Dynamically reload a table in a form programatically - forms

I have a form in Dynamics AX which displays a table of two columns in a grid. I also have a button on the form. I am overriding the clicked method of the button to update the Address field of the table. For example, here's my X++ code:
void clicked()
AddressTable addr;
select forUpdate addr where addr.addressID == 1;
addr.Address = "new address";
// reload table here
What I would like to do is to add a code to the clicked function which will reload (re-select) the updated records and show them in the form without a need of reopening the window or refreshing it using F5 (for example).
I went through forums and AX documentation and found a few methods like refresh and reread, but they are FormDataSource class methods and I failed to make it happen inside the clicked handler above.
So, what I really want to accomplish programaticallyis what F5 does behind the scenes when clicked on an open form.

Maybe just addressTable_ds.research(true); will do the job.
See also Refresh Issue on the form when the dialog closes.


How to prevent closing of cell editing in ag-grid on "Other Cell Focus"

I am working on an editable table in Angular application with ag-grid library. I would like to keep editing cells (in full row edit mode) until I finish with it and then close the editors manually via API. The problem is that the editor is closing on other cell click/focus (on some other line) as described here:
The grid will stop editing when any of the following happen:
Other Cell Focus: If focus in the grid goes to another cell, the editing will stop.
I cannot figure out how to disable this, if it is possible. Installing the onCellMouseDown() hook does not help, because the cellFocused event is fired before cellMouseDown. Therefore, the editing stops before I have a chance to intercept the mousedown event.
Here is my stackblitz little extract with related pieces of code.
The need for such scenario is that I want to validate the entry and not to allow a used to quit the editing if the form is not valid. The only workaround I found so far is that on any click outside of editing cells when the editor closing I reopen it right away in onRowEditingStopped() hook unless the editor has been closed via 'OK' button.
After all, I have managed to provide a custom solution that fits exactly into this problem which I was facing also.
First thing is to disable pointer events to non edited rows when a specific row is currently being edited. On Ag-grid's 'cellEditingStarted' callback I have added the following code:
public cellEditingStarted(event: any): void {
//not all rows are on dom ag-grid takes care of it
const nonSelectedGridRows = document.querySelectorAll('.ag-grid-custom-row:not(.ag-row-selected):not(.ag-row-editing):not(.pointer-events-none)');
forEach(nonSelectedGridRows, row => {
Because not all rows exist on dom (Ag-grid creates and destroys while you are scrolling )when a specific cell is being edited, I have also added a rowClassRule which is applied when rows are being created:
this.rowClassRules = {
'pointer-events-none': params => {
if (params.api.getEditingCells().length > 0) {
return true;
return false;
.pointer-events-none {
pointer-events: none
By disabling pointer events, when you click on a non edited cell the cell won't get focus and thus the currently edited cell will stil remain on edit mode. You can provide your own custom validation solution and close the editor manually through API. When you are done, you have to enable pointer events to all grid rows back again:
private enablePointerEvents(): void {
//not all rows are on dom ag-grid takes care of it
const nonSelectedGridRows = document.querySelectorAll('.ag-grid-custom-row.pointer-events-none');
forEach(nonSelectedGridRows, row => {
I implemented the same above approach in Ag-Grid React.
I used getRowStyle callback for adding the css pointerEvents: none on dynemic basis.
It seems to be working for me fine.
Please refer the below code
const getRowStyle = (params) => {
// this is not initialized in read mode
// condition for me ==> currentEditRowIndex.current !== null && params.node.rowIndex !== currentEditRowIndex.current
if (someCondition for Row other than inline edit row) {
return { pointerEvents: "none" };
return null;
After adding this whenver you start the editing..You will need to call redrawRows so that css changes can be applied.
Hope this will help. Thank You!!
Thought I would share another solution that has been working out okay for me so far.
Using 'pointer-events-none' as suggested in the other answer is flawed because the Enter key can also close the editor.
In my case, I want to prevent the editor from closing when client side validation has failed and the data is invalid. When my conditions are met, I call stopPropagation() on the events to prevent the editor close from happening in the first place. It still has potential problems:
It cancels mousedown, dblclick, keydown, focusout and click for all elements that have a class name starting with ag- so if you happen to use this class prefix for other controls on the page, it could interfere. It also means any controls within the grid (sorting, resizing, etc.) don't work while the condition is met.
Calling stopPropagation() could potentially interfere with your own custom controls. So far I've been okay if I dont use the ag- prefix within the markup from my own custom cell editors and renderers
I hope they can add a proper API function to cancel the row/cell stopEditing function in the future.
["mousedown", "dblclick", "keydown", "focusout", "click"].forEach(function (eventName) {
document.addEventListener(eventName, function (e) {
if ( conditionForCancelingIsMet() ) {
// this appears to cancel some events in agGrid, it works for
// preventing editor closing on clicking other cells for example.
// It would be ideal if this worked for all ag-grid specific events
// and had a proper public API to use!
e["__ag_Grid_Stop_Propagation"] = true;
// convert element classList to normal js array so we can use some()
var classArray = [].slice.apply(e.target.classList);
if ( conditionForCancelingIsMet() && classArray.some(c => c.startsWith("ag-")) ) {
// unfortunately some events like pressing the 'enter' key still
// require stopPropagation() and could potentially interfere with unrelated controls
}, true);

GWT Detect DOM changes or modifications

What am I trying to do?
I have an existing page (generated by system automatically and I don't have any control on it) in which I am injecting GWT code to modify the behaviour of the page after it loads based on certain columns and augment the functionality of the page. For example after adding my GWT code, cells in one of the table columns become clickable and when the user clicks it, additional information is displayed to the user in a pop-up panel. All that is working fine.
What is the issue?
The generic page in which I am injecting my code has paginated table which shows 15 rows at a time. Now, when I load/refresh the page, my GWT code kicks in and sinks events in the specific column which adds functionality (described above) to the cells. However, when the user uses the left and right buttons to navigate the paginated result, the page does not refresh as it is an asynchronous call. The specific column in the new set of 15 rows is now without the sunk events as the GWT code does not know that the page changed.
I am trying to find a way to tell my GWT code that page has changed and it should sink events to the cells of specific column for the new 15 rows but unable to find any method or mechanism to help me capture a DOM/Document change event. I tried doing this but did not help:
new ChangeHandler(){
public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) {
Window.alert("Something Changed");
It is possible I am missing something very obvious. Posting this question to know if there is an easy way to figure out DOM changes in GWT. Have searched for DOM/Document change/mutation/ etc. without luck.
If anyone knows how to detect DOM changes in GWT would really appreciate otherwise would go ahead writing native code using native mutation observers.
You can try something like this:
First get the input elements with:
InputElement goOn = DOM.getElementById("IdOfGoOnButton").cast();
InputElement goBack = DOM.getElementById("IdOfGoBackButton").cast();
Next add a native EventHandler:
Event.addNativePreviewHandler(new Event.NativePreviewHandler() {
public void onPreviewNativeEvent(Event.NativePreviewEvent event) {
if (event.getTypeInt() == Event.ONCLICK) {
if (event.getNativeEvent()
.getEventTarget() != null) {
Element as = Element.as(event.getNativeEvent()
if (as.getTagName()
.equals("input")) {
InputElement clickedElement = as.cast();
if (clickedElement.getId().equals(goOn.getId()) ||
clickedElement.getId().equals(goBack.getId())) {
// one of the paging button is pressed
Hope that helps.

How to add a custom selection Handler to a celltable

I want to add a special selection model to the celltable. Basically the function i want to have is to select a row on the table which is located on left side, a corresponding form will pop up on the right side.
I know so many people will use the singleSelectionModel with SelectionChangeHandler.
But there is problem with this method.
For example, if I select row 1 on the table. the form pop up. I close the form by clicking the close-button. Later then, I select the row 1 again, the event is not fired, because it is SelectionChangeHandler. I have to select other row before doing this. This is no good.
So I think there are a few ways to do this:
Make the row deselected right after I select the row.
Use click handler to fire the event ( to pop up the form)
Use other selection model with other selection handler to do this. (I have no ideas about this though)
So my questions are,
Does anyone know what kind of other selection handler I can use for this.
If I use the click handler on celltable, will there be any problem?
I just want to learn more about this. So any ideas will be welcome.
Thanks a lot.
Best Regards.
Use NoSelectionModel. It won't update the table view after the row is selected. That is, even if the same row is selected, the change event is fired.
//Here 'Contact' is the datatype of the record
final NoSelectionModel<Contact> selModel = new NoSelectionModel<Contact>();
selModel.addSelectionChangeHandler(new Handler() {
public void onSelectionChange(SelectionChangeEvent event) {
Contact clickedObject = selModel.getLastSelectedObject();
GWT.log("Selected " + clickedObject.name);
I have using cell table in my each project. The better way to just deselect row manually as u mention. and make change css such as selected cell table's row look not changed after selection.

SIP prevents EF from auto-detecting object change on WP7

I have an issue trying to persist entities to the DB using code-first technique. For example of what I am doing you may look at the following MSDN Sample. The app generally works as intended except for one case.
If I have an existing entity and I bind it to a page that has a TextBox to hold the Title field and a AppBar icon to Save (similar to the 'New Task' screenshot in the above link, but with values pre-filled with existing entity with Two-Way binding), the following issue occurs. If I have the TextBox selected and I change the title and hit the save button, it updates the entity in-memory so that the full list now displays the new title. But the new title is not persisted to the DB (it does not auto-detect changes). This is weird, not just because the object in-memory has changed, but also because if I deselect the TextBox and then hit save, it will persist the changes to the DB.
I have seen other questions on SO with some change detection issues, they suggest adding this.Focus() or focusing some other element at the beginning of the save method. This does not help in my case. Unless I tap on screen to deselect the TextBox and hide the keyboard (or press Return key on the keyboard, which I bound to do this.Focus()), it won't detect the object as changed.
How can I address this? What exactly is stopping EF from detecting the object change when the keyboard is still visible?
Not sure if I follow exactly what you described but I think the problem is that the property you have bound your textbox to does not get updated until the TextChanged is fired on the textbox, and this is done first when you leave the Textbox, basically it will lose Focus if you tap somewhere else.
There is a simple workaround for this and it behaviors. By making a small behavior you can force the textbox to update the binding on each keystroke - so everything is updated while you type and keyboard is still there.
/// <summary>
/// Update property on every keystroke in a textbox
/// </summary>
public class UpdateTextSourceTriggerBehavior : Behavior<TextBox>
protected override void OnAttached()
this.AssociatedObject.TextChanged += OnTextBoxTextChanged;
void OnTextBoxTextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
var bindingExpression = AssociatedObject.ReadLocalValue(TextBox.TextProperty) as BindingExpression;
if (bindingExpression != null)
protected override void OnDetaching()
this.AssociatedObject.TextChanged -= OnTextBoxTextChanged;
Now just attach this behavior to your textbox like this:
<TextBox Text="{Binding YourPropertyName, Mode=TwoWay}">
This will keep the property on your viewmodel updated all the time, so that when you tap on save directly after typing in the textbox it will save the correct value. Hope it helps!

Get Value on a Window with GridPanel using ExtJS

I have a situation here: I have a form field with trigger xtype, what I want to happen on my trigger function is to open a window with a list or grid of data in it. I want to get the value of those data and assign it as the value of my form field with trigger. Can anyone help me solve this problem. Thank you very much.
You have multiple solutions for this.
You can make use Saki's simple message bus to do the communication between extjs components.
You can create an custom event for your trigger field. When user selects a record in your window, fire the event with the selected record.
Inside your onTriggerClick :
Display your window with grid / view for user selection
Inside your Window (on some submit button):
onSubmitClick: function(){
// Get the selected record & fire event
var selected = grid.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
Inside your event processing (Will be on TriggerField):
onRecordSelect: function(record) {
// Now you have access to the selected record.. process it,
// Set the trigger field value etc
this.setValue('Your Value for Trigger Field');
Note: This is a skeleton code and not a complete solution. You will need to add your code according to your requirements.