Usecase of an reference to scalar in perl? - perl

I'm learning perl references, I understand the usefullness of the references to hases or arrays. But thinking about in what scenarios can be useful a reference to an scalar value.
my $x = 1;
my $sr = \$x;
where can be useful to use $$sr, instead of direct use of $x?
For example, when traversing any deep hashref structure, isn't the common practice returning a reference if the given node is hashref or arrayref, but returning directly the scalar value instead of returning a reference to the scalar?
Exists some functions or modules what uses or return references to scalars, instead of returning the scalar's value?

In a subroutine, when you want to directly modify the values being passed into it.
sub increment_this {
my ( $inc_ref ) = #_;
Bit of a trivial case I know, but perhaps more pertinent would be examples like chomp which removes trailing letters from a variable or $_.
If you think about it though - $_ is often effectively a reference.
If you do this:
my #array = qw ( 1 2 3 );
foreach ( #array ) {
print #array;
Modifying $_ has modified the contents of the array.

I think the real answer lies in your question itself: References to scalars are not terribly useful, and you can probably just ignore that they exist when writing code. The main usefulness as hinted at by perreal is that you can point to the same memory location: Share a variable between objects.
However, for curiosity and academic purposes, one rather obscure thing comes to mind, besides the good examples left by perreal and Sobrique. You can open a file handle to print to a variable:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $string;
open my $fh, ">", \$string or die $!;
print $fh "Inside the string";
print Dumper $string;
# prints $VAR1 = 'Inside the string';

When you want to share a scalar between objects:
my $v = 1;
my %h1 = (a=>\$v);
my %h2 = (b=>\$v);
print ${$h1{a}}, "\n";
print ${$h2{b}}, "\n";

It is usefull when you have to pass huge strings to a sub, and don't want to do a copy of them to make faster and don't waste the memory:
sub my_sub {
my $str = shift; #makes a copy of a reference => cheaper
#do something with $$str
$x = ' ... large string ...';

#TLP mentioned file handles, which prompted another example:
Passing around file handles. Good practice for manipulating files is to use lexical file handles, to avoid namespace pollution.
sub write_header {
my ( $fh_ref ) = #_;
print ${$fh_ref} "This is a header\n";
open ( my $output, ">", "output_filename" );
write_header ( \$output );
write_content ( \$output );
write_footer ( \$output );
close ( $output );


Is it possible to convert a stringified reference from a SCALAR back to a REF? [duplicate]

