How to invoke F# auto-completion in Emacs - emacs

I installed FSharp 3.1, Emacs 24 and fsharp-mode of emacs. Howerver the auto-completion feature (complete-at-point) didn't work. I followed all the instructions here and added fsautocomplete.exe to my $PATH .
But it still didn't work.
I failed in Debian sid, Ubuntu Trusty and Mac 10.9.

I am the author. In order to have autocomplete in fsharp-mode, you must either be editing a script (.fsx) file, or a normal (.fs) file that is associated with a project (.fsproj) file.
If a .fs file is opened and no other project has already been loaded, then fsharp-mode will look for and load a .fsproj in the current and enclosing directories. This can be done manually using C-c C-p. At this point autocompletion will be available in all .fs files mentioned in the project.
If a project has not been loaded, then no autocompletion will be available in .fs files.
I tried to make this clear in the I'll have a look updating it, and trying to give feedback in the interface as to why autocompletion is not available.

The author gave me the solution that the .fs file must be in the same directory with the .fsproject relating to it.


Can't install neovim in windows

I want to have neovim. I installed it with choco install neovim in the PowerShell (admin). Then I followed a lot of tutorials, like the one of theprimeagen, but I can't get pass the first steps. Maybe is because I don't have Linux, as everybody does, but I don't think is that.
I created a folder like so: C:/users/myusername/.config/nvim. Then, in this folder I type nvim . to open the Explorer of neovim and start creating the .lua files. The problem is that I always get a stupid .nvimlog every time I enter neovim, I think is the reason why I can't install plugins correctly or remap some keys.
In the .nvimlog every time I enter neovim appears a new line that says:
ERR 2023-02-12T12:55:04.800 nvim.15716.0 terminfo_start 374: uv_tty_set_mode failed: invalid argument. And I swear I followed every tutorial in the exact way, and even without creating any file the .nvimlog is always there.
In windows, the default config directory is ~/AppData/Local, based on their official documentation. I don't know if there is a way to change that, but that is how i configured it.
To find out where your config directory is you can also use :echo stdpath('config').

Problem with editing LaTex in VS Code with TexLive after uninstalling MikTex

I'm a noob at setting up LaTeX and I'm completely stuck. I had a broken MikTex + TexStudio setup that the previous owner of my work computer left behind (I also mention that I recently upgraded from Windows 10 to Windows 11). Unable to fix it, I decided to just wipe out everything and start clean. I uninstalled TexStudio and MikTex (also deleted all the files in AppData, etc.) and I installed TexLive (and gave the PC a restart as prescribed) to use it in VS Code (which I already had). All the guides I found say that once I install the LaTex Workshop extension in VS Code, everything should work on it's own (or at least no one mentions that there are problems that could arise).
However, when I try to compile a tex file I get the following error:
11 [0x00002528] INFO latexmk null - this process (19956) started by 'Code' with command line: latexmk -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -pdf "-outdir=c:/Users/.../texfile_locationfolder" "c:/Users/.../texfile"
It seems that this is a fresh TeX installation.
Please finish the setup before proceeding.
For more information, visit:
The fact that it mentions MikTex makes me think something messed up and VS Code is trying to use MikTex instead of TexLive. How can I fix this?
PS: I've tried to look at the settings for the VS Code extension, but there are dozens of settings options and, fairly enough, I don't have any idea what most of them do.
I found a fix: I went into the Environment Variables list and found that MikTex was still in there. After deleting everything related to MikTex in the PATH Environment Variables, all was working well. Yeey!
I had the same issue (on Windows). Resolved by deleting a MikTex folder, found by searching for MikTex in File Explorer.
Then, I deleted this folder from the recycling bin and restarted my computer. LaTeX Workshop detected TeXLive and works as expected.

How can I create a local configs for Neovim extending the global init.vim?

Suppose that I have a map on my init.vim that I want to change the behaviour depending on the folder that I am. How could you do that?
A more concrete example: I have a map on my F12 that runs the project that I am. So if I am on a python project, this F12 will run an ipython on a floaternew window, with the current file already imported. Though, if I am on a cpp project, the same F12 will build using Make and running the binary on a floaternew window as well.
Nowadays, I have these two behaviours mapped on different key bindings. But It is going to very nice if I have only one binding to "run the project". Even if I need to open neovim with some parameter in each project, like neovim --local-config mylocalconfig.vim (extending init.vim with some behaviour)
I am kind inspired by a behaviour like direnv but with .vim files.
Any ideas?
There is an option in vim set exrc which enables reading vim config files from current directory, it also works in neovim.
From docs (:h exrc)
Enables the reading of .vimrc, .exrc and .gvimrc in the current
directory. If you switch this option on you should also consider
setting the 'secure' option (see |initialization|). Using a local
.exrc, .vimrc or .gvimrc is a potential security leak, use with care!
also see |.vimrc| and |gui-init|.
This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
security reasons.

Emacs OSX 10.13 configuration issue

Recently I pass to Emacs org because is really convenient to me to write note there.
So I installed all packages I needed (principally ORG and EVIL) but I didn't understand how to setup everything.
I installed emacs from brew without using cask, I linked it, and I'm sure that I'm using the version that I installed (26.1).
So in my ~/ folder I have a .emacs file in which I set up evil mode, and I have a /.emacs.d/ in which I have a lot of file. The problem is: whatever I wrote in a ~/.emacs.d/init.el seems doesn't effect emacs.
So I said "whatever, I'm going on github and I installed some complete configurations and then I customized them myself". I tried to install these two configurations.
But for some reason, after doing exactly what they say on
nothing happens.
In particular the second link, after install and open emacs said I need to have ~/.cask/.cask.el but I don't have it.

Trouble installing simple emacs tool

Using the latest emacs 24.3 I want rainbow parenthesis for my lisp editing. I'm following the instructions on this page.
Here is what I get after I setup everything:
File error: Cannot open load file, rainbow-delimiters
To ensure normal operation, you should investigate and remove the
cause of the error in your initialization file. Start Emacs with the
`--debug-init' option to view a complete error backtrace.
The byte compile proceded fine and created a .elc file. Is there a missing step in the instructions? How would emacs know where this compiled is located if there is no path mentioned anywhere in the .emacs file?
Not a direct answer I'm afraid but I would recommend watching this as rainbow-delimiters is available in MELPA and this will make managing Emacs extensions MUCH easier.