Why isnt' sbt giving me the option to choose what to run? - scala

I have a playframework application that uses sbt.
When I am in sbt and type run, it always runs my playframework application.
Inside my project I have a namespace like:
package com.example.com.tools
object Seeds extends App {
// code here
When I type run in sbt:
Shouldn't it give me a list of applications to choose from?
I also tried: run com.example.tools.Seeds but it says wrong number of args.
sbt version 13.5

> runMain com.example.tools.Seeds


Compile single scala file with TypeSafe Activator

I have Activator installed. Which means I have a full SBT on my system. I don't want to create a brand new activator project. All I want to do is compile a single scala file as we used to do with the scalac command. How can I do this please? Thanks.
You go into the directory containing your scala file and type "sbt compile" on the command line.
To run the program, you type "sbt run"
see also

Real SBT Classpath at Runtime

I have some test cases that need to look at the classpath to extract the paths of some files/directories in there. This works fine in the IDE.
The problem is that, when running SBT test, Properties.javaClassPath gives me /usr/share/sbt-launcher-packaging/bin/sbt-launch.jar.
The classpath is fine when I run show test:dependency-classpath. Is there a way to obtain that information from inside the running Scala/Java program? Or is there a way to toss it into a system property or environment variable?
By default the tests are run inside of the SBT process, so the classpath will look like it did when you started sbt (I guess sbt does some trixery to dynamicly load the classes for the tests, not sure). One way to do what you want is to run your tests in a forked jvm, that way sbt will start a new jvm to run the test suite and that should have the expected class path:
fork in Test := true
I have been working on understanding how the EmbeddedCassandra works in the spark-cassandra-connector project which uses the classpath to start up and control a Cassandra instance. Here is a line from their configuration that gets the correct classpath.
(compile in IntegrationTest) <<= (compile in Test, compile in IntegrationTest) map { (_, c) => c }
The entire source can be found here: https://github.com/datastax/spark-cassandra-connector/blob/master/project/Settings.scala
Information on the <<= operator can be found here: http://www.scala-sbt.org/0.12.2/docs/Getting-Started/More-About-Settings.html#computing-a-value-based-on-other-keys-values. I'm aware that this is not the current version of sbt, but the definition still holds.

build and executable jar using SBT

I have a simple Scala command line App that I want to package using SBT.
object Transform extends App {
val source = scala.io.Source.fromFile(args(0))
I can't seem to find anything in the SBT docs or an online example of a SBT configuration/command that would allows me to create a standalone executable jar (java -jar ...) with the appropriate manifest and dependencies included.
I did find SBT Assembly, but it looks to be a plugin for SBT < 0.13.5.
sbt-onejar was created for exactly this use case.

trouble with configuring scala project in intellij

I have been following the getting started with IntelliJ and Scala video from JetBrains and running into two problems.
I can't get it create or start a run configuration
I don't see the scala-test library as a selection under ProjectStructure-Modules-ChooseLibraries
What I've done so far is
Install Scala, add path and environment variables
Install Scala intellij plugin
Create new project set project sdk to java 1.7 and scala home to /usr/local/share/scala-2.10.3
Create an object that extends from App with a simple write line:
The one source file object
object HelloWorld{
def main(args: Array[String]) {
In the video they right click on the object file and can see a selection of run, but in my case I only see run as Scala Console. I can't seem to get the debugger to work and when I try to create a run configuration as an "Application" it says the src file is "not acceptable"
I'll recommend my simple project skeleton, to get you quickly up and running with Intellij, SBT and even Eclipse setup. Hope it helps!

How to compile tests with SBT without running them

Is there a way to build tests with SBT without running them?
My own use case is to run static analysis on the test code by using a scalac plugin. Another possible use case is to run some or all of the test code using a separate runner than the one built into SBT.
Ideally there would be a solution to this problem that applies to any SBT project. For example, Maven has a test-compile command that can be used just to compile the tests without running them. It would be great if SBT had the same thing.
Less ideal, but still very helpful, would be solutions that involve modifying the project's build files.
Just use the Test / compile command.
Test/compile works for compiling your unit tests.
To compile integration tests you can use IntegrationTest/compile.
Another hint to continuously compile on every file change: ~Test/compile
We have a build.sbt file that is used for multiple projects. Doing sbt test:compile compiled the tests for every single project and took over 30 minutes.
I found out I can compile only the tests for a specific project named xyz by doing:
sbt xyz/test:compile
Using sbt version 1.5.0 and higher test:compile returns deprecation warning.
Use Test / compile.