Error while upgrading from TYPO3 4 to TYPO3 4.5 - typo3

I need to update my TYPO3 4 to 4.5.
I installed 4.5 and symlinked to the new source. The problem is that I can't get into TYPO3 4.5 install tool using localhost/typo3/install. It shows "page isn't working".
How do I get into TYPO3 4.5 install tool?

Page isn't working is a default error message when a site returns a 500 error. You'll need to check your error log to see whet the error actually is.
Also TYPO3 4.5 is old, not maintained anymore and not secure. You should not use it. Please update to at least 7.6.

In the folder typo3conf are some files like:
The bold part might probably different but those files you can delete and then try again.
Also make sure that you meet the requirements concerning PHP-version and MySQL-version.
The deleted files will be created new, so you aren't deleting unique information, but the new files differ a bit.

The main issue can be the PHP version. I am running Typo3 4.5 successfully on PHP 5.3. However it will not run on higher PHP version. However, if the update is done on the same server, then PHP version issue might not be applicable.
The exact error detail will come up in the PHP error_log. Make sure that error logging is enabled in the PHP.ini setting.


Updated Typo3 news extension, now "News Administration" displays an error ...LinkButton" is not valid

I have recently updated the news extension for my Typo3 installation. Now, if I click on the button "News Administration" on the left panel and then on the folder with my news, I get an error:
Button "TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Template\Components\Buttons\LinkButton" is not valid
The provided link shows it's the TYPO3 exception 1441706370.
I am running an old Typo3 version (7.6.19.) which I wanted to update. But I thought it'd be wise to first update all extensions before updating Typo3 (and PHP and MySQL..).
PHP 7.4.33
MySQL 5.7.38
What is now the smartest way to go on? I want to ensure that my system will run later with the newest versions without any data loss on the way.
I checked the documentation and the changelog of the news extension. But I did not find a hint on what to do yet.
if you planned to upgrade to the latest version greater than 7.x then you better ignore this. just focus on upgrade wizards that you don't miss any upgrade wizard provided by some extensions to upgrade from one version of TYPO3 to another version.

How to downgrade typo3 7.4.0 to 6.2.15

What are the steps to downgrade a typo3 site and is this even possible?
I cannot get a few plugins to work on my 7.4 typo site so I decided to downgrade but I cannot find anything about it on typo forums or in the documentation. Are there any steps I can follow if this is possible.
Before upgrading your website you should always backup your data and avoid downgrading at any time.
Compatibility mode for TYPO3 6.x
The system extension compatibility6 is shipped with TYPO3 7, have you tried installing this extension already?
See also: Retaining compatibility to TYPO3 CMS 6
Downgrading from 7.x back to 6.2
There is no such thing as a documentation with downgrade instructions. But if you have no other option than you can try the following:
Before running TYPO3 again:
Backup your data
Remove the TYPO3 7 core as well the composer.json (and /vendor/ directory), .htaccess and index.php file from your website.
Remove the content of /typo3temp/, /fileadmin/_processed/ and /fileadmin/_temp_/.
uninstall all TYPO3 7 related (system) extensions by setting the state to inactive in the /typo3conf/PackagesStates.php file.
Uninstall or downgrade all extensions which are only compatible with TYPO3 7.x.
Set manual the ['SYS']['compat_version'] in /typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php to '6.0' (we let TYPO3 think that we are uograding from 6.0. Please note that TYPO3 7 doesn't have this option anymore and you need to create it yourself.
Remove all array items from the array ['INSTALL']['wizardDone'] in /typo3conf/PackagesStates.php.
Set manual options such as ['FE']['activateContentAdapter'] back if needed.
Put the TYPO3 6.2 core back in it's place.
Now you're allowed to run TYPO3 again:
Log in on the install tool by accessing /typo3/install/.
Run the database compare but please don't remove fields or tables that belongs to extensions which you have temporary disabled for downgrading purposes.
Clear all caches from the install tool.
Run al steps from the upgrade wizard.
Reactivate disabled extensions (manually).
Check if the ['SYS']['compat_version'] is set to '6.2'.
Test your TYPO3 instance as good as you can.
Arek van Schaijk solution worked to downgrade 8.7 to 7.6. But a couple of additional changes might require.
in the file
change fileCreateMask from 0664 to 0660
change folderCreateMask from 2775 to 2770
Symbolic links can be rectified with this solution.

After Typo3 upgrade, dam fatal errors

I just upgraded a typo3 4.5 LTS to typo3 6.2 LTS. The process went smoothly, I also updated some extensions to work fine with the new version of typo3. So I could see the backend but not the Frontend. I get Fatal errors related to the "dam" extensions . There are about 4 extensions that are based on dam. I installed "dam_falmigration" and run its commands in the command line as mentioned in its documentation
But nothing has changed , at least the frontend, I keep seeing the same fatal errors. I kept googling for the next step to take after that, but as you may know Typo3 misses a lot when it comes to documentation.
So I am asking here if somebody has been through this just to give me hints and guide me how can I make it work.
thanks in advance
And did you uninstall DAM and the extensions that relate to it?
Dam to fal will only migrate data to fal, but not fix dam ext.

Typo3 fe_renderTemplate error

Hi since I moved my Typo3 to another Webserver I get this error on my frontend.
Typo3 Developer API error:
The function
reported an error. Please check the arguments you passed to that
function in order to solve the problem.
Someone knows that problem?
My Typo version is 4.3.8
First of all, you should not use TYPO3 4.3 anymore because it's way outdated. If you can't upgrade quickly, please use at least the latest 4.3 version which is 4.3.14. After 4.3.8 there were 3 security releases so your installation might be insecure.
I suspect that the problem is that your new server is running a never PHP version. Your error comes from an extension called "api_macmade". Are you using the latest version of this extension? Do you still need it?
If you still need it and you are already using the latest version, please post the function of this method in your post so we can help you fix the problem.

TYPO3 tt_news update script shows empty page

After updating my TYPO3 CMS from 4.3 to 4.5 LTS the news were no longer displayed. So i decided to update tt_news extension as well. It was at version 2.5.2 and had to be upgraded to the newest 3.4.0. It suggested to me, to use its own 'update script' (and as mentioned at other resources too) to work properly because of serious changes. Under 'Extentension Manager' - 'tt_news' - 'UPDATE!' it shows up with a simple blank page and nothing can be done.
Is there any hint to solve this?
You have got some PHP error. Copy the /var/log/apache2/error.log or enable in TYPO3 Install Tool configuration PHP errors.