Is there any way to get Perl to convert the stringified version e.g (ARRAY(0x8152c28)) of an array reference to the actual array reference?
For example
perl -e 'use Data::Dumper; $a = [1,2,3];$b = $a; $a = $a.""; warn Dumper (Then some magic happens);'
would yield
$VAR1 = [
Yes, you can do this (even without Inline C). An example:
use strict;
use warnings;
# make a stringified reference
my $array_ref = [ qw/foo bar baz/ ];
my $stringified_ref = "$array_ref";
use B; # core module providing introspection facilities
# extract the hex address
my ($addr) = $stringified_ref =~ /.*(0x\w+)/;
# fake up a B object of the correct class for this type of reference
# and convert it back to a real reference
my $real_ref = bless(\(0+hex $addr), "B::AV")->object_2svref;
print join(",", #$real_ref), "\n";
but don't do that. If your actual object is freed or reused, you may very well
end up getting segfaults.
Whatever you are actually trying to achieve, there is certainly a better way.
A comment to another answer reveals that the stringification is due to using a reference as a hash key. As responded to there, the better way to do that is the well-battle-tested
The first question is: do you really want to do this?
Where is that string coming from?
If it's coming from outside your Perl program, the pointer value (the hex digits) are going to be meaningless, and there's no way to do it.
If it's coming from inside your program, then there's no need to stringify it in the first place.
Yes, it's possible: use Devel::FindRef.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Devel::FindRef;
sub ref_again {
my $str = #_ ? shift : $_;
my ($addr) = map hex, ($str =~ /\((.+?)\)/);
Devel::FindRef::ptr2ref $addr;
my $ref = [1, 2, 3];
my $str = "$ref";
my $ref_again = ref_again($str);
print Dumper($ref_again);
The stringified version contains the memory address of the array object, so yes, you can recover it. This code works for me, anyway (Cygwin, perl 5.8):
use Inline C;
#a = (1,2,3,8,12,17);
$a = \#a . "";
print "Stringified array ref is $a\n";
($addr) = $a =~ /0x(\w+)/;
$addr = hex($addr);
$c = recover_arrayref($addr);
#c = #$c;
print join ":", #c;
AV* recover_arrayref(int av_address) { return (AV*) av_address; }
$ perl
Stringified array ref is ARRAY(0x67ead8)
I'm not sure why you want to do this, but if you really need it, ignore the answers that use the tricks to look into memory. They'll only cause you problems.
Why do you want to do this? There's probably a better design. Where are you getting that stringified reference from.
Let's say you need to do it for whatever reason. First, create a registry of objects where the hash key is the stringified form, and the value is a weakened reference:
use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
my $array = [ ... ];
$registry{ $array } = $array;
weaken( $registry{ $array } ); # doesn't count toward ref count
Now, when you have the stringified form, you just look it up in the hash, checking to see that it's still a reference:
if( ref $registry{$string} ) { ... }
You could also try Tie::RefHash and let it handle all of the details of this.
There is a longer example of this in Intermediate Perl.
In case someone finds this useful, I'm extending tobyink's answer by adding support for detecting segmentation faults. There are two approaches I discovered. The first way locally replaces $SIG{SEGV} and $SIG{BUS} before dereferencing. The second way masks the child signal and checks if a forked child can dereference successfully. The first way is significantly faster than the second.
Anyone is welcome to improve this answer.
First Approach
sub unstringify_ref($) {
use bigint qw(hex);
use Devel::FindRef;
my $str = #_ ? shift : $_;
if (defined $str and $str =~ /\((0x[a-fA-F0-9]+)\)$/) {
my $addr = (hex $1)->bstr;
local $#;
return eval {
local $SIG{SEGV} = sub { die };
local $SIG{BUS} = sub { die };
return Devel::FindRef::ptr2ref $addr;
return undef;
I'm not sure if any other signals can occur in an attempt to access illegal memory.
Second Approach
sub unstringify_ref($) {
use bigint qw(hex);
use Devel::FindRef;
use Signal::Mask;
my $str = #_ ? shift : $_;
if (defined $str and $str =~ /\((0x[a-fA-F0-9]+)\)$/) {
my $addr = (hex $1)->bstr;
local $!;
local $?;
local $Signal::Mask{CHLD} = 1;
if (defined(my $kid = fork)) {
# Child -- This might seg fault on invalid address.
exit(not Devel::FindRef::ptr2ref $addr) unless $kid;
# Parent
waitpid $kid, 0;
return Devel::FindRef::ptr2ref $addr if $? == 0;
} else {
warn 'Unable to fork: $!';
return undef;
I'm not sure if the return value of waitpid needs to be checked.

How to run an anonymous function in Perl?

(sub {
print 1;
sub {
print 1;
I tried various ways, all are wrong...
(sub { ... }) will give you the pointer to the function so you must call by reference.
(sub { print "Hello world\n" })->();
The other easy method, as pointed out by Blagovest Buyukliev would be to dereference the function pointer and call that using the { } operators
&{ sub { print "Hello World" }}();
Yay, I didn't expect you folks to come up with that much possibilities. But you're right, this is perl and TIMTOWTDI: +1 for creativitiy!
But to be honest, I use hardly another form than the following:
The Basic Syntax
my $greet = sub {
my ( $name ) = #_;
print "Hello $name\n";
# ...
$greet->( 'asker' )
It's pretty straight forward: sub {} returns a reference to a sub routine, which you can store and pass around like any other scalar. You can than call it by dereferencing. There is also a second syntax to dereference: &{ $sub }( 'asker' ), but I personally prefer the arrow syntax, because I find it more readable and it pretty much aligns with dereferencing hashes $hash->{ $key } and arrays $array->[ $index ]. More information on references can be found in perldoc perlref.
I think the other given examples are a bit advanced, but why not have a look at them:
sub bar {goto $foo};
Rarely seen and much feared these days. But at least it's a goto &function, which is considered less harmful than it's crooked friends: goto LABEL or goto EXPRESSION ( they are deprecated since 5.12 and raise a warning ). There are actually some circumstances, when you want to use that form, because this is not a usual function call. The calling function ( bar in the given example ) will not appear in the callling stack. And you don't pass your parameters, but the current #_ will be used. Have a look at this:
use Carp qw( cluck );
my $cluck = sub {
my ( $message ) = #_;
cluck $message . "\n";
sub invisible {
#_ = ( 'fake' );
goto $cluck;
invisible( 'real' );
fake at line 5
main::__ANON__('fake') called at line 14
And there is no hint of an invisible function in the stack trace. More info on goto in perldoc -f goto.
Method Calls
# or
If you call a method on an object, the first parameter passed to that method will be the invocant ( usually an instance or the class name ). Did i already say that TIMTOWTCallAFunction?
# this is just a normal named sub
sub ask {
my ( $name, $question ) = #_;
print "$question, $name?\n";
my $ask = \&ask; # lets take a reference to that sub
my $question = "What's up";
'asker'->ask( $question ); # 1: doesn't work
my $meth_name = 'ask';
'asker'->$meth_name( $question ); # 2: doesn't work either
'asker'->$ask( $question ); # 1: this works
In the snippet above are two calls, which won't work, because perl will try to find a method called ask in package asker ( actually it would work if that code was in the said package ). But the third one succeeds, because you already give perl the right method and it doesn't need to search for it. As always: more info in the perldoc I can't find any reason right now, to excuse this in production code.
Originally I didn't intend to write that much, but I think it's important to have the common solution at the beginning of an answer and some explanations to the unusual constructs. I admit to be kind of selfish here: Every one of us could end up maintaining someones code, who found this question and just copied the topmost example.
There is not much need in Perl to call an anonymous subroutine where it is defined. In general you can achieve any type of scoping you need with bare blocks. The one use case that comes to mind is to create an aliased array:
my $alias = sub {\#_}->(my ($x, $y, $z));
$x = $z = 0;
$y = 1;
print "#$alias"; # '0 1 0'
Otherwise, you would usually store an anonymous subroutine in a variable or data structure. The following calling styles work with both a variable and a sub {...} declaration:
dereference arrow: sub {...}->(args) or $code->(args)
dereference sigil: &{sub {...}}(args) or &$code(args)
if you have the coderef in a scalar, you can also use it as a method on regular and blessed values.
my $method = sub {...};
$obj->$method # same as $method->($obj)
$obj->$method(...) # $method->($obj, ...)
[1, 2, 3]->$method # $method->([1, 2, 3])
[1, 2, 3]->$method(...) # $method->([1, 2, 3], ...)
I'm endlessly amused by finding ways to call anonymous functions:
$foo = sub {say 1};
sub bar {goto $foo};
''->$foo; # technically a method, along with the lovely:
() = sort $foo 1,1; # if you have only two arguments
and, of course, the obvious:
You need arrow operator:
(sub { print 1;})->();
You might not even need an anonymous function if you want to run a block of code and there is zero or one input. You can use map instead.
Just for the side effect:
map { print 1 } 1;
Transform data, take care to assign to a list:
my ($data) = map { $_ * $_ } 2;
# ------------------------------------------------------
# perl: filter array using given function
# ------------------------------------------------------
sub filter {
my ($arr1, $func) = #_;
my #arr2=();
foreach ( #{$arr1} ) {
push ( #arr2, $_ ) if $func->( $_ );
return #arr2;
# ------------------------------------------------------
# get files from dir
# ------------------------------------------------------
sub getFiles{
my ($p) = #_;
opendir my $dir, $p or die "Cannot open directory: $!";
my #files=readdir $dir;
closedir $dir;
#return files and directories that not ignored but not links
return filter \#files, (sub { my $f = $p.(shift);return ((-f $f) || (-d $f)) && (! -l $f) } );

Why am I getting "ARRAY(0x145030c)" trying to write a Perl hash to a file?

I have a hash in which I store the products a customer buys (%orders). It uses the product code as key and has a reference to an array with the other info as value.
At the end of the program, I have to rewrite the inventory to the updated version (i.e. subtract the quantity of the bought items)
This is how I do rewrite the inventory:
sub rewriteInventory{
foreach $key(%inventory){
print FILE "$key\|$inventory{$key}[0]\|$inventory{$key}[1]\|$inventory{$key}[2]\n"
where $inventory{$key}[x] is 0 → Title, 1 → price, 2 → quantity.
The problem here is that when I look at inv.txt afterwards, I see things like this:
CD-911|Lady Gaga - The Fame|15.99|21
BOOK-1453|The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown|14.75|12
Where do these ARRAY(0x145030c)||| entries come from? Or more important, how do I get rid of them?
You want to iterate over
keys %inventory
and not
which, as you see, causes you to iterate over key, value pairs.
You're using your hash in list context, so you're getting all your values thrown in with your keys. I think what you actually want to do is:
foreach $key (keys %inventory) {
print FILE "...";
EDIT: I was wrong about having to use an explicit dereferencing arrow; this is inferred between brackets when necessary, even if the first brackets do NOT require a dereference. That said, I will leave the remainder of the answer as posted since it was accepted, but merely note that if you choose not to use join, you needn't actually use $inventory{$key}->[0] but can in fact use $inventory{$key}[0] as originally posted.
Just be aware that the first (hash) brackets do not imply a dereference but the second (array) brackets do. Your errant array refs in the output were coming from looping over not only keys but also values of the hash.
In addition to using keys, you also need to dereference the references-to-array (this is why you're seeing each value output as ARRAY with an address---you're printing the references, not the values of the dereferenced array) when you print, so your loop becomes something like:
foreach my $key (sort keys %inventory) {
print FILE "$key\|$inventory{$key}->[0]\|$inventory{$key}->[1]\|$inventory{$key}->[2]\n";
I'd probably rewrite it a little more idiomatically as:
foreach my $key (sort keys %inventory) {
print FILE (join '|', $key, #{$inventory{$key}}) . "\n";
Hope that helps!
Here is one way to write that routine:
use strict; use warnings;
my %inventory;
while ( my $line = <DATA> ) {
chomp $line;
my ($key, #values) = split qr{\|}, $line;
last unless #values;
$inventory{$key} = \#values;
write_inventory(\%inventory, 'test.txt');
sub write_inventory {
my ($inventory, $output_file) = #_;
open my $output, '>', $output_file
or die "Cannot open '$output_file': $!";
for my $item ( keys %$inventory ) {
unless ( 'ARRAY' eq ref $inventory{$item} ) {
warn "Invalid item '$item' in inventory\n";
print $output join('|', $item, #{ $inventory{$item} }), "\n";
close $output
or die "Cannot close '$output': $!";
CD-911|Lady Gaga - The Fame|15.99|21
BOOK-1453|The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown|14.75|12
The rules are:
Don't use global variables: Pass a reference to %inventory to write_inventory instead of having it operate on the global %inventory.
Don't use global variables: Instead of using the bareword file handle FILE which has package scope, use a lexical file handle whose scope is limited to write_inventory.
Check for errors on file operations: Make sure open succeeded before plowing ahead and trying to write. Make sure close succeeded before assuming all data you printed actually got saved.
You MUST use strict and warnings because, at this point in your learning process, you do not know enough to know what you do not know.o

How do I use symbolic references in Perl?

In Perl, if a variable holds the name for another variable, how do I use the first variable to visit the other one?
For example, let
$name = "bob";
#bob = ("jerk", "perlfan");
how should I use $name to get to know what kind of person bob is?
Although I'm not quite sure, my vague memory tells me it might related to typeglob.
Several points:
You aren't talking about typeglobs, you are talking about symbolic references.
Don't use symbolic references -- they lead to hard to track down bugs.
In almost any case where symbolic references seem like a good idea, using a data structure based on a hash is the best approach.
Consider using Hash::Util to lock your hashes when you don't want to alter them.
Symbolic references don't work on lexical variables.
Typeglobs don't work on lexical variables.
Use lexical variables.
Don't use symbolic references.
See perlreftut for more on references (symbolic and otherwise).
See perldsc for help using data structures.
See perlmod for more on typeglobs.
See perlsub for more on lexical variables.
Here's an example of using locked hashes to control access to data based on the content of a variable:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Hash::Util qw( lock_hash unlock_hash );
my %data;
lock_hash( %data );
#Altering %data is a fatal exception.
unlock_hash( %data );
%data = (
'bob' => [ 'jerk', 'genius' ],
lock_hash( %data );
for my $name (qw/ bob margaret /) {
my $info = $data{$name}; # Fatal error when accessing data for margaret.
print "$name is a\n";
print map "\t$_\n", #$info;
All warnings aside, the syntax to use symbolic references should you need to use it (but you won't) is:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $name = 'bob';
our #bob = qw/jerk genius/;
my $qualities;
{ no strict 'refs';
print "$name: ", #$name, "\n";
$qualities = \#$name;
print "$name is a #$qualities\n";
Note that the array #bob is declared with our. Symbolic references only work with values in the symbol table. In other words, lexical variables do not work with symbolic references.
Just in case I haven't emphasized this enough, don't use symbolic references.
This is very bad practice. If you ever need to do it, it means you should refactor your code. Perhaps a hash with named keys would be better:
my %data = (
'bob' => [ 'jerk', 'perlfan' ],
my $name = 'bob';
print $data{ $name }->[0], "\n";
print $data{ $name }->[1], "\n";
my $stringified = join ' and ', #{ $data{ $name } };
print $stringified, "\n";
See perldoc -q "variable name":
Beginners often think they want to have a variable contain the name of a variable. ...
Short answer: Don't. Long answer: Read the FAQ entry (which is also available on your computer). Longer answer: Read MJD's Why it's stupid to "use a variable as a variable name" (Part 2, Part 3).
You really shouldn't have to do this, see depesz's answer for the alternative, but...
no strict 'refs';
print join(q{, }, #$name);
Yes, you can use a string scalar as a variable reference, and it looks up the variable by name.
You can also do this with typeglobs, see the Symbol module for an easy way.
Usually when you think you need to use symbolic references, you will be better served by using a hash (associative array).
use strict;
use warnings;
my %user = (
'bob' => [qw' jerk perlfan '],
'mary' => 'had a little lamb',
for my $name (qw'bob mary susan'){
if( exists $user{$name} ){
if( ref($user{$name}) eq 'ARRAY' ){
print join( ' ', #{$user{$name}} ), "\n";
print $name, ' ', $user{$name}, "\n";
print "$name not found\n";
Results in:
jerk perlfan
mary had a little lamb
susan not found
If you think you really need to use symbolic references, this is a safer way to do that.
use strict;
use warnings;
# can't use my
our #bob = ("jerk", "perlfan");
our $mary = 'had a little lamb';
for my $name (qw'bob mary susan'){
if( exists $::{$name} ){
my $ref = $::{$name};
if( *{$ref}{ARRAY} ){
print join(' ',#$ref), "\n";
}elsif( *{$ref}{SCALAR} ){
print "# $name is not an array, it's a scalar\n";
print $name, ' ', $$ref, "\n";
print "$name not found\n"
Which returns:
jerk perlfan
# mary is not an array, it's a scalar
mary had a little lamb
susan not found
You should notice that it is harder to symbolic references safely, which is why you shouldn't use them.
Unless of course you are an expert doing something advanced.
no strict 'refs';
print "$name is #$name\n";
Symbolic references are worth avoiding, but if you really want to use them, they have the same use syntax as regular references: see

How can I convert the stringified version of array reference to actual array reference in Perl?

Is there any way to get Perl to convert the stringified version e.g (ARRAY(0x8152c28)) of an array reference to the actual array reference?
For example
perl -e 'use Data::Dumper; $a = [1,2,3];$b = $a; $a = $a.""; warn Dumper (Then some magic happens);'
would yield
$VAR1 = [
Yes, you can do this (even without Inline C). An example:
use strict;
use warnings;
# make a stringified reference
my $array_ref = [ qw/foo bar baz/ ];
my $stringified_ref = "$array_ref";
use B; # core module providing introspection facilities
# extract the hex address
my ($addr) = $stringified_ref =~ /.*(0x\w+)/;
# fake up a B object of the correct class for this type of reference
# and convert it back to a real reference
my $real_ref = bless(\(0+hex $addr), "B::AV")->object_2svref;
print join(",", #$real_ref), "\n";
but don't do that. If your actual object is freed or reused, you may very well
end up getting segfaults.
Whatever you are actually trying to achieve, there is certainly a better way.
A comment to another answer reveals that the stringification is due to using a reference as a hash key. As responded to there, the better way to do that is the well-battle-tested
The first question is: do you really want to do this?
Where is that string coming from?
If it's coming from outside your Perl program, the pointer value (the hex digits) are going to be meaningless, and there's no way to do it.
If it's coming from inside your program, then there's no need to stringify it in the first place.
Yes, it's possible: use Devel::FindRef.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Devel::FindRef;
sub ref_again {
my $str = #_ ? shift : $_;
my ($addr) = map hex, ($str =~ /\((.+?)\)/);
Devel::FindRef::ptr2ref $addr;
my $ref = [1, 2, 3];
my $str = "$ref";
my $ref_again = ref_again($str);
print Dumper($ref_again);
The stringified version contains the memory address of the array object, so yes, you can recover it. This code works for me, anyway (Cygwin, perl 5.8):
use Inline C;
#a = (1,2,3,8,12,17);
$a = \#a . "";
print "Stringified array ref is $a\n";
($addr) = $a =~ /0x(\w+)/;
$addr = hex($addr);
$c = recover_arrayref($addr);
#c = #$c;
print join ":", #c;
AV* recover_arrayref(int av_address) { return (AV*) av_address; }
$ perl
Stringified array ref is ARRAY(0x67ead8)
I'm not sure why you want to do this, but if you really need it, ignore the answers that use the tricks to look into memory. They'll only cause you problems.
Why do you want to do this? There's probably a better design. Where are you getting that stringified reference from.
Let's say you need to do it for whatever reason. First, create a registry of objects where the hash key is the stringified form, and the value is a weakened reference:
use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
my $array = [ ... ];
$registry{ $array } = $array;
weaken( $registry{ $array } ); # doesn't count toward ref count
Now, when you have the stringified form, you just look it up in the hash, checking to see that it's still a reference:
if( ref $registry{$string} ) { ... }
You could also try Tie::RefHash and let it handle all of the details of this.
There is a longer example of this in Intermediate Perl.
In case someone finds this useful, I'm extending tobyink's answer by adding support for detecting segmentation faults. There are two approaches I discovered. The first way locally replaces $SIG{SEGV} and $SIG{BUS} before dereferencing. The second way masks the child signal and checks if a forked child can dereference successfully. The first way is significantly faster than the second.
Anyone is welcome to improve this answer.
First Approach
sub unstringify_ref($) {
use bigint qw(hex);
use Devel::FindRef;
my $str = #_ ? shift : $_;
if (defined $str and $str =~ /\((0x[a-fA-F0-9]+)\)$/) {
my $addr = (hex $1)->bstr;
local $#;
return eval {
local $SIG{SEGV} = sub { die };
local $SIG{BUS} = sub { die };
return Devel::FindRef::ptr2ref $addr;
return undef;
I'm not sure if any other signals can occur in an attempt to access illegal memory.
Second Approach
sub unstringify_ref($) {
use bigint qw(hex);
use Devel::FindRef;
use Signal::Mask;
my $str = #_ ? shift : $_;
if (defined $str and $str =~ /\((0x[a-fA-F0-9]+)\)$/) {
my $addr = (hex $1)->bstr;
local $!;
local $?;
local $Signal::Mask{CHLD} = 1;
if (defined(my $kid = fork)) {
# Child -- This might seg fault on invalid address.
exit(not Devel::FindRef::ptr2ref $addr) unless $kid;
# Parent
waitpid $kid, 0;
return Devel::FindRef::ptr2ref $addr if $? == 0;
} else {
warn 'Unable to fork: $!';
return undef;
I'm not sure if the return value of waitpid needs to be checked.