Logging static file access to Eclipse console in Google AppEngine DevServer - eclipse

Is it possible to have the AppEngine dev server output a quick log message to the eclipse console every time it serves a static file?
For example, if my website loads "background.gif" (as a static file from the file system), I would like to see a line like "GET request for static file /war/resources/images/background.gif by" show up in the Eclipse console.
Maybe there is a command-line switch for tomcat (the server that appengine uses locally)? I couldn't find anything relevant here... But I did find some documentation about an "access log valve (?!?)" which might look promising, but I don't know if this does what I am looking for, or even if it does, how I can get any potential output to show up in the Eclipse console.

You can use a servlet Filter to intercept all requests:
public class LoggingFilter implements Filter {
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(LoggingFilter.class.getName());
public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
HttpServletRequest httpRequest = ((HttpServletRequest) request);
log.info(httpRequest.getMethod() + " request for " + httpRequest.getRequestURI() + " from " + httpRequest.getRemoteAddr());
request.getRequestDispatcher(httpRequest.getRequestURI()).forward(request, response);
public void destroy() {
The only problem is that you can not distinguish between requests static and dynamic content. In order to do so, you could put all static content under one directory and that map this Filter to only that path.


Gwt Logging into Client UI from Server-side

I have created GWT app, in which I have a Vertical Panel where I log the details.
Client side logging I'm doing using logger
sample code is:
public static VerticalPanel customLogArea = new VerticalPanel();
public static Logger rootLogger = Logger.getLogger("");
if (LogConfiguration.loggingIsEnabled()) {
rootLogger.addHandler(new HasWidgetsLogHandler(customLogArea));
And I'm updating my vertical log panel using this code
"Already Present in Process Workspace\n");
But now my question is , I have to log server side details also into my vertical log panel.
My serverside GreetingServiceImpl code is:
public boolean createDirectory(String fileName)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
Boolean result = false;
try {
"I want to log this to my UI vertical log Panel");
system.out.println("log this to UI");
File dir = new File("D:/GenomeSamples/" + fileName);
if (!dir.exists()) {
result = dir.mkdir();
} catch (Exception e) {
return result;
Now I want to log sysoutprt statements to my UI from here. How can I achieve this. Now using rootLogger.log(Level.INFO,
"I want to log this to my UI vertical log Panel"); code it is logging this to eclipse console . But how to log this to my UI in client side.
Please let me know If anything wrong in this question.
If I understood you right, you want to see your server log entries in web interface. And of course, java logger and printStackTrace() won't help you in that: your gwt code is compiled to JavaScript and has nothing to do with console and log files. Besides, your server can't "push" log entries to client - it's up to client to make requests. So if you want to track new log entries and move it to client, you need to poll server for new entries. And yet another problem: you may have many clients polling your servlet and you should keep in mind this multi-threading.
This is how I see probable implementation (it's just concept, may contain some errors and misspellings):
Remote interface:
public interface GreetingService extends RemoteService {
List<String> getLogEntries();
boolean createDirectory(String fileName)throws IllegalArgumentException;
Remote Servlet:
public class GreetingServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements GreetingService {
public static final String LOG_ENTRIES = "LogEntries";
public List<String> getLogEntries() {
List<String> entries = getEntriesFromSession();
List<String>copy = new ArrayList<String>(entries.size());
//prevent loading the same entries twice
return copy;
public boolean createDirectory(String fileName)throws IllegalArgumentException {
Boolean result = false;
try {
log("I want to log this to my UI vertical log Panel");
log("log this to UI");
File dir = new File("D:/GenomeSamples/" + fileName);
if (!dir.exists()) {
result = dir.mkdir();
} catch (Exception e) {
log("Exception occurred: " + e.getMessage());
return result;
private List<String> getEntriesFromSession() {
HttpSession session= getThreadLocalRequest().getSession();
List<String>entries = (List<String>)session.getAttribute(LOG_ENTRIES);
if (entries == null) {
entries = new ArrayList<String>();
return entries;
private void log(String message) {
Simple implementation of polling (gwt client-side):
Timer t = new Timer() {
public void run() {
greetingAsyncService.getLogEntries(new AsyncCallBack<List<String>>() {
void onSuccess(List<String>entries) {
//put entries to your vertical panel
void onFailure(Throwable caught){
//handle exceptions
// Schedule the timer to run once in second.
greetingAsyncService.createDirectory(fileName, new AsyncCallBack<Void>(){
void onSuccess(List<String>entries) {
//no need to poll anymore
void onFailure(Throwable caught){
//handle exceptions
As you can see, I have used session to keep log entries, because session is client-specific and so different clients will receive different logs. It's up to you to decide what to use - you may create your own Logger class that will track users itself and give appropriate logs to appropriate clients.
And also you may want to save level of your messages (INFO,ERROR etc.) and then display messages in different colors (red for ERROR, for instance). To do so, you need to save not List, but some your custom class.
You'd create a logging servlet that has the same methods as your logging framework to send log messages to your server via RPC.
Here are some sample RPC log methods you can use:
public interface LogService extends RemoteService {
public void logException(String logger, String priority, String message, String error, StackTraceElement[] stackTrace, String nativeStack);
public interface LogServiceAsync {
public void logException(String logger, String priority, String message, String error, StackTraceElement[] stackTrace, String nativeStack, AsyncCallback<Void> callback);
public class LogServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements LogService {
public void logException(String loggerName, String priority, String logMessage, String errorMessage, StackTraceElement[] stackTrace, String nativeStack) {
Logger logger = getLogger(loggerName);
Level level = getLevel(priority);
// Create a Throwable to log
Throwable caught = new Throwable();
if (errorMessage != null && stackTrace != null) {
caught = new Throwable(errorMessage);
//do stuff with the other passed arguments (optional)
logger.log(level, message, caught);
Although those implementations are very nice, forget about timers and repeated server queries. We've something better now.
It's possible to push data from server to client using Atmosphere which supports WebSockets.

GWT : Getting a 404 error when unit testing RequestBuilder

I use the GWT RequestBuilder, and for testing purposes, I'd like to load a json file in the server.
It works perfectly with the DevMode, but throw a 404 error with GWTTestCase.
With RPC, there is a fix adding <servlet path=".." class="..."/>, but what can I do with static content ?
I could easily use #TextResource, but it's not the goal of my UnitTest (which is in fact a functionnal test)
Static resources can be bundled with a module by putting them in the module's public path.
I used (once again) Thomas's answer to resolve the problem. My module is io.robusta.fora.comments.Comment.gwt.xml and I've put my user.json file in the io.robsuta.fora.comments.resources package.
I had so to add in Comment.gwt.xml file : <public path="resources"/>
Then the GWTTestCase is straightforward :
public class GwtRestClientTest extends GWTTestCase{
public String getModuleName() {
return "io.robusta.fora.comments.Comments";
public void testGET(){
String base = GWT.getModuleBaseURL();
System.out.println(base); //->
GwtRestClient client = new GwtRestClient(base); //base url
AsyncCallback<String> cb = new AsyncCallback<String>() {
public void onSuccess(String result) {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
client.GET("user.json", null, cb);//fetch my json file with no params

gwt - servlet path + url

I need to read data from an xml file that is under the WAR directory.
I'm using RequestBuilder for creating the GET request.
It looks like this:
RequestBuilder requestBuilder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET,"customerRecord.xml");
try {
requestBuilder.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() {
public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) {
public void onResponseReceived(Request request,Response response) {
} catch (RequestException ex) {
Now, the thing is that I don't want to load all of the data. I want to send a parameter that tells the server which part to bring, (let's say - how many lines of data) and then override the doGet method of the servlet and deal with the parameter.
I have 2 questions:
1) how do I declare the path of the servlet? where is the connection between the servlet and the request??
2) What do I write in the url of the RequestBuilder (instead of "customerRecord.xml")? do I need to refer to the servlet there or I can keep it like
May be You mean GWT Service?
You need to create 2 interfaces - Service and ServiceAsync and implementation of Service in server package (on same level as client package). Then You define implementation as servlet (in my JBoss 7.1 it just annotation. in older version servlet mapping):
#WebServlet(name="YourService", urlPatterns={"/%module%/YourService"})
public class YourServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements YourService
in Your modeule.xml write:
<servlet path="/YourService" class="org.name.YourServiceImpl"/>
and in the end You can call this service from Your code
YourService.App.getInstance().getSomething(new AsyncCallback<Collection<Something>>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
new MessagePopup("Error: " + caught.getMessage()).center();
public void onSuccess(Collection<Something> result) {
Interfaces You can create from Your beloved IDE. It's much simpler)
One think which still bothering me - I cannot specify path for servlet in another module.

GWT RequestBuilder fails with SSL connections (in tests). Why? Are there any workarounds?

I try to connect to a (local) web service using the GWT RequestBuilder with a secure connection (SSL), but the connection isn't established... When I connect using a plain HTTP connection everything works fine.
Some details
everything works fine when I'm using my browser to view the pages,
I use an auto signed SSL certificate on my local machine,
the tests fail because the actual response code (responseCode) is not set,
the tests work fine if I'm using a plain HTTP connection (no SSL).
package com.example.services;
import com.google.gwt.http.client.*;
import com.google.gwt.junit.client.GWTTestCase;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.Timer;
public class RequestBuilderTest extends GWTTestCase {
private static String SERVER_URL = "";
private static final int ASSERT_DELAY_IN_MS = 15000;
private static final int TEST_DURATION_IN_MS = 20000;
private int statusCode;
public void testGet() throws Exception {
new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET, SERVER_URL).sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() {
public void onError(Request request, Throwable e) {
public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) {
statusCode = response.getStatusCode();
new Timer() {
public void run() {
assertEquals(Response.SC_OK, statusCode);
public String getModuleName() {
return "com.example.services.RequestBuilder";
test passes with SERVER_URL = "";
test fails with SERVER_URL = "";
This is the stack trace for junit:
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Remote test failed at
expected=200 actual=0
Any ideas on what could be wrong and how can I make the tests work with SSL?
How can I force the tests to run in secure mode? I use eclipse... I tried setting some "Program arguments" in the "Run configurations" (for the junit tests), but they don't work... Here are the arguments:
-noserver -startupUrl -bindAddress
Is it better if I just deactivate the SSL on the server? These tests are meant to be launched on the continuous integration server and I wanted to test them using SSL.
It sounds like you're running into a same-origin policy problem. Embedding a URL into the app like that is inherently unreliable. Instead, use GWT.getModuleBaseUrl().

GWT requestbuilder with asynchronous servlet 3.0

I have example project StockWatcher using requestbuilder to communicate with servlet (this example). I want to make servlet asynchronous. I have added the following lines to the doGet method:
final AsyncContext ac = request.startAsync();
ac.setTimeout(1 * 60 * 1000);
ac.addListener(new AsyncListener() {
public void onError(AsyncEvent arg0) throws IOException {
public void onComplete(AsyncEvent event) throws IOException {
public void onTimeout(AsyncEvent event) throws IOException {
public void onStartAsync(AsyncEvent arg0) throws IOException {
added asynchronous annotation: #WebServlet(asyncSupported=true)
and changed the rest of doGet method with:
PrintWriter out = ac.getResponse().getWriter();
Now there is nothing returning. What do I wrong? Have to change something in client side? Glassfish 3 does not show any errors.
You are not doing anything wrong. GWT uses servlet 2.5 and it blocks if you try something async. I've the same problem right now although I use Vaadin (which uses GWT). A link I've found on the topic: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.org.google.gwt/48496
There is a page claiming to have the problem solved: http://blog.orange11.nl/2011/02/25/getting-gwt-to-work-with-servlet-3-async-requests/
I have not been able to try this out yet.