OneDrive REST API - rest

Please let me know what is the authentication method we should use when working with OneDrive REST APIs.
Is it AZURE AD using the URL
Or the
I'm trying to make a simple call to the new OneDrive REST API (I'm using Azure AD, but not sure if this is the correct Authentication method).
I'm using Postman rest client to send the request.
I have registered my application in Azure AD and given it full permissions to 'Office 365 SharePoint Online'.
I can successfully get an authorization token using the clientId generated in Azure AD.
However when I attempt to list files using following request using the access token I get the following error.
Could you please let me know what could be the issue?
HEADER: Authorization: Bearer
3001000;reason="There has been an error authenticating the request.";category="invalid_client"

IF you refer the public free version of OneDrive, then you should take a look at OneDrives API Documentation. Which uses Live SDK.
If you are using the OneDrive for Business, then you should use the SharePoint 2013 APIs. For SharePoint online this Question (its answer) on SharePoint StackExchange might be helpful. OR if you look for the new-and-in-preview Office365, you might find this page interesting.
A blog post with full walkthrough and code how to authenticate to SharePoint Online with Azure ACS.

Check out the [new][1] v1.0 O365 APIs that describe the OneDrive Business and other O365 service APIs, including authentication.


Microsoft Azure API List All Tenants

We are a CSP partner with MS. My goal is to call the Azure API and list all the different tenants we have in our account.
I found this Azure API resource that appears to allow the listing of all tenants:
I’ve been able to implement the authorization code flow, and I can call MS Graph API’s successfully. However when I try to call this API I receive this response:
"error": {
"code": "AuthenticationFailed",
"message": "Authentication failed."
I feel like it may an issue with the permissions I've granted in my app registration, but I can't seem to figure what is needed to make it happen.
I wish there was a way to use the MS Graph API to get all of our tenants, but from my research that doesn't exist.
I think you missed the bear token. I test this api by postman.
You can read this article.
Get an Azure Active Directory token using Azure Active Directory Authentication Library

Is is possible to connect to exchange powershell online using azure-AD app ID/secret?

Is it possible to connect to exchange powershell online using registered Azure application ID/secret which allows GraphAPI/EWS access?
FYI, I know how to do it with basic auth (username/password) as guided in MSFT website:
it is currently possible to use the Microsoft Graph API to make calls to the exchange endpoint. However it's not the same thing as Exchange Powershell Online, please refer to the docs on the exchange graph api here :
For more information on how to make calls via powershell, please look here :
You will also need to login with a user that has access to said exchange resources. If you login with an application/user that does not have permissions to access the exchange resources you will get a access denied error.
I'd suggest try EXO V2 preview module to connect Exchange Online PowerShell using registered Azure application.
Step1: Get an OAuth access token using Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) PowerShell.
Step2: Create PSCredential object
$AppCredential= New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential(<UPN>,<Token>)
Step3: Pass the PSCredential to the EXO V2 module.
Connect-ExchangeOnline -Credential $AppCredential

How to authenticate to Azure Active Directory without user interaction?

I wish to obtain an access token without user interaction in order to automate REST API calls to Azure services (Compute, Network, etc.). In the documentation, several authentication scenarios are listed. The one that fits my use-case the most is "Daemon or Server Application to Web API".
I followed the instructions to request an access token : first I registered an App in my Azure Active Directory. Then I created a key (client_secret parameter) associated to the application ID (client_id parameter). I also obtained the App ID URI (resource parameter). I used all these parameters to create a POST request to the /token endpoint of my Azure AD. However I get the following error message:
"message":"The access token has been obtained from wrong audience or resource '<APP_ID_URI>'. It should exactly match (including forward slash) with one of the allowed audiences '',''."
What am I doing wrong? Am I setting the resource parameter to the wrong value?
The resource parameter tells your application where to get token(identifier of the resource for which the access token is being requested). If you want to get a token to call Azure Service Management API , you could set the resource as .
If the APIs you want to call are Microsoft provided APIs , the resource is known ,for example :
Azure Service Management API:
Microsoft Graph API :
If you want to call the API apps which your created , you can either use the Client ID or the App ID URI of the resource WebAPI (Find them in the configure tab of the Azure AD application in the Azure Management portal).
You could refer to below link for code samples :
You need to make a POST request to the token endpoint.
The resource parameter must be the resource URI for the API that you want to access, not yours.
Azure AD Graph API:
Microsoft Graph API:

GSuite : Client is unauthorized to retrieve access tokens using this method

Hi I'm trying to develop an for GSuite admin which enables to migrate their google drive data to another cloud service. But in the process of authentication i'm getting the below error.
"error": "unauthorized_client",
"error_description": "Client is unauthorized to retrieve access tokens using this method."
Below are the api's that are enabled in developer console.
1. Admin SDK
2. Contacts API
3. G Mail API
4. Calendar API
5. Drive API
Please guide me if done anything wrong in creating an app.
The main thing what i missed here is Authorizing my service account client ID with the GSUITE admin.
And I have been trying to generate access_token for the expired domain of mine.
After clearing all these i have to success in generating and getting user data.
This solution worked for me. I hope it works for you tooo....
Thank you community.

Using O365 REST APIs can I then use Discovery APIs to find user's 0365 SharePoint servers via Oauth2?

we've seen this SO question already and using the O365 REST API we have a working Oauth2 workflow that authenticates an O365 user and returns an access token. Our question is: Once we have an access token for a user, how can we discover the user's SharePoint servers (and associated endpoints) without knowing the authenticated user's O365 SharePoint server URLs ahead of time?
Our application uses Oauth2 workflows to access data on behalf of users from GitHub, DropBox, Google Docs and other services, and typically once user permission has been granted and we have an access token there is a straightforward way of querying/retrieving the resources for the user via the access token.
Once we have an access token, we're calling the O365 Discovery Services. If I'm reading the docs correctly, we should be getting back ServiceInfo entries on a request to the O365 /Services endpoint with an access token, like this:
But at present we only get back O365 File and Contact ServiceInfo entries, even though in the Azure Portal when we created our app we specified Office 365 SharePoint Online Delegated Permission ('Read List').
If there are different O365 endpoints we should be hitting once we have an access token in order to discover a user's SharePoint servers, or if we're using the Discovery Services wrong, please provide a few pointers -- We want to solve this problem in a generic fashion based on Oauth2 workflow and don't want to prompt the user for things like O365 SharePoint Server URLs.
Lastly I'd mention that we're accessing this info in a purely RESTful fashion and we have no Windows-specific dependencies (in fact we're building things on the JVM) so a workable solution for us must not depend on Windows-only APIs or platforms.