What is the API for Facebook 'profile stream' aka wall posts? - facebook

Is there an API call, and if so, which call to get the 'posts to my wall from myself and others' on Facebook? It seems like it could be filtered out of the Facebook stream API, but it's not clear how that works to me.
This link seems to imply it's possible:

You want to do an FQL query like this:
SELECT actor_id, message FROM stream WHERE source_id = <user id> limit 50
You will probably want to select a few more fields, you can see what is available here: http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Stream_%28FQL%29

Here it is.
Profile feed (Wall): https://graph.facebook.com/me/feed?access_token=...

You can publish stories to people who like your Open Graph Page the same way you write a Facebook post from your own wall. The stories appear in the News Feeds of people who have clicked the Like button on the Open Graph Page.
You can also publish using our API. If you associate your Open Graph Page with a Facebook app using the fb:app_id meta tag, you can publish updates to the users who have liked your pages via the Graph API.
First you need to get an access token for your app.
Check out the blog post, it covers everything you need.


Some public wall posts missing in facebook api response

I use the facebook api to crawl post from one page wall. The post will be published by random facebook users. The posts are shown on a landingpage.
That work's very fine for the first dev tests. But since we have switch into a live version (now random user write posts) where are some posts that are not in the facebook api's response.
My first thought was that the privacy setting of the post is not public. But then I shouldn't see it when I am logout.
Why I didn't see that few posts? Have someone a tip?
$url = '/' . $pageId . '/feed?fields=from, message, id, link, type, created_time, updated_time, shares, object_id,comments.limit(1).summary(true),likes.limit(1).summary(true)&since=' . $since;
Try adding &filter=stream to your call.
Facebook will defaults to a "Top Story" feed which can hide some objects due to a low "score". This will force the return to be in a "Most Recent" style feed where all objects will be shown and in chronological order.
My Idea: Some posts are missing in the api because of the privacy setting of facebook user? Maybe because the profile is not visible for non-facebook users? The publicity of the posts on facebook wall is always public when i look at the facebook wall. Have somebody experience with that?

facebook graph explorer how to get only page's posts

I need to get a page's posts. But only page's posts, I don't want to get users posts on that page .For example
673049752787143/feed returns me https://www.facebook.com/147078515339869/posts/666313296749719 this post too. But I don't need this. Is there a way of doing this ?
I found my answer./{page-id}/posts shows only the posts that were published by this page.This is what I am looking for. Thanks.
This FQL should give you the info you want:
select post_id, message, attachment from stream where source_id="147078515339869" and actor_id="147078515339869"
As far as I know there's no way to do this with normal Graph API requests.

How can I make my timeline with Graph API?

I've studied Facebook API for several hours, and googled lots of pages. But I can not find the way get posts list just like my timeline on Facebook app.
I would like to make a Web app that show my timeline posts just like Flipboard. I found an API to get my "story" and "my friends list". But I can not even imagine how to retrieve my friend post that shown on my timeline.
Is it impossible to replicate my timeline on my web app? Only Flipboard can do that? Do you have any hint?
To access the current User's News Feed use the "User/Home" request as described in the API Documentation.
In order to gain access to the User's News Feed you will be required to gain the "read_stream" permission. For information on how to request the appropriate permission, read the Login, authorization and permissions section of the Getting Started guide.
The request to me/home will return an array of News Feed items, which are comprised of statuses, pictures, likes, etc. You can see an example of the result by using the Graph API Explorer.
Compare the results to your Timeline and they should be nearly identical (currently I believe Ads/Promoted Posts are excluded from the API)"
Play around with the Graph API Explorer:
I had to change the permissions within the App and specifically give myself 'read_stream' access, but once that was complete I was able to run a '/me/home' Graph API GET Request and return a representation of my timeline. Good luck!
You can get the timeline this way:
$fb = new Facebook('{config}');
$request = $fb->get('/me?fields=feed.limit(10000){link}');
$graphObject = $request->getGraphNode();
return $graphObject;

What is the difference between a Facebook Page "Like" and an external URL "Like"? And will the "user_likes" permission scope give access to both?

I'd like to pull a list of all Facebook "Likes" for a user, whether they are Facebook pages or external URLs.
If you "Like" the Facebook Platform, I know I can see it via the /me/likes API call.
However, if you like an external URL, I'm not sure how to pull that. Are both supposed to be pulled via the /me/likes call? Or is there another call to handle external likes?
Further, what about newsfeed / stream likes? For example, if I "Like" a photo, video, status or link that I see in my stream, is that accessible via the API? If so, how is this accessed?
Yes, user_likes will give you access to both.
You can access external likes as you wish through the Graph API endpoint /me/likes, as long as they're not articles. Objects with type "article" do not represent real-world objects and as such, we don't provide on a person's profile. We mention this (albeit obscurely) on the Open Graph documentation page: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/#types
So if you go to my fake movie object page at
and click like, that will show up when you access your likes on https://graph.facebook.com/me/likes.
Try it using the Graph API explorer:
If you want the URLs that someone has liked, use this FQL query:
SELECT url FROM url_like WHERE user_id = me()
More information is available at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/url_like/.
If you want to access the likes from a post, photo, video, etc. you'll need to use the like and stream FQL tables. To just pull out the likes (of posts/photos/videos) for the current user:
SELECT user_id, object_id, post_id FROM like WHERE user_id=me()
From there, you would query the stream table for the post to get more information.
like table documentation: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/like/.
stream table documentation: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/stream/
Facebook now has two ways to read likes. If you would like to get the likes of an external URL you try this:
And if you wish get the likes from an internal Facebook page (fan page,profile,photo like) try this:
Checkout: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer

How to retrieve links posted by third-party Facebook apps?

I am trying to build an app that fetch all the links posted on a Facebook page. I'll use the Kotaku page as an example (https://www.facebook.com/kotaku, Facebook ID is 273824104039).
I have tried to get the links via the graph API (https://graph.facebook.com/273824104039) or via FQL (here is the query I used: SELECT link_id, owner, title, url, owner_comment, summary, created_time FROM link WHERE owner = 273824104039), but both of them only return a subset of the links posted (20 as of writing this post).
(All request were made with an access token from my account that I granted the read_stream permission. I also 'like' the Kotaku page, but according to the documentation the links connection is available to everyone on Facebook.)
If you go on the page, it's pretty obvious that there are more than 20 links, but most of these were posted via the dlvr.it app and those are not showing in the queries above.
So does anyone know it there is a way to get those links as well? If possible, I would like to get all the links posted on that page not just the last 50 or from the last 30 days.
I think the issue is that links posted by apps aren't treated as native Facebook links, they're just posts with attachments, so you're not likely to find anything in links. With that said, try looking at the stream FQL table or the posts parameter of the graph.