view of query in mongodb - mongodb

I have a collection ,this is one of it's docs :
"_id" : 1 ,
"first_name" : "john",
"phone" : [
"type" : "mobile",
"number" : "9151112233"
"type" : "home",
"city_code" : 51,
"number" : "55251544"
"type" : "mobile",
"number" : "9152425125"
I'm searching for "phones" that contain type "mobile" and show them.
I need something like this :
"number" : "9151112233",
"number" : "9152425125"
I write this query for that :
db.main.find({ _id : 1 , 'phone.type' : "mobile" },{'phone.number' : true , _id : false}).forEach(printjson)
I want to show only numbers that their types are mobile but this query show all to numbers because this single doc contain others too.
How can I fix it?

I'd use the aggregation framework along with the $unwind, $match and $project commands. This:
produces this output:
{ "phone" : { "number" : "9151112233" } }
{ "phone" : { "number" : "9152425125" } }
which only matches the mobile numbers.


Updating two level sub-document which is list in mongoDB?

I have a hotel collection whose one of the document looks like this -
"_id" : "HOTEL_1",
"name" : "Decent hotel",
"chainId" : "CHN123",
"rooms" : [
"id" : "ROM1",
"name" : "decent rooms",
"ratePlans" : [
"ratePlanId" : "RPNB1191989873C2G",
"status" : "INACTIVE",
"marginPart" : {
"marginType" : "PERCENTAGE",
"margin" : "32"
"ratePlanId" : "RPNE0992HBG6I0GE8",
"status" : "INACTIVE",
"marginPart" : {
"marginType" : "PERCENTAGE",
"margin" : "32"
"id" : "ROM2",
"name" : "another decent rooms"
"ratePlans" : []
I need to update status as ACTIVE of all the rate plans of all the rooms with a certain condition like chainId.
I tried with this but failed -
db.hotel.updateMany({ "chainId" : "CHN_123"},{$set : {"rooms.$ratePlans.$status" : "ACTIVE" }});
I also want to update margin as common value say 50% to all such rates.
Instead of updateMany try the below query
db.hotel.update({ "chainId" : "CHN_123"},{$set : {"rooms.$ratePlans.$status" : "ACTIVE" }},{multi:true,upsert:false},function(err,doc){
It works always!!

how to match two fields in different lists in mongodb for update query

I need help please, I have to match two embedded document with their ids
for example my document structure is like this:
"id" : "00025",
"ean" : "01213134325",
"notify_stock" : NumberLong(10),
"specs" : [
"id" : "0005",
"spec" : [
"lang" : "fr-FR",
"text" : "taille"
"value" : [
"lang" : "fr-FR",
"text" : "grand"
i have a file for multi language like this
so my query in mongodb is like this:
Modifier update query:
"" : "<string val>",
"skus.$" : "<string val>"
Modifier update details:
"$push" : {
"skus.$.specs.$.spec" : {
"lang" : "<string val>",
"text" : "<string val>"
"skus.$.specs.$.value" : {
"lang" : "<string val>",
"text" : "<string val>"
when i execute this in Pentaho data integration with the step output mongodb, i got an error
"Too many positional (i.e. '$')
elements found in path 'skus.$.specs.$.spec'"

MongoDB aggregation and projection issue

helpful people of StackOverflow!
I'm in the process of learning how to work with MongoDB, and am currently stuck with one particular problem.
I'm building a guitar tabs app, working only with an "artist" base document. All other data are subdocuments. Depending on the accessed functionality (e.g: search, list tabs by artist, view single tab), I aggregate and project my documents accordingly.
However, I can't get one projection to work as I want.
Given the following data:
"artist" : "Jeff Buckley",
"songs" : [
"name" : "Grace",
"tabs" : [
"version" : 1,
"tab" : "...",
"tuning" : "DADGBe"
"version" : 2,
"tab" : "...",
"tuning" : "DADGBe"
"name" : "Last Goodbye",
"tabs" : [
"version" : 1,
"tab" : "...",
"tuning" : "DGDGBD"
"version" : 2,
"tab" : "...",
"tuning" : "EADGBe"
I want to aggregate it the following way for a list view:
"artist" : "Jeff Buckley",
"tabs" : [
"song" : "Grace",
"version" : 1
"song" : "Grace",
"version" : 2
"song" : "Last Goodbye",
"version" : 1
"song" : "Last Goodbye",
"version" : 2
I tried it with the following projection:
$project : {
artist : 1, : "$",
tabs.version : "$songs.tabs.version"
But instead I got:
"artist" : "Jeff Buckley",
"tabs" : {
"version" : [[2,1],[2,1]],
"song" : ["Grace","Last Goodbye"]
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
your aggregation query not correct $project only affect your json document keys
your aggretion query like this
{$unwind : "$songs"},
{$unwind : "$songs.tabs"},
{$group : {
tabs:{$push : {song : "$",version:"$songs.tabs.version"}}}},
{$project : {

MongoDB find substructure

I have a mongodb with a table named Patient. When I display the content with MongoVUE I see my Patients in this format:
/* 0 */
"_id" : ObjectId("547c4aa9dbe9665042dddf76"),
"Patient" : {
"Maidenname" : { },
"Phone" : {
"Type" : { },
"Number" : { }
"Citizenship" : { },
"SSN" : 1234567,
"Profession" : { },
"systemUID" : { },
"lid" : 111,
"system" : "abc",
"Address" : {
"Street" : { },
"State" : { },
"Zip" : { },
"Country" : { },
"City" : { }
"Lastname" : "asdf",
"Firstname" : "Test",
"Birthdate" : 19000101,
"Identifier" : {
"id" : 123,
"system" : "abc",
"UID" : { }
I would like to make a find on the field Firstname with value Test, this is my query:
But it returns 0 rows.
I also tried this one:
db.Patient.find({Patient : {Firstname:"Test"}})
Also 0 rows returned.
When I do a find like this:
I get all data. (also the one with "Firstname" : "Test")
Can anyone help me with that find query?
Should try this it work well
Since Firstname is in Patient object, it is its property you need to select is as

how to use aggregation of mongodb

From the data as given below, I want to sum all Values fields.
Please let me know how can I do it using aggregation functionality of mongodb.
{ "SchemaVersion" : "0.12",
"Product": {
"ProductName" : "abc",
"ProductVersion": "" ,
"ProductId" : "1234567890ABDFGH12345",
"InstanceId" : "12345BA32",
"InstanceName" : "1234SS123",
"SystemId" : ""
"Tenant" : {
"CustomerId" : "222-555-124",
"ServiceCode": "xyzxyzxyz12345yyy"
"Metrics" : [
"ReportType" :[
{ "report" : "billing" },
"LogTime" : "2013-12-08T12:34:56:01Z" ,
"Type" : "AuthorizedUsers",
"SubType" : "registered",
"Value" : "125",
"UnitOfMeasure": "USD",
"Period" : {
"StartTime" : "2013-12-07T00:00:00:01Z",
"EndTime" : "2013-12-08T00:00:00:01Z"
"ReportType" :[
{ "report" : "billing" }
"LogTime" : "2013-12-08T12:34:56:01Z" ,
"Type" : "NumberOfTickets",
"SubType" : "resolved",
"Value" : "430",
"UnitOfMeasure": "USD",
"Period" : {
"StartTime" : "2013-12-07T00:00:00:01Z",
"EndTime" : "2013-12-08T00:00:00:01Z"
So, results which I expect from summation of values is 430+125 i.e. 555
Your document contains string value for MetricRecord.Metrics[index].Value field and i am not sure why are you trying to sum up the string values. if it is a typo and your document contains numerical values for MetricRecord.Metrics[index].Value field then you can try the following query
In the above document posted, if your value field is like
MetricRecord.Metrics[0].Value is 125(not "125")
MetricRecord.Metrics[1].Value is 430(not "430")
you will get the following output
"result" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"),
"sum" : 555
"ok" : 1
The above sample query is composed assuming you have the default mongodb "_id" field and you are using a metrics collection. You have to manipulate the query as per you requirements.