Compile single scala file with TypeSafe Activator - scala

I have Activator installed. Which means I have a full SBT on my system. I don't want to create a brand new activator project. All I want to do is compile a single scala file as we used to do with the scalac command. How can I do this please? Thanks.

You go into the directory containing your scala file and type "sbt compile" on the command line.
To run the program, you type "sbt run"
see also


Compiling with scalac does not find sbt dependencies

I tried running my Scala code in VSCode editor. I am able to run my script via spark-submit command. But when I am trying with scalac to compile, I am getting:
.\src\main\scala\sample.scala:1: error: object apache is not a member of package org
import org.apache.spark.sql.{SQLContext,SparkSession}
I have already added respective library dependencies to build.sbt.
Have you tried running sbt compile?
Running scalac directly means you're compiling only one file, without the benefits of sbt and especially the dependencies that you have added in your build.sbt file.
In a sbt project, there's no reason to use scalac directly. This defeats the purpose of sbt.

compile/package multiple configurations from command line sbt scala

is there a way to build/compile all configurations at once? I have a project that has a Dev configuration in addition to the default Compile and Test configuration, and i am looking for a command or a setting in my build.sbt that would allow me to compile/package all 3 configurations at once.
Basically looking for a way to avoid having to do these 3 commands to build the entire source tree:
sbt compile
sbt dev:compile
sbt test:compile
When I use sbt from IntelliJ it is able to do this on building the project, but I am looking to do this from the command line.
First, you can run multiple tasks with a single sbt invocation:
sbt compile dev:compile test:compile
Second, you could define an alias in your build which does what you want:
addCommandAlias("compileAll", "; compile; dev:compile; test:compile")
Then, just run sbt compileAll.

how to run scala .jar with external jar files in terminal

I have my .jar built from scala classes and it has an external dependency with other.jar. Please suggest how should I run my jar files in terminal. The command I tried is
$scala my_scala.jar external.jar
It works same way as running java program. Try this
scala -classpath <your_scala_jar>:<external_jar> <package.MainClass>

running sbt class using only a jar

Is there any way to run sbt commands with only a jar instead of a project?
I've been having issues using scopt with java or scala commands, and it only seems to work with sbt.
Ideally something like
sbt --jar <jar name>/"run-main <options"
You'd probably want to package everything up into something you can execute. One possibility would be to create a fat jar using something like sbt-assembly.
Once you've built your jar, you can then:
java -jar /path/to.jar --your-options
Take note that at this point you can only do what would have been the equivalent of sbt run-main with the jar. You cannot of course invoke any of the other sbt commands on the jar created.

build and executable jar using SBT

I have a simple Scala command line App that I want to package using SBT.
object Transform extends App {
val source =
I can't seem to find anything in the SBT docs or an online example of a SBT configuration/command that would allows me to create a standalone executable jar (java -jar ...) with the appropriate manifest and dependencies included.
I did find SBT Assembly, but it looks to be a plugin for SBT < 0.13.5.
sbt-onejar was created for exactly this use case.