Problem with editing LaTex in VS Code with TexLive after uninstalling MikTex - visual-studio-code

I'm a noob at setting up LaTeX and I'm completely stuck. I had a broken MikTex + TexStudio setup that the previous owner of my work computer left behind (I also mention that I recently upgraded from Windows 10 to Windows 11). Unable to fix it, I decided to just wipe out everything and start clean. I uninstalled TexStudio and MikTex (also deleted all the files in AppData, etc.) and I installed TexLive (and gave the PC a restart as prescribed) to use it in VS Code (which I already had). All the guides I found say that once I install the LaTex Workshop extension in VS Code, everything should work on it's own (or at least no one mentions that there are problems that could arise).
However, when I try to compile a tex file I get the following error:
11 [0x00002528] INFO latexmk null - this process (19956) started by 'Code' with command line: latexmk -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -pdf "-outdir=c:/Users/.../texfile_locationfolder" "c:/Users/.../texfile"
It seems that this is a fresh TeX installation.
Please finish the setup before proceeding.
For more information, visit:
The fact that it mentions MikTex makes me think something messed up and VS Code is trying to use MikTex instead of TexLive. How can I fix this?
PS: I've tried to look at the settings for the VS Code extension, but there are dozens of settings options and, fairly enough, I don't have any idea what most of them do.

I found a fix: I went into the Environment Variables list and found that MikTex was still in there. After deleting everything related to MikTex in the PATH Environment Variables, all was working well. Yeey!

I had the same issue (on Windows). Resolved by deleting a MikTex folder, found by searching for MikTex in File Explorer.
Then, I deleted this folder from the recycling bin and restarted my computer. LaTeX Workshop detected TeXLive and works as expected.


Why do no programs run in visual studio code?

I recently got a new computer and reinstalled visual studio code but I haven't been able to run any of my files. The error has occurred with both python and C++, so I feel as though it is the IDE that is the problem. I have looked online and there are no straight answers as I have tried following some solutions which have resulted in different errors.
The error above comes up when I run (F5) a simple line of code in c++. Does anyone have a solution?
Thanks, Jacob
For my python files to work I have to manually select 'Python: current file' but for c++ files they still have the same error.
First step, uninstall python from this machine.
Second, reinstall and make sure that you check the box "add to path".
It's pretty easy to miss as it's a small box, and I missed it my first time installing python earlier in the year. Here's the box you may have missed while installing.
It could be your extensions.
I had a similar error message and simply updated all of my extensions and then my SDK. I was then able to run my code within the IDE. I was using VSCode for c++ and also updated my GCC compiler along with the extensions.
Also look into your computer's environment variables, if you have changed the %PATH variables it may be affecting your ability to run/compile programs.

Latex file on vs code does not autocompile on save

I use the extension Latex Workshop, however my preview does not auto update on save. I have to run pdflatex each time.
I tried uninstalling and installing the extension, deleting the extensions file, and even reinstalled vs code. Yet, the same thing persists.
Is there a specific setting, etc that needs to be changed?
Strangely for me it only seems to work when configuring "onSave"
As from here the setting for this is:
With value "onFileChange".
Note that this is the default value for this setting, so it should detect the changes automatically, but give it a try.
Local and ssh installation:
For me the problem was that I had Latex Workshop installed on SSH but not locally. After installing locally, the LaTEX icon showed up and also auto-compile on save worked right away.

Emacs OSX 10.13 configuration issue

Recently I pass to Emacs org because is really convenient to me to write note there.
So I installed all packages I needed (principally ORG and EVIL) but I didn't understand how to setup everything.
I installed emacs from brew without using cask, I linked it, and I'm sure that I'm using the version that I installed (26.1).
So in my ~/ folder I have a .emacs file in which I set up evil mode, and I have a /.emacs.d/ in which I have a lot of file. The problem is: whatever I wrote in a ~/.emacs.d/init.el seems doesn't effect emacs.
So I said "whatever, I'm going on github and I installed some complete configurations and then I customized them myself". I tried to install these two configurations.
But for some reason, after doing exactly what they say on
nothing happens.
In particular the second link, after install and open emacs said I need to have ~/.cask/.cask.el but I don't have it.

VSCode Powershell integrated terminal hangs when starting

I am using VSCode version 1.12.2 in Windows 10 x64 build 16193. I am trying to debug Powershell in VSCode, but I cannot get the PowerShell Integrated Terminal working. Every time I started the terminal, here's what I see:
And then it hangs in that stage. I can still debug, start, step in, step out..., but I cannot view my variable or run any expression.
My VSCode is using powershell x64 here:
"": "C:\\WINDOWS\\Sysnative\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe"
So this is a known issue with this version of windows 10. Workaround here:
It's possible it's getting stuck on something while loading your profile(s). Try adding this to your settings to skip this:
"powershell.enableProfileLoading": false
I have had a similar problem, it seems. I cannot be sure it is the same, but when I would "load a file with VSCode" (user installer confirmed, system installer unconfirmed), it would hang. The following avenues tested:
Double-clicking on a PS1 file (the association to Code being made)
Starting VsCode empty and then loading the file
Starting VsCode from the command-line with a file-designation parameter
Using the --verbose switch, I got a listing which lead me to believe that VsCode seemed to be checking on updates using NPM (I could be wrong here).
Whatever the underlying problem, I did a lot of prodding and probing, and the cure I found was this.
Delete the directory called C:\Users\YourUserId\.vscode.
This directory is rather large, is not wiped by software removal, and may be corrupted apparently. After deleting it, the problem disappeared.

Enabling Flyspell-mode gives an error

I recently had to reimage my windows laptop, and emacs is now giving me a strange error:
"Starting new Ispell process [default]
Enabling flyspell mode gave an error"
I have aspell installed, and it is accessible via emacs. I have attached a picture to show this. I also have (setq-default ispell-program-name "aspell") in my emacs configuration. This same configuration works properly on my other windows machines. What might be the problem here? Image: Aspell in emacs-shell
You can add the line:
(setq flyspell-issue-welcome-flag nil) ;; fix flyspell problem
to your personal emacs initialization file (