facebook graph api '{user-id/feed/}'doesn't show feed properly - facebook

I want to get feed of friends whose are in the my friend list ({me/friends})
I have right permissions to do that. (user_friends and read_stream)
But the result of api doesn't show feeds of my friends properly ({user-id/feed})
To be exact, the result feeds are the part of the real feed.
What's wrong with that?

You cannot get the feed of friends specific to the friends list, but you can get the user's stream / home feed using:
It shows all the posts by friends, pages, etc. In comparison, /me/feed shows what the user has posted.


Getting a list of facebook posts and displaying them manually

Is it possible to retrieve a list of facebook posts and display them manually, that is, not by including some external element from facebook? I'd like something like an xml or json feed, containing my posts, so that I can display them on my site however I want.
This link shows how to use Facebook's SDK to get a user's feed...and then you can do with it as you please!

How can I make my timeline with Graph API?

I've studied Facebook API for several hours, and googled lots of pages. But I can not find the way get posts list just like my timeline on Facebook app.
I would like to make a Web app that show my timeline posts just like Flipboard. I found an API to get my "story" and "my friends list". But I can not even imagine how to retrieve my friend post that shown on my timeline.
Is it impossible to replicate my timeline on my web app? Only Flipboard can do that? Do you have any hint?
To access the current User's News Feed use the "User/Home" request as described in the API Documentation.
In order to gain access to the User's News Feed you will be required to gain the "read_stream" permission. For information on how to request the appropriate permission, read the Login, authorization and permissions section of the Getting Started guide.
The request to me/home will return an array of News Feed items, which are comprised of statuses, pictures, likes, etc. You can see an example of the result by using the Graph API Explorer.
Compare the results to your Timeline and they should be nearly identical (currently I believe Ads/Promoted Posts are excluded from the API)"
Play around with the Graph API Explorer:
I had to change the permissions within the App and specifically give myself 'read_stream' access, but once that was complete I was able to run a '/me/home' Graph API GET Request and return a representation of my timeline. Good luck!
You can get the timeline this way:
$fb = new Facebook('{config}');
$request = $fb->get('/me?fields=feed.limit(10000){link}');
$graphObject = $request->getGraphNode();
return $graphObject;

Get facebook user checkins

I need to get a list of a facebook user checkins both in photos and in status.
I tried to use graph api to query /me/locations' like:
It returns me a list of user checkins with three different types: photo, checkin or status.
My problem is that I need to get the photos that have user checkins but I can't seem to find it.
Can anyone help?
If you look at the User documentation, under the title feeds, it lists a method of fetching only the posts which have a location (Checkin) in it.
As for getting Photos with a location (Checkin), there doesn't seem to be any documentation that suggests that the Photos can be filtered similar to the way Posts can be filtered. At best, I guess you will have to fetch all photos and then filter out the ones that do not have the place tag. Posts use the location tag while Photos use the place tag.

Get Facebook Page Feed and their likes/comments without any permissions

I am trying to get the user ids of all the users who have liked or commented on a status on a facebook page.
I tried using graph.facebook.com/page_id/posts?access_token=...
but it only gives me 2-4 user ids who have liked and their total count, similarly for comments. Is there any way to get all the ids?
According to The Documentation for the 'Post' object
(and verified by me on my own page using the Graph API Explorer tool), these work:
/POST_ID/comments to fetch the comments
/POST_ID/likesto fetch the Likes

What is the API for Facebook 'profile stream' aka wall posts?

Is there an API call, and if so, which call to get the 'posts to my wall from myself and others' on Facebook? It seems like it could be filtered out of the Facebook stream API, but it's not clear how that works to me.
This link seems to imply it's possible:
You want to do an FQL query like this:
SELECT actor_id, message FROM stream WHERE source_id = <user id> limit 50
You will probably want to select a few more fields, you can see what is available here: http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Stream_%28FQL%29
Here it is.
Profile feed (Wall): https://graph.facebook.com/me/feed?access_token=...
You can publish stories to people who like your Open Graph Page the same way you write a Facebook post from your own wall. The stories appear in the News Feeds of people who have clicked the Like button on the Open Graph Page.
You can also publish using our API. If you associate your Open Graph Page with a Facebook app using the fb:app_id meta tag, you can publish updates to the users who have liked your pages via the Graph API.
First you need to get an access token for your app.
Check out the blog post, it covers everything you need.