Using O365 REST APIs can I then use Discovery APIs to find user's 0365 SharePoint servers via Oauth2? - rest

we've seen this SO question already and using the O365 REST API we have a working Oauth2 workflow that authenticates an O365 user and returns an access token. Our question is: Once we have an access token for a user, how can we discover the user's SharePoint servers (and associated endpoints) without knowing the authenticated user's O365 SharePoint server URLs ahead of time?
Our application uses Oauth2 workflows to access data on behalf of users from GitHub, DropBox, Google Docs and other services, and typically once user permission has been granted and we have an access token there is a straightforward way of querying/retrieving the resources for the user via the access token.
Once we have an access token, we're calling the O365 Discovery Services. If I'm reading the docs correctly, we should be getting back ServiceInfo entries on a request to the O365 /Services endpoint with an access token, like this:
But at present we only get back O365 File and Contact ServiceInfo entries, even though in the Azure Portal when we created our app we specified Office 365 SharePoint Online Delegated Permission ('Read List').
If there are different O365 endpoints we should be hitting once we have an access token in order to discover a user's SharePoint servers, or if we're using the Discovery Services wrong, please provide a few pointers -- We want to solve this problem in a generic fashion based on Oauth2 workflow and don't want to prompt the user for things like O365 SharePoint Server URLs.
Lastly I'd mention that we're accessing this info in a purely RESTful fashion and we have no Windows-specific dependencies (in fact we're building things on the JVM) so a workable solution for us must not depend on Windows-only APIs or platforms.


SP REST access using guest account

I am trying to access a SP site outside of my tenant using a guest account provided by the third-part company.
According to them, the access is given using Azure B2B (ExternalAzureAD).
I want to access the SP site using Power Automate to copy files to my tenant. It is a specific list, but not specific files.
I tried performing common HTTP SP Rest requests (the connector using the guest account) and HTTP using AAD, but I keep having "401 UNAUTHORIZED" as a response.
Any ideas on how to perform this call? I have very little room for requests with the third-part company, and a request to register an application user to generate a token for me is almost certain to be denied.
What could I try here?

Google Cloud storage: Grant permission to OAuth 2.0 client

I try to download a file from a google cloud drive bucket via the REST. But if I use the access_token of the oAuth 2.0 client which I have created I get "Insufficient Permission" as an error (It works with the access toke of my googel account).
So, where in the cloud platform I can grant the oAuth2 client access to the bucket from where I want to download the file?
TL;DR - You're most likely missing the step where you request the right scopes when requesting your OAuth2.0 access token. Please look at the supported scopes with Google Cloud Storage APIs. Access tokens typically expire in 60 minutes and you will need to use a refresh token to get a new access token when it expires.
Please read the Google Cloud Storage Authentication page for detailed information.
Authorization is the process of determining what permissions an
authenticated identity has on a set of specified resources. OAuth uses
scopes to determine if an authenticated identity is authorized.
Applications use a credential (obtained from a user-centric or
server-centric authentication flow) together with one or more scopes
to request an access token from a Google authorization server to
access protected resources.
For example, application A with an access
token with read-only scope can only read, while application B with an
access token with read-write scope can read and modify data. Neither
application can read or modify access control lists on objects and
buckets; only an application with full-control scope can do so.
Authentication in Google Cloud
Google Cloud services generally provides 3 main modes of authentication:
End User Account credentials - here you authenticate as the end user directly using their google account or an OAuth 2.0 access token. When requesting an access token, you will need to provide the scopes which determine which APIs are accessible to the client using that access token.
OAuth2.0 credentials - if granted the right scope, can access the user's private data. In addition, Cloud IAM lets you control fine grained permissions by granting roles to this user account.
Service Accounts - here you create a service account which is associated with a specific GCP project (and billed to that project thereby). These are mainly used for automated use from your code or any of the Google Cloud services like Compute Engine, App Engine, Cloud Functions, etc. You can create service accounts using Google Cloud IAM.
Each service account has an associated email address (you specify when creating the service account) and you will need to grant appropriate roles for this email address for your Cloud Storage buckets/objects. These credentials if granted the right roles can access the user's private data.
API keys - here you get an encrypted string which is associated with a GCP project. It is supported only by very few Google Cloud APIs and it is not possible to restrict the scope of API keys (unlike service accounts or OAuth2.0 access tokens).

Access/use roles and custom info from OpenId Connect profile within Dynamics 365 Portal?

I am starting to work with Dynamics 365 Portal add-on (Online, not on-prem), which I've configured to use an external authentication provider in the form of Identity Server with OpenId Connect. The problem with this is that I don't have access to the under-the-hood portal authentication process, there's just a few basic config settings and users can authenticate using the external IdP. I can't access roles, claims, or any custom info that might come back as part of the OpenId Connect user's profile (userinfo object response). I need to get at that data to customize the portal user experience. I've looked through whatever documentation I could find on the portal but can't find anything. Am I missing something or is it just not possible to access that info and customize the portal login process? Since it doesn't seem possible to do anything server-side within the portal because it's Online, can I do anything client-side within the portal to get the OpenID access token and call the UserInfo endpoint with that?
I had a case open with Microsoft and finally got an answer from them: In Dynamics CRM Online with the Online Portal add-on, there is currently no way to access anything coming back from an external identity provider. So for example, if you've configured the portal to use an external identity provider such Google, Facebook, etc, or like in my case an Identity Server instance with OpenId Connect, you can't access the claims or any other info coming back from the provider.
I got another response from Microsoft support: they have confirmed their dev teams are working on making this available but don't have an ETA yet. At least it's on their radar.

Call Microsoft Graph API - App only unauthorized error

I am trying to make request to the Graph API using a service with no UI. I downloaded the following sample code and followed the instructions:
I successfully get an Access Token, but when using it to make a request to get organization information (required Read Directory Data access), I get 403 Unauthorized.
I have registered my app in Azure AD (where I am a co-administrator).
I have specified Microsoft Graph in the 'permissions to other applications' section, and given Read Directory Data access.
Interestingly there is a note below saying 'You are authorized to select only delegated permissions which have personal scope'. Even though I clearly did. Why? I suspect this is the source of my problem.
Likewise I have checked my demo app against these instructions:, but it makes no mention of what role in Azure you need to have.
in this SO post's answer, there is mention of still needing to Consent. I haven't found any documentation about this.
You are authorized to select only delegated permissions which have personal scope
This issue is caused that the app is created by none admin and when they visit the portal then will see this message.
To grant the app-only permission to the application, we need to be the administrator of the tenant. It is different with the co-administrator. To user the Client Credential flow, I suggest that you contact the admin of the tenant to create an application for you. And if you were just for testing purpose, you can create a free tenant and register the application yourself.
We need the assign the Global administrator director role as figure below to make the application works for the client credential flow:

Reading Sharepoint user profiles in Office365 using REST API on behalf of an application - Error 500

I am trying to read sharepoint user profiles using REST Api on userprofiles.peoplemanager Service.
We defined an application in azure AD, with "Sharepoint: read user profiles" permission for both application and on behalf of a user.
When i request the service on behalf of a user (for example getpropertiesfor(#v) with any user identifier passed as parameter), everything is working fine.
When i execute the exact same request on behalf of the application, i'm getting a HTTP 500 error.
Am i doing something wrong ?
What am i supposed to be allowed to execute on behalf of an application with the Azure AD permission "Sharepoint: read user profiles" ?