How to add a custom selection Handler to a celltable - gwt

I want to add a special selection model to the celltable. Basically the function i want to have is to select a row on the table which is located on left side, a corresponding form will pop up on the right side.
I know so many people will use the singleSelectionModel with SelectionChangeHandler.
But there is problem with this method.
For example, if I select row 1 on the table. the form pop up. I close the form by clicking the close-button. Later then, I select the row 1 again, the event is not fired, because it is SelectionChangeHandler. I have to select other row before doing this. This is no good.
So I think there are a few ways to do this:
Make the row deselected right after I select the row.
Use click handler to fire the event ( to pop up the form)
Use other selection model with other selection handler to do this. (I have no ideas about this though)
So my questions are,
Does anyone know what kind of other selection handler I can use for this.
If I use the click handler on celltable, will there be any problem?
I just want to learn more about this. So any ideas will be welcome.
Thanks a lot.
Best Regards.

Use NoSelectionModel. It won't update the table view after the row is selected. That is, even if the same row is selected, the change event is fired.
//Here 'Contact' is the datatype of the record
final NoSelectionModel<Contact> selModel = new NoSelectionModel<Contact>();
selModel.addSelectionChangeHandler(new Handler() {
public void onSelectionChange(SelectionChangeEvent event) {
Contact clickedObject = selModel.getLastSelectedObject();
GWT.log("Selected " +;

I have using cell table in my each project. The better way to just deselect row manually as u mention. and make change css such as selected cell table's row look not changed after selection.


Select single row with checkbox in sap.ui.table

I am trying select single row of sap.ui.table with checkbox.
There are 2 modes for this table
In multi selection mode there are checkboxes for each row and multiple rows can be selected - but I want only a single row to be selected
In single selection mode, it allows only a row to be selected - but there are no check boxes.
How to achieve a table with checkboxes with only one selectable row?
It is possible with sap.m.table, but my requirement is to make it work with sap.ui.table.
Why I wouldn't recommend doing this:
Checkboxes (selectionMode="MultiToggle") are usually used to signal the user that he's able to select no, one or more options, while radio buttons (selectionMode="Single") tell the user that he's only able to choose one option.
See:, nngroup, uxplanet-radio, uxplanet-checkbox
In your case, I'd recommend using the selectionMode="Single" and either set the selectionBehavior attribute to Row, RowOnly or RowSelector (SelectionBehaviour).
As #jasbir pointed out, you could use the rowSelectionChange event in order to invoke a function that grabs the index (getSelectedIndex) of the row that was just selected. You can then call the setSelectedIndex function on the sap.ui.table.Table and pass it the grabbed index. This will remove previously selected rows and set the currently selected row as selected.
<Table id="yourTableId"
And in the controller.
onSelectionChange: function(oEvent) {
var oYourTable = this.getView().byId("yourTableId"),
iSelectedIndex = oEvent.getSource().getSelectedIndex();
Note: Since the setSelectedIndex function triggers a rowSelectionChange the above function gets triggered twice (another indicator that this solution isn't intended behaviour).
Check the SAP Fiori Guidelines for the sap.ui.table.Table for further information.
You can use rowSelectionChange event whenever a selection is changed you can unselect other rows and keep the selected one.
Hope this helps

How to select a treeItem in a treeView, after checking a Condition on that treeItem, in Javafx

I have downloaded familyTree project and it doesn't have the ability to search for an specific family member!
I have added a search button to it, and in the handler method section, I need the code that searches for a member that has the specified socialID , and select it (scroll it to the sight, and make it blue (selected)). But I don't know how to programmatically select a treeItem, and make it visible and selected?
My code:
private void btnSearch_click(ActionEvent event){
for(TreeItem<FamilyMember> treeItem:root.getChildren()){
// treeView.setSelectionModel(item);
//it still doesnt select the item with nationality=="22"
You can select the item with
and if you still need to scroll (I think selecting it might automatically scroll to it), do
A couple of notes:
I do not understand the for loop. Why are you doing
TreeItem<FamilyMember> item = root.getChildren().get(i);
and why are you creating the index i? What is wrong with the treeItem variable you already defined in the loop syntax? Isn't this necessarily exactly the same thing as item?
You need to read How do I compare strings in Java?

Ag-Grid expand row

Im using Ag-grid to control my table, but i want in my group that stores a list of rows instead of having to make the row group expand in 2 clicks, i want to be on 1 click.
If i click on the icon arrow it works, but if i click on the title row it only opens on 2 clicks.
I already tried to find in the documentation any information about it, but cant find nothing.
Here is a example from the documentation.
example image:
We are now recommended not to use the onGroupExpandedOrCollapsed, so this should now be...
This will also update the icons and animate the rows, which onGroupExpandedOrCollapsed won't.
onRowClicked(params) {
This will toggle the expansion, use params.node.setExpanded(true) if you want the rows to just stay open.
You can listen to events on either a row or cell clicked, and expand nodes accordingly.
For example to expand a row based on a click you could do the following:
onRowClicked: (params) => {
// update the node to be expanded
params.node.expanded = true;
// tell the grid to redraw based on state of nodes expanded state
This should be in the documentation - I'll update it to reflect this information.
In the column definition, you can use the onCellClicked(params) function to tell it to do something when the cell is clicked. I tried looking for an expand function, but I could only find expandAll() which I don't think you will want. So what I would do is just use jquery or simple DOM selection to click on the expand icon inside of that cell.
this one works
onRowClicked(params) {
params.context.setExpand.onExpandClicked(params.rowIndex, params.node.rowHeight);

GWT: Multi Selection model does not update the celltable status in some cases

I am using the GWT MultiSelectionModel within a CellTable in which I have a checkbox in one column and a widget in the other column. I have added handlers to update the selection status based on user clicks. If the user clicks on any part of either columns when the cell is selected, the status gets updated correctly and the cell turns white from light blue. Howvever, If the user clicks on the check box and the cell is selected, the check box gets unchecked but the cell is still blue. Even more strange: This issue does not happen if I have a few breakpoints before the status update code is executed.
In all other cases, the cell state and the checkbox state gets updated correctly. Note that I am not using the ProvidesKeys interface since the object do not change.
Can anyone help me with this? Thanks for your help.
Have you tried using a CheckBoxCell for your checkbox column and, specifically, the CheckboxCell(boolean dependsOnSelection, boolean handlesSelection) constructor (by passing true to both params)?
I've got almost the same problem when I use MultiSelectionModel. What's my walkaround is to see the checkbox's column as a special one and then to deal with it manually. Say:
public void onCellPreview(final CellPreviewEvent<MyCellData> event){
if("click".equals(event.getNativeEvent().getType()) && 0 != event.getColumn()){

Select jQuery UI Button by Label or $.Data

My buttons are input type=button, id field set, and no text in between the tags since it appears to the right of my buttons rather than inside. (sorry, won't let me publish the html for some reason).
I .button() them and set their label. All works as expected, but I can't select them by :contains().
How do you select jQuery UI buttons by their labels?
Thanks in advance!
I don't select by id because the text of the button changes based upon a variable in my db. Is there a way to select by .data?
You should create a button and look how jQuery creates it. When you look at the example in the documentation you see that .button() creates a span element in the button element that contains the label. So you can query on this inner span element which has a class of ui-button-text.
But I think that you should overthink your code and rework it so that you can select on the ID since they are made to identify things.
Edit: Then go for the first advice
var buttons = $('button').filter(function (index) {
$('.ui-button-text:contains("' + your_string + '")', this).length > 0