ {
return 301;
SO basically, if user types anything except subfolder or subfolder/, let WP take care of the url. otherwise, redirect it.
I've tried ~ ^ *, but can't get it to work right.
what am i doing wrong? :)
PS. if you see something else that I should be doing, please let me know -- i'm new to nginx
Try this:
location ~* /subfolder/ {
return 301;
The tilde and asterisks ensure that this location will be matched case insensitive.

Nginx rewrite subfolder to subfolder

I have been having issues redirecting an old subfolder entirely to a new subfolder. I need to have both /old and /old/ go to /new and /new/ respectively
I also need to have any parameters followed after /old/blah/blah2/ to /new/blah/blah2/ so just basically replacing old with new no matter whats called. The below is the closest I can get.
location /account/ {
rewrite ^/account/(.*)$ https://$server_name/portal/$1 permanent;
Example of an actual URL:
needs to be
Thank you
Can you try rewrite ^/account/(.*)$ /portal/$1; ? No need to put it into location /account/ { ... } – Guillaume Filion Jul 24 at 19:00
Using just: rewrite ^/account/(.*)$ /portal/$1;
without specifying the location has resolved all issues
Its should work but you're missing $ sign in it.
Here is corrected a bit code
rewrite ^/account/(.*)$ https://$server_name/portal$1 redirect;
rewrite ^/account/(.*)$ https://$server_name/portal$1 last;
rewrite ^/account/(.*)$ https://$server_name/portal$1;
Than reload config of nginx
service nginx reload
here is source site.
Since this seems more of a redirect than a rewrite, I would use return
location ^~ /account(.*) {
return 301 https://$server_name/portal$1$is_args$query_string;
The $is_args$query_string is to append any query string like you mentioned in one of the comments loend=true&cmd=callback&module=8 and also mind that if the $server_name is the same name of server_name you can replace it with $http_host and keep it dynamic.

Redirection and replacement with Nginx

I am having trouble getting this to work in nginx:
I am trying to rewrite, a url string like this to this:
http://domainname/n/xxx = > http://domaindomain/x/xxx
I would like only "n" to change to "x"
I have tried :
location /n/ {
rewrite ^/n/(.*)$ /x/? last;
Thanks for the help
You need to use the following rule:
rewrite ^/n/(.*)$ /x/$1 permanent;
(.*) will capture your URL after the /n/ part and $1 will place the same thing in the target URL.
Using the permanent keyword will redirect the users with a 301 HTTP status code

Redirecting and rewriting in NGINX

I'm trying to create a simple "Hello World"-like API and for that I need a rule to redirect/rewrite the URL to my API.
Let's say my file is called index.php, so whenever I make a GET to index.php I get a list of items.
The first thing I want to do is to redirect the URL to
And second, when is accessed, I'd like the server to trigger the index.php file without rewriting the URL.
My current code looks like this:
location /api {
rewrite ^ $scheme://$host/index.php permanent;
location /index.php{
return 302;
but it's not working as expected. Why and how can I fix it?
You need two rules for what you're trying to achieve.
The first one, the one that will receive requests and "translate" them to your under-the-hood script, should look like this:
rewrite ^/api\?(.+)$ /index.php?$1 last;
As for the second one, the one that should redirect all your users to the "beautiful" URL:
rewrite ^/index.php\?(.*)$ /api?$1 permanent;
Note that this second rule should be outside any location block and before any of those, as you're willing to redirect the user before anything else.
# you don't need a rewrite. Use location with the "=" or exact match
location = /api {
alias /path/to/root;
index index.php;
location /index.php {
return 302;
Hope it helps
Here is the second version of my answer using one redirect and an alias:
location /api {
alias /path/to/root;
index index.php;
# replace index.php with api
location /index.php {
rewrite (index\.php)(.*)$ /api$2 permanent;
My first solution did not forwarded the args. Reading #alexandernst solution gave a better idea of the problem.

How to set up nested subfolder to subdomain Nginx 301 redirects

I'm trying to set up Nginx redirects that will rewrite any URL from several older forum setups to a new forum. The older forums ran from subfolders, while the current forum is running from a subdomain of the same site.
So, for example, I want ANY request to to be redirected to the front page of Since I'm dealing with 3 old forums, I tried to set up a nested redirect like this:
location ~ ^/\~([^/]+)/(.*)$ {
location ~ ^/\~ask/(.*)$ {
rewrite ^(.*)$$1 permanent;
location ~ ^/\~forum/(.*)$ {
rewrite ^(.*)$$1 permanent;
location ~ ^/\~qa/(.*)$ {
rewrite ^(.*)$$1 permanent;
With the above rules, only the first one works and partially. For example, a request to gets redirected to, which is fine, but any request to, say, goes to
Request to and do not work at all.
I'm sure there's a simpler way of doing this, but I don't want to spend several days trying to figure it out.
Your input is welcome and appreciated.
Not getting anywhere with the above code, I reduced it to this:
location ~ ^/\~([^/]+)/(.*)$ {
location ~ ^/\~(qa|forum|ask)/(.*)$ {
rewrite ^/~(qa|forum|ask)/(.*)$$1 permanent;
But the result is still the same. Any ideas?
Actually you want to redirect user to the main page of your forum regardless of what page he came to. Try this.
location /qa/ {
return 301;
location /ask/ {
return 301;
location /forum/ {
return 301;