How to make a customize About dialog in Illustrator plugin - plugins

I am developing a plugin for Adobe Illustrator CS6.
One thing is once this plugin is installed in Illustrator, when I click on Help -> About My plugin..., a pop up which is apparently generated by Illustrator appeared.
How can I create my own About dialog ?
Thanks & regards,

You can use the generic MessageBox or dialogBox of C++ to create your own About box


Material theme editor plugin not opening

I've just installed the material theme editor from but when I click on Material > "Open theme editor" from my Sketch plugins tab, nothing opens. I know the plugin successfully installed because I can click on Material > "Upload to Gallery" and a window pops up, but nothing for opening the theme editor. The theme editor website says you need macOS High Sierra (10.13) or later, which I do have, so this can't be the issue.
Is anyone else having this issue or know how to resolve it? Thanks!
Ok, I actually fixed it just now-- had to moved Sketch to the applications folder, then update Sketch and relaunch it.
Thought it might be helpful to post this though since theme editor is so new and there is virtually no help for issues like this currently out there.

How do I disable this popup or a intellisense in Eclipse?

I want to disable this. It is keep on populating while coding. I am using Eclipse Oxygen version.
Here is the link for the image.
Why you would want to do this is beyond my understanding, but anyways..
Uncheck the Combined Hover in Preferences->Java->Editor->Hovers.

How to associate an Eclipse sample Editor with a file in project explorer view

I have an sample editor which opens up by selecting an action from a sample Menu created in the menu bar.
How do i associate this editor with a file in Project explorer view?
I mean if i double click on the file in project explorer view , the editor should spawn up.
Basically i want this editor to work like a regular eclipse editor.
Please let me know your suggestions or any online material which explains the framework on how to achieve this.
Have a look at IWorkbenchPage.openEditor(IEditorInput input, String editorId). Here you specify the input object of the editor and the ID for the editor.
In a RCP application, the IEditorInput is usually made up by you - nothing fancy is needed unless you want to persist the editors - and ID is specified via the org.eclipse.ui.editors.

how to embed the Eclipse CSS Editor inside Eclipse MultiPageEditor

I want to embed the eclipse defualt CSS Editor inside a page of Eclipse MultiPage Editor. How to achieve the same.
Create a subclass of MultiPageEditorPart and in its createPages() method, instantiate CSS editor part and add it with MultiPageEditorPart.addPage(IEditorPart, IEditorInput).
See this tutorial which does the same with TextEditor.

Eclipse Plugin Development : Open popup on an action

I have created a right click menu item. On its click I want to show a small popup filled with certain values. Any idea?
Take a look under SWT snippets for instructions on opening new windows of various kinds.
Look under the Shell section.