DNN javascript error during installation on step 2 - content-management-system

I am new to DNN CMS , I have installed the latest version 7.2 but on installation steps
on step 2 while the product is being installed, it keeps loading but no progress.
I opened the firebug and noticed that there are javascript errors [Json parse error].
As below image shows:
Any idea/solution will be appreciated.

the latest version of DNN is 7.3.2 abd you probably should be using that one. Also make sure that the server meets the DNN requirements and that your browser supports javascript


Netbeans plugins site is down rendering netbeans useless

I'm using Netbeans 11.1 and need to a open a JS file in my project.
I need to install the Oracle JS Parser for Netbeans which I cannot do so because the site - plugins.netbeans.org is down. I'm getting this error -
Networking problem in
Is there anyway I can install it manually otherwise I cannot resume work with netbeans rendering it useless.
The issue you are encountering was a bug in the released version of NetBeans 11.1. See Bug Report NETBEANS-2903 Warning - could not install some modules: Nashorn Integration - No module providing the capability com.oracle.js.parser.implementation could be found. 19 further modules could not be installed due to the above problems.
You have two options to fix this:
Upgrade to NetBeans 11.2 or later, where the problem does not exist.
Download and install the plugin yourself on NetBeans 11.1 by going to Tools > Plugins > then clicking the Settings tab, then the Add button. In the Update Center Customizer window enter any descriptive text in the Name field, in the URL field enter https://netbeans.apache.org/nb/plugins/11.1/catalog.xml.gz and then click OK. However, I just tried that, and got the error "Unable to connect ... because of Unexpected end of file from server". That connection may come good at any time, or it may be that you can no longer reliably access the plugin libraries for older versions of NetBeans.
So your only immediate solution is to upgrade to any newer version of NetBeans. That's desirable anyway, because you will get other bug fixes as well as this one. And if you move to NetBeans 12.x you will also get added functionality, and be able to use more recent versions of the JDK.
Also, as a separate but related matter, you were using an http URL rather than an https URL for your download. I'm not certain, but I doubt if that will work now; if you are not using a secure link you should expect failure, and in any case it looks like you were using a URL for NetBeans 8 rather than NetBeans 11.

Error while upgrading from TYPO3 4 to TYPO3 4.5

I need to update my TYPO3 4 to 4.5.
I installed 4.5 and symlinked to the new source. The problem is that I can't get into TYPO3 4.5 install tool using localhost/typo3/install. It shows "page isn't working".
How do I get into TYPO3 4.5 install tool?
Page isn't working is a default error message when a site returns a 500 error. You'll need to check your error log to see whet the error actually is.
Also TYPO3 4.5 is old, not maintained anymore and not secure. You should not use it. Please update to at least 7.6.
In the folder typo3conf are some files like:
The bold part might probably different but those files you can delete and then try again.
Also make sure that you meet the requirements concerning PHP-version and MySQL-version.
The deleted files will be created new, so you aren't deleting unique information, but the new files differ a bit.
The main issue can be the PHP version. I am running Typo3 4.5 successfully on PHP 5.3. However it will not run on higher PHP version. However, if the update is done on the same server, then PHP version issue might not be applicable.
The exact error detail will come up in the PHP error_log. Make sure that error logging is enabled in the PHP.ini setting.

How to re-install deleted add-on in owasp zap?

I accidentally deleted ajax spider while managing the add-on in zap. So to re-install it, I went to marketpalce section, but it is not shown in the list. How can I install that add-on? Any help?
listed add-on in marketplace
Ah, we've just updated the Selenium add-on (which the Ajax Spider depends on) to support Selenium 3, which requires Java 8.
Are you using Java 7? If so that will be the problem. Can you update to Java 8?
Oh, and do check that you are running the latest version of ZAP (currently 2.6.0)

unable to download glassfish 3 from netbeans

I have centos installed on myserver and for development i have installed NetBeans IDE 6.9.1.
Now as glassfish 3 was not present on my server i tried to download it from netbeans itself using
add server panel but when i click on download i am getting I/O exception , following is the screen shot
can anyone tell me how to get rid off it ..
This is caused by some poor programming on my part and the CollabNet to Kenai migration of the java.net web sites.
The url for downloading became something like http://download.java.net/glassfish/... when the migration took place. 6.9.1 had shipped long before the migration took place and remapping this URL did not get put on 'the list' of URLs that had to be remapped.
Some of the coding problems have been addressed in 7.0 builds. Since 7.0 is nearly FCS, you may want to consider using those builds instead of 6.9.1...
Note: you download GlassFish Server Open Source Edition with the following link: http://dlc.sun.com.edgesuite.net/glassfish/3.0.1/release/glassfish-3.0.1-ml.zip

How can I install the BlackBerry v5.0.0 component pack into Eclipse?

I'm trying to install the latest v5.0.0 "beta 2" BlackBerry OS Component Pack into Eclipse 3.4.2 with BlackBerry Eclipse plugin v1.0.0.67, but have hit a few problems. Has anybody found an easy way to do this?
I had no trouble installing the v4.5.0 and v4.7.0 Component Packs.
It's rather strange that BlackBerry are shipping new phones with the v5.0.0 OS installed (e.g. a Storm 2 9550 and Bold 9700 that I just bought), and pushing that update to phones whilst the BlackBerry website still considers the v5.0.0 SDK / Component Packs to be "beta 2"! If anybody knows when an official non-beta Component Pack is going to be released that might solve my problem...
In case it helps, the problems I've hit so far are:
-Contrary to the implication on the BlackBerry website, the Eclipse "Software Update..." option for the v5.0.0 Component Pack claims it only works on the v1.0.0 Eclipse BlackBerry plugin, not the new v1.1 one.
-I then tried to install the v5.0.0 Component Pack through the "Software Updates..." menu in Eclipse using the v1.0.0 Eclipse BlackBery plugin. Once I'd done the 200MB download the install failed with a "Invalid zip file format" error.
-I might just have been unlucky with a corrupted download but I did try it twice, once through "Software Updates..." and once by selecting "Archive" to install the downloaded Component Pack (which unlike v4.5.0 and v4.7.0 was a JAR, not a ZIP).
Using Eclipse 3.5.1 and the 1.1 component pack, I had no trouble installing the 5.0 JDE from the 1.1 component pack update site from within Eclipse - ie: using the update site http://www.blackberry.com/go/eclipseUpdate/3.5/java ...
It could be possible that Blackberry has fixed whatever problem you encountered in their latest beta, or the latest version of Eclipse just works better...but at any rate, I hope you've gotten your setup working, but if not, perhaps trying again with the latest versions will fix things!
They (rim support) did experience some issue with the zip they have on the site for you to install.
See this thread
If you see Unconnected sockets not implemented just before your Invalid zip file format, like:
Exception connecting to
Unconnected sockets not implemented Exception connecting to
Unconnected sockets not implemented
Error closing the output stream for
on repository file:/C:/eclipse/. Error unzipping
Invalid zip file format Error closing the output stream for
, the support mentions:
The "Unconnected sockets not implemented" is caused by a bug in current versions of JDK 1.6.
You can work around this by downgrading to JDK 1.5 (modify your PATH and JAVA_HOME variables) to install the plug-ins. You may need to delete the files in your windows temp folder as well (Eclipse could have cached bad copies of the file).
This should be fixed in JDK 1.6 update 14.
(so what version of java are you using?)
As mentioned in the same thread:
The following is from the "blackberry plugin for eclipse" download page:
It is recommended that users outside of North American or users who have experienced problems with the BlackBerry update site use the links below to manually download and install the components.
Yep, I've read that bit. That's essentially what I tried to do. What that doesn't say is you need to remove the update site from your site list before trying to install the manual downloads via the archive function.
Helpful to me: