Open RIA domain Service Not creating RiaDomainService metadata file - entity-framework

I'm creating a Open RIA Domain Service. My Project configuration is like this
contains edml file , entities
hpm (silverlight)
- Domain Services
My project is in Silverlight 5 , Entitiy framwork 6 & Open RIA Domain Services.
is it a bug? How to fix it? When I test with default project & created edml in same Hpm.Web project then It created doaminservice.metadata.cs file too when DataContract etc was there.


Using the Web template in service fabric produces a non-managed ASP .NET5 project

Working on a sample Service Fabric app. I created services and tested them. Now I wanted to add an API Gateway that acts as an entry point to my in VS, I right-clicked on the services and chose the Web Template ASP.NET 5. It did create a regular ASP .NET 5...not managed by Service Fabric...there is no Package Root or Program.cs for example.
What am I doing wrong please? Of course, a regular ASP .NET 5 works ...but I wanted the whole app (including the gateway) to be managed by the Service Fabric.
When you right-click to add in a service it is a common mistake to select the solution root (like you would normally do) to add in another project. But, in order to add in a new fabric service (including ASP.NET 5), you have to right-click the main service fabric project (the one with the ApplicationManifest.xml) and then select Add => New Fabric Service. You will then get the dialog box where you can select ASP.NET 5 Web Api.
Right-click here first:
Then select Add => New Fabric Service:

how to solve SOAP services issue with portable class library?

i have an issue using SOAP services from portable class library.
once i add the service refrence configuration file created empty and calling any operation form Windows Phone or Windows store app project returns null value.
However if i added the refrence to WP or W8 project directly configuration file is npot empty and operations return data
any reason for that ?
It is the same as in full .NET. If you call a web service, the configuration file is searched for in the calling assembly, that is in your case the WP8 project.
You have two options. One is to copy the relevant configuration from app.config in the PCL to the WP8 porject or to create the web service configuration completely in code in your PCL so no config file anywhere is needed.


I created WCF RIA DOMAIN Services project with Silverlight 4 with entiry framework having enablabed WCF RIA . Two projects are created;silverlight and web. Project is running file on my local system. But upon hosting on web server. it shows remote server error. If there any svc file which i have to created or Domain service host it byself.I can find any service reference. is this something i have to add as .svc file.
If the project is working fine locally and not when you deploy to a web server, the first thing to check is if the ServiceModel assemblies are installed in the GAC of the server. If they are not, then in your project, do the following...
In the References folder of Solution Explorer, locate the assemblies called System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.*, right click on each and select 'Properties'
In the Property window, set 'Copy Local' to true.
This will place these assemblies in the 'bin' directory. Then deploy the bin directory to the service.

Template ASP.NET MVC2 Web Application

I’m new to MVC and am trying to set-up a basic template application. From VS2010 I’m creating the template MVC2 project. However, I’ve noticed that the database is sometime not created as part of the template. Are there any rules to when or where this creates its own database, or why it might not do so?
The standard MVC template has a connectionstring in the web.config pointing to a aspnetdb.mdf database in the App_Data folder.
The default MVC 2 Web Application template uses the database for authentication (through the AccountController).
The physical file gets created on first use; probably when you register an account or attempt a logon while running the application.

RIA DomainService Hosting

i have an application, in which i have an EntityModel.
i have a DomainService which talks to this EntityModel.
i am using simple LinqToEntitiesDomainService for this application, not .svc extension files.
On Silverlight (client), i am able to get/put the data through this service.
Now my question is:
I want to see the wsdl of hosted RIA Domain service in my application.
How can i see the wsdl for this service? (as we see the wsdl for .svc service in internet explorer)
I am using VS2008 sp1 studio, .net3.5 and RIA - july ctp.
You need to expose your service. You can see for more details.