Matlab vectorization of multiple embedded for loops - matlab

Suppose you have 5 vectors: v_1, v_2, v_3, v_4 and v_5. These vectors each contain a range of values from a minimum to a maximum. So for example:
v_1 = minimum_value:step:maximum_value;
Each of these vectors uses the same step size but has a different minimum and maximum value. Thus they are each of a different length.
A function F(v_1, v_2, v_3, v_4, v_5) is dependant on these vectors and can use any combination of the elements within them. (Apologies for the poor explanation). I am trying to find the maximum value of F and record the values which resulted in it. My current approach has been to use multiple embedded for loops as shown to work out the function for every combination of the vectors elements:
% Set the temp value to a small value
temp = 0;
% For every combination of the five vectors use the equation. If the result
% is greater than the one calculated previously, store it along with the values
% (postitions) of elements within the vectors
for a=1:length(v_1)
for b=1:length(v_2)
for c=1:length(v_3)
for d=1:length(v_4)
for e=1:length(v_5)
% The function is a combination of trigonometrics, summations,
% multiplications etc..
Result = F(v_1(a), v_2(b), v_3(c), v_4(d), v_5(e))
% If the value of Result is greater that the previous value,
% store it and record the values of 'a','b','c','d' and 'e'
if Result > temp;
temp = Result;
f = a;
g = b;
h = c;
i = d;
j = e;
This gets incredibly slow, for small step sizes. If there are around 100 elements in each vector the number of combinations is around 100*100*100*100*100. This is a problem as I need small step values to get a suitably converged answer.
I was wondering if it was possible to speed this up using Vectorization, or any other method. I was also looking at generating the combinations prior to the calculation but this seemed even slower than my current method. I haven't used Matlab for a long time but just looking at the number of embedded for loops makes me think that this can definitely be sped up. Thank you for the suggestions.

No matter how you generate your parameter combination, you will end up calling your function F 100^5 times. The easiest solution would be to use parfor instead in order to exploit multi-core calculation. If you do that, you should store the calculation results and find the maximum after the loop, because your current approach would not be thread-safe.
Having said that and not knowing anything about your actual problem, I would advise you to implement a more structured approach, like first finding a coarse solution with a bigger step size and narrowing it down successivley by reducing the min/max values of your parameter intervals. What you have currently is the absolute brute-force method which will never be very effective.


Encoding a binary vector in a suitable way in Matlab

The context and the problem below are only examples that can help to visualize the question.
Context: Let's say that I'm continously generating random binary vectors G with length 1x64 (whose values are either 0 or 1).
Problem: I don't want to check vectors that I've already checked, so I want to create a kind of table that can identify what vectors are already generated before.
So, how can I identify each vector in an optimized way?
My first idea was to convert the binary vectors into decimal numbers. Due to the maximum length of the vectors, I would need 2^64 = 1.8447e+19 numbers to encode them. That's huge, so I need an alternative.
I thought about using hexadecimal coding. In that case, if I'm not wrong, I would need nchoosek(16+16-1,16) = 300540195 elements, which is also huge.
So, there are better alternatives? For example, a kind of hash function that can identify that vectors without repeating values?
So you have 64 bit values (or vectors) and you need a data structure in order to efficiently check if a new value is already existing?
Hash sets or binary trees come to mind, depending on if ordering is important or not.
Matlab has a hash table in containers.Map.
Here is a example:
n = 1e5; % number of random elements
keys = uint64(rand(n, 1) * 2^64); % random uint64
% check and add key if not already existing (using a containers.Map)
map = containers.Map('KeyType', 'uint64', 'ValueType', 'logical');
for i = 1 : n
key = keys(i);
if ~isKey(map, key)
map(key) = true;
However, depending on why you really need that and when you really need to check, the Matlab function unique might also be something for you.
Just throwing out duplicates once at the end like:
unique_keys = unique(keys);
is in this example 300 times faster than checking every time.

Incremental appending: How to avoid performance penalty of struct arrays

If you must incrementally append data to arrays, it seems that using individual vectors of basic data types is orders of magnitude faster than an array of structs (with one vector element per record). Even trying to collect the individual vectors into a struct seems to double the time. The tests are:
fprintf('\nstruct array (array of structs):\n')
clear x y;
y=struct( 'a',[], 'b',[], 'c',[], 'd',[] );
for iIns = 1 : N
x.a=rand; x.b=rand; x.c=rand; x.d=rand;
end % for iIns
fprintf('\nSeparate arrays of scalars:\n')
clear a b c d;
a=[]; b=[]; c=[]; d=[];
for iIns = 1 : N
a(end+1) = rand;
b(end+1) = rand;
c(end+1) = rand;
d(end+1) = rand;
end % for iIns
fprintf('\nA struct with arrays of scalars for fields:\n')
clear a b c d x y
x.a=[]; x.b=[]; x.c=[]; x.d=[];
for iIns = 1:N
end % for iIns
The results:
struct array (array of structs):
Elapsed time is 24.127274 seconds.
Separate arrays of scalars:
Elapsed time is 0.048190 seconds.
A struct with arrays of scalars for fields:
Elapsed time is 0.084624 seconds.
Even though collecting individual vectors of basic data types into a struct (3rd scenario above) imposes such a penalty, it may be preferrable to simply using individual vectors (second scenario above) because the variables are more organized. Your variable name space isn't filled up with so many variables which are in fact conceptually grouped.
That's quite a significant penalty, however, to pay for such organization. I don't suppose there is way to avoid this?
There are two ways to avoid this performance penalty: (1) pre-allocate, and (2) rethink your stance on "organizing" variables. I suggest both. Oh, and if you can, don't use arrays of structs where each field only uses scalars - if your application suddenly has to handle a couple of orders of magnitude more data, the memory overhead will force you to rewrite everything.
You often know how many elements your array will end up having. Thus, initialize your arrays as s = struct('a',NaN(1:N),'b',NaN(1:N)); If you don't know ahead of time how many entries there will be, but you can estimate an upper limit, initialize with the upper limit, and either remove the elements, or use functions (e.g. nanmean) that do not care if the array has a few extra NaNs in the end. If you truly know nothing about the final size (except that N will be large enough to matter), pre-allocate with a nice number (e.g. N=1337), and extend the array in chunks. MathWorks have sped up dynamic growing of numeric arrays in a recent release, but as you demonstrate in your answer, the optimization has not been applied to structs yet. Don't count MathWorks' optimization team to fix your code.
Nice variables
Why worry about your variable space? As long as you use explicitVariableNames, your code remains readable and you will have an easy time picking out the right variable. But ok, let's say you want to clean up: The first way to keeping the number of active variables low is to use clear or keep at strategic points in your code to make sure you only keep around what's needed. The second (assuming you want to optimize for performance), is to put contextually linked vectors into the same array: objectDimensions = [lengthOfObject, widthOfObject, heightOfObject]. This keeps everything as numeric arrays (which are fastest), and allows easy vectorization such as objectVolume = prod(objectDimensions,2);.
/aside: I should disclose that I used to use structures frequently for assembling results (so that I could return a lot of information a single variable and have the field names be part of the documentation). I have since switched to use object-oriented-programming (usually handle-objects), which no only collect related variables, but also the associated functionality, and which facilitate code re-use. I do take a performance hit, but the time it saves me coding makes more than up for it. Note that I do pre-allocate if at all possible (and if it's not just growing an array three times).
Assume you have a function getDimensions that reads dimensions (length, height, width) of objects. However, sometimes, the object is 2D, sometimes it is 3D. Thus, you want to fill the following variables: twoD.length, twoD.width, threeD.length, threeD.width, threeD.height, ideally as arrays of structs, so that each element of a struct corresponds to an object. You do not know ahead of time how many objects there are, all you can do is poll the function thereAreMoreObjects, which returns true or false, until there are no more objects.
Here's how you can do this with reasonable efficiency and growing arrays by chunks:
%// preassign the temporary variable, and some others
chunkSize = 1000;
numObjects = 0;
idAndDimensions = zeros(chunkSize,4);
while thereAreMoreObjects()
objectId = getCurrentObjectId();
%// hi==-1 if it's flat
[len,wid,hi] = getObjectDimensions(objectId);
%// allocate more, if needed
numObjects = numObjects + 1;
if numObjects > size(idAndDimensions,1)
%// grow array
idAndDimensions(end+chunkSize,1) = 0;
idAndDimensions(numObjects,:) = [objectId, len, wid, hi];
%// throw away excess
idAndDimensions = idAndDimensions(1:numObjects,:);
%// split into 2D and 3D objects
isTwoD = numObjects(:,end) == -1;
%// assign twoD struct
twoD = struct('id',num2cell(idAndDimensions(isTwoD,1),...
%// assign threeD struct
%// clean up - we need only the two structs
%// I use keep from the File Exchange instead of clearvars
clearvars -except twoD threeD

Iteration for convergence in Matlab without using a while loop

I have to iterate a process where I have an initial guess for the Mach number (M0). This initial guess will give me another guess for the Mach number by using two equations (Mn). Eventually, i want to iterate this process untill the error between M0 and Mn is small. I have the following piece of code and it actually works well with a while loop.
However, I am afraid that the while loop will take many iterations and computational time for certain inputs since this will be part of a bigger code which most likely will give unfeasible inputs for the while loop.
Therefore my question is the following. How can I iterate this process within Matlab without consulting a while loop? The code that I am implementing now is the following:
%% Input
gamma = 1.4;
theta = atan(0.315);
cpi = -0.732;
%% Loop
M0 = 0.2; %initial guess
Err = 100;
iterations = 0;
while Err > 0.5E-3
B = (1-(M0^2)*(1-M0*cpi))^0.5;
Mn = (((gamma+1)/2) * ((B+((1-cpi)^0.5)*sec(theta)-1)^2/(B^2 + (tan(theta))^2)) - ((gamma-1)/2) )^-0.5;
Err = abs(M0 - Mn);
M0 = Mn;
disp(iterations) disp(Mn)
Many thanks
Since M0 is calculated in each iteration and you have trigonometric functions, you cannot use another way than iteration structures (i.e. while).
If you had a specific increase or decrease at M0, then you could initialize a vector of M0 and do vector calculations for B and Err.
But, with sec and tan this is not possible.
Another wat would be to use the parallel processing. But, since you change the M0 at each iteration then you cannot use the parfor loop.
As for a for loop, in MATLAB you need an array for for "command" argument (e.g. 1:10 or 1:length(x) or i = A, where A = 1:10 or A = [1:10;11:20]). Since you evaluate a condition and depending on the result of the evaluation you judge if you continue the execution or not, it seems that the while loop (or do while in another language) is the only way to go.
I think you need to clarify the issue. If it the issue you want to solve is that some inputs take a long time to calculate, it is not the while loop that takes the time, it is the execution of the code multiple times that causes it. Any method that loops through will be restricted by the time the block of code takes to execute multiplied by the number of iterations required to converge.
You can introduce something to stop at a certain number of iterationtions, conceptually:
While ((err > tolerance) && (numIterations < limit))
If you want an answer which does not require iterating over the code, this is akin to finding a closed form solution, and I suspect this does not exist.
Edit to add: by not exist I mean in a practical form which can be implemented in a more efficient way then iterating to a solution.

Recursive loop optimization

Is there a way to rewrite my code to make it faster?
for i = 2:length(ECG)
u(i) = max([a*abs(ECG(i)) b*u(i-1)]);
My problem is the length of ECG.
You should pre-allocate u like this
>> u = zeros(size(ECG));
or possibly like this
>> u = NaN(size(ECG));
or maybe even like this
>> u = -Inf(size(ECG));
depending on what behaviour you want.
When you pre-allocate a vector, MATLAB knows how big the vector is going to be and reserves an appropriately sized block of memory.
If you don't pre-allocate, then MATLAB has no way of knowing how large the final vector is going to be. Initially it will allocate a short block of memory. If you run out of space in that block, then it has to find a bigger block of memory somewhere, and copy all the old values into the new memory block. This happens every time you run out of space in the allocated block (which may not be every time you grow the array, because the MATLAB runtime is probably smart enough to ask for a bit more memory than it needs, but it is still more than necessary). All this unnecessary reallocating and copying is what takes a long time.
There are several several ways to optimize this for loop, but, surprisingly memory pre-allocation is not the part that saves the most time. By far. You're using max to find the largest element of a 1-by-2 vector. On each iteration you build this vector. However, all you're doing is comparing two scalars. Using the two argument form of max and passing it two scalar is MUCH faster: 75+ times faster on my machine for large ECG vectors!
% Set the parameters and create a vector with million elements
a = 2;
b = 3;
n = 1e6;
ECG = randn(1,n);
ECG2 = a*abs(ECG); % This can be done outside the loop if you have the memory
u(1,n) = 0; % Fast zero allocation
for i = 2:length(ECG)
u(i) = max(ECG2(i),b*u(i-1)); % Compare two scalars
For the single input form of max (not including creation of random ECG data):
Elapsed time is 1.314308 seconds.
For my code above:
Elapsed time is 0.017174 seconds.
FYI, the code above assumes u(1) = 0. If that's not true, then u(1) should be set to it's value after preallocation.

in matlab exit the entire loop and more

I am using this function to get a column vector in which every element is supposed to be 1,
but after n gets large, sometimes some element is not 1, this is due to the method constraint, I want to find out how large is n and return the value. the problem are: seems that 1 is stored as 1.0000, don't know how to convert it, and how to compare(location in comments) 2. don't know how to exit a loop completely. thank you.
function x = findn(n)
for m = 1:n
m1 = GaussNaive(a,b);
m2 = size(m1,1);
% m1 is a n*1 matrix (a column vector) which every element is supposed
% to be 1, but when n gets large, some element is not 1.
for i = 1:m2
if (m1(i) ~= 1)
% this compare isn't really working, since 1 is stored as 1.0000 for whatever
% for whatever reason and they are not equal or not not equal.
% I doubt whether it really compared.
x = m;
% it just exit the inner for loop, not entirely
In Matlab all numeric variables are, by default, double precision floating-point numbers. (Actually strings and logicals can look like f-p numbers too but forget that for the moment.) So, unless you take steps that your code doesn't show, you are working with f-p numbers. The sort of steps you can take include declaring your variables to have specific types, such as int32 or uint16, and taking care over the arithmetic operations you perform on them. Matlab's attraction to double-precision floating-point is very strong and it's easy to operate on ints (for example) and end up with floating-point numbers again. Start reading about those types in the documentation.
The reasons for avoiding (in-)equality tests on f-p numbers are explained on an almost daily basis here on SO, I won't repeat them, have a look around. The straightforward way to modify your code would be to replace the test with
if (m1(i) ~= 1)
if ((abs(m1(i)-1)>tol)
where tol is some small number such that any number larger than 1+tol (or smaller than 1-tol) is to be considered not equal to 1 for your purposes.
Unfortunately, as far as I know, Matlab lacks a statement to break from an inner loop to outside a containing loop. However, in this case, you can probably replace the break with a return which will return control to the function which called your function, or to the command-line if you invoked it from there.