Eclipse Plugin Development : Open popup on an action - eclipse

I have created a right click menu item. On its click I want to show a small popup filled with certain values. Any idea?

Take a look under SWT snippets for instructions on opening new windows of various kinds.
Look under the Shell section.


Adding New Components in WindowBuilder Design View

At risk of this being a trivial question, I need to know how to add more components (in the components explorer) in WindowBuilder for Eclipse Juno. I'm taking a dive and trying learn how to add a GUI to one of my personal projects. Right now all I have mustered up is just a JFrame that has a button that launches my program in the console with a little notification saying so. But what I am thinking about having is a "Start up Window" with just some stuff and button or something that says Enter application or something. So then I want a new window to pop up as a "Run Window". I have created a new JFrame as a "run window" and hide/set visibility of "startWindow" to false and get the result I want. But I want to be able to edit this new JFrame in the design window along with the default JFrame I started with.
Is there a way to do this? I tried right-clicking in the components window in the design view and it doesn't do anything. I also tried right-click the object from the project explorer and couldn't find anything. Am I missing something? Is this even possible?
The question seems to have 2 parts, so I will try to answer both of them.
1) Adding components directly in the components explorer
The only thing you could do, to get new components into there via right-click is "Surround with". For example you have a JPanel, right-click on it and click "Surround with...". You could try and put a JScrollPanel in there, so you can scroll your JPanel.
But the usual way to add components is by the "Palette", it contains a lot of components, that you can drag&drop into either the components-explorer or directly into your app Window -> Show View -> Palette.
2) Showing a certain window
If I understand this correctly, you want to show one window, click on a button and then show another window which has the same size etc. like the one before.
Setting the visibility for the first window to false and the second does work.
But under certain circumstances it's easier to use CardLayout.
Imagine a stack of cards, you can see only the first card. Then you click a button and now see the second card and so on.
See this:
for information and examples.

How to remove eclipse project explorer above the editor?

When I was working on a project for my program fundimentals class I somehow got this miniature project explorer above the editor in eclipse, I have tried to look for a solution on google but I don't think i'm asking the right question so this was my final place to go.
Here is a screenshot of my eclipse:
That is the breadcrumb view.
To toggle it on/off:
Shift+Alt+B (by default on Linux)
Right click in editor and choose Show in breadcrumb
Ctrl+3 to open up quick access (or click in quick access) and type breadcrumb and select the toggle command as in this screenshot:
Click this icon in the tool bar
Yeah that is annoying, the workspace is cluttered enough. I was trying to simply minimize the explorer area so I could see the whole line of code and I eneded up activating this breadcrumb mode. Looks like:

How to associate an Eclipse sample Editor with a file in project explorer view

I have an sample editor which opens up by selecting an action from a sample Menu created in the menu bar.
How do i associate this editor with a file in Project explorer view?
I mean if i double click on the file in project explorer view , the editor should spawn up.
Basically i want this editor to work like a regular eclipse editor.
Please let me know your suggestions or any online material which explains the framework on how to achieve this.
Have a look at IWorkbenchPage.openEditor(IEditorInput input, String editorId). Here you specify the input object of the editor and the ID for the editor.
In a RCP application, the IEditorInput is usually made up by you - nothing fancy is needed unless you want to persist the editors - and ID is specified via the org.eclipse.ui.editors.

Eclipse plug-in: How to create a new menu for eclipse plugin with key combination?

I've been looking about this question but I couldn't find it. I need to create a new "popup menu" and assign a key pressed (in other words, I need press "F3+right-click" (for example) and this action will be appear a new popup menu, with my actions in my workbench). I don't need a submenu for my right-click... i need a new and alone menu
Example, in eclipse, when i right-click with my mouse over workbench I see a popmenu with: "undo, revert file, save, cut, copy..." and more, but i need create a new menu instead of eclipse menu, so, when I press "F3+right-click" (example) i need see my popup-menu with my actions... this is my problem, i need to create a new menu and call it with key/mouse combination...
I've been reading the forums but i don't know where to post this question and I don't know where to search (maybe i write a wrong question in the search... i think...).
I hope someone can help me.
Thank you very much;)
I assume that you would like to see this menu in an editor (rather than in a view because that would be slightly different). Most of what you need to do here is to extend eclipse extension points through declaring them in the plugin.xml for your plugin.
Thankfully, Eclipse ships with a few extension point wizards to help you get started with this. To get there, do the following
Open the plugin.xml for your plugin
Go to the extensions page
Click on Add...
Click on Extension Wizards
The "Popup Menu" wizard
After filling in all the details, there are still a few more pieces that you need to do.
The wizard creates an Object contribution, that will add the new popup menu to an object of a specified type in all views. You can change this to being an editor contribution, so that the menu item will show in editors instead.
The final step is to connect this menu item with a key-binding. For that, you need to create a new Command extension.
Start with the Command extension point wizard.
After filling in the details, you get a command, a handler, and a binding. You can remove the handler, since you will connect your action created previously to the command you just created.
From here, you need to fill in all of the stub Java classes created by the wizards and you should be in business.
This is a very rough set of steps you need to do to implement the keybindinds (and, yes, it is way more complicated than it needs to be). For more detail, you can go here:

How can I create a YUI menu where you can click to open the submenus?

We have a multi-tiered/hierarchical YUI menu activated via a YUI menu button. Everything in this menu works pretty well. If you mouseover a menu item with a submenu, the submenu appears as expected. You can select an item from this submenu just fine.
The problem, however, is that you can also click on the parent items of this menu which closes the entire menu. In fact, I want the opposite. I'd like a click of a parent menu item leave the top level menu open and open the submenu (i.e. I want a click to be identical to a mouseover event in terms of functionality).
Side note: This isn't an issue on a typical web browser (e.g. Firefox) where the click event doesn't matter because you can't have a click without a mouseover. This is an issue on the iPhone which doesn't have a mouseover event.
I've been playing with the autosubmenudisplay properties and keepopen properties, hoping I can just handle the parent item click events to do what I want but, so far, I've been unsuccessful. If I set autosubmenudisplay to false, I can't figure out how to get the submenus to display manually. The keepopen property doesn't seem to work rather I set it on the menu or submenus.
Is there a way to get the behavior I want so our iPhone users are happy?
Todd Kloots, author of the YUI Button and Menu widgets here. Took at look at your request. Unfortunately the current version YUI Button and Menu aren't designed to support the type of interaction you are looking to create. Feel free to file a feature request via SourceForge and I'll try to work on this for a future version of YUI.
It's not exactly what you asked for, but have you looked at iUI? You may be able to pick up some tricks from the implementation.