Sitecore content editor not always asks to update broken links - content-management-system

I have a problem regarding broken links in Sitecore.
Our tree is filled by a console application with data from an other, older cms through the Sitecore item API.
We have products that are linked to Categories with a multilist. When an editor deletes a category, sitecore should give a popup to handle the broken links. This he does in 1 of the 4 cases. In the other cases Sitecore does not give a popup and the category deleted still appears in the multilist as "Not in the selection list".
Is there something wrong with how we insert the items or is it just Sitecore not being able to handle large amounts of data in the linking story?
FYI: we have around 160 categories and more than 1200 products.
Thank you in advance.

#Marek Musielak 's comment did the trick. Rebuilding the Links Database is the best way to ensure no broken links.


categories not showing suite commerce advanced netsuite

We are in the process of setting up our new website with Suite Commerce Advance - this means that we have been moving items around in categories, we seem to have an issue where items are disappearing within the categories (they are still present on the website if you search from them) has anyone else had this problem and how do you solve it?
i hope the problem was already solved, for other folks facing the same.
follow the following step:
Check whether the categories are properly tagged in commerce categories.
Check the display in webstore checkbox to be true.
Inside Webstore tab -> WebSite categories-> Site category = Home.
Then build index and cache invalidation request. Not always
mandatory(but if any thing changes in record level).

Reorder Umbraco to have Articles/Year/Month/Article map structure

I have a website that's been running for over a year. The overview is getting lost in the Articles doctype and I've been asked to change the file structure from Articles/Article to Articles/Year/Month/Article.
In short, the admin opens Umbraco and sees the Articles and clicks the arrow to see all the articles. It then takes a couple of minutes since the are all loaded. Instead I want a map structure that devides the articles into year and month published.
Since i'm talking about 5k articles, I can't really do this manually.
Any advice?
You could do 2 things:
Create a simple script which moves all articles into a year/month folder structure. Should be pretty simple to make.
Add a List View content type on your "Articles" template. It will give a searchable list with all 5K articles. It will prevent the loadtime in Umbraco UI. You can see how the list view works here:
You need to look at the UrlProvider and ContentFinder configuration in your umbraco instance.
Shouldn't require any manual editing of the articles provided they were posted on the days you would like them to display as.
Take a look at this:

Looking for an Extension of an extensive link list

For the construction of an extensive list of links, since the source page is a thematic portal, I am looking for a suitable EXT., Which also runs under TYPO3 7.6 LTS.
it if the list of links to a permits the use of categories and multiple categorization of links is possible would be nice. should Weiterrhin the links are described not only the destination address and an alias but here should still an outline of the target page (possibly with photo) be possible.
Additional functions such as proposing links by users, reporting broken links or even a User Voting would nice additional features.
There were times the Modern Linklist, but they were no longer being developed for TYPO3 <6.x.
Is there perhaps somewhere an alternative or as one might like to vorhnandenen solutions might realize? It would be nice of course, without any programming knowledge, since I'm not a programmer.
P.S .: It is not about building a spam list but high quality links with topics relating to the original page.
As this seems to be a straight forward usage you could try to build that extension by yourself with the ExtensionBuilder.
just build up the records neccessary for your data. and let the EB generate all usefull actions: list & show, even create, edit, delete in FE would be possible.
Afterwards you just need to edit the generated fluid templates.
these links may help:
EB manual
small remark: if you want the newest code state, use the EB from git instead of TER
I`m not aware of an existing extension for it but it could be a good project to learn extbase / fluid.
You should also take a look at
Fluid Content contains everything you need to create a list like that, you "just" have to combine the necessary bits and pieces.
You can do a lot with TYPO3 core functionality: there is a page type "external URL", pages can have categories by default, there are plenty of menu options (TypoScript HMENU, menu content elements, Fluid menu Viewhelpers). The Linkvalidator can periodically check all links and report broken links.
For suggestions you could add a form. Powermail for example can also store submitted info in database records, so your visitors could prepare page records (they are hidden until you make them visible).

Best Product Listing Option for Concrete5

I'm going to be creating a Concrete5 website that will feature product listings. The listing system must offer all your typical ecommerce features, minus the ability to purchase items. It's strictly for browsing purposes only.
For example:
- Browse by category
- Search products
- Listings/results page with thumbnails and brief information (title, description, price in US/CAD, manufacturer, maker, etc.)
- Products single page (with detailed information, attributes and gallery/images)
All the things you'd expect to find in a listing system.
My issue is I can't find a specific add-on for something like product listings. This leaves me thinking that it may be best to use the e-commerce add on and do my best to hide anything related to the cart/payment process. That way it could just be used for everything else it offers.
What are your thoughts on this? Is there a better option?
Thanks for the advice!
Use the page list block. It has everything you need except for searching. But, in essence, that's what your requirements call for -- listing of pages.
Create a page type for your "product". The "brief information" can be in the Content block, or you can set as attributes. You'll probably want to make some minor changes to the block's view (by creating a new template) that displays the image as you want, the proper attributes, etc. Something similar to
There are several adanced page list blocks in the marketplace. You might want to start with those.
Right creat Page type.
After creat Page attributes.
Add a block page_list create a template for it and filter by attributes.
You can even use ajax to filter.
U can find here about page_list or read documentation Concrete5.

Joomla1.5 CRUD extension tutorial

I need to build a basic CRUD joomla extension for a customer.
On the user's side, it must display a product list when the user choose a category, and the product details when an item is selected in the list. On the product details page, the user can send a message to the site's owner regarding the chosen product.
On the admin side, user must be able to add/modify/delete products and categories. That's about it.
Does anybody knows (a) good tutorial(s) that could help me get started with this project?
I've worked with php 4 years ago and have 5+ years experience in web development (.net), but i'm new to joomla.
Thanks in advance!
Sounds like to me you are looking for an e-commerce extension with a catalog mode (no purchases/no cart enabled) and an Ask a Question form on product pages. I know that at least Virtuemart has this ability exactly. I am sure there are other simpler carts that will also accommodate your need.
Spend a couple of hours trying out carts, no code writing required.
A great place to start is the Joomla docs site.
Checkout Component Development section.
Also, here is MVC Component Tutorial (there are 6 section to it, look for links at the bottom for "Next"), it will definitely put you on the right track. You will have to add a lot of your project specific things and do out of the box things, but it should be pretty easy.
Just keep things separate to make it easier
View/Template - your presentation
Controller - logic
Model - Data Access Layer (DAL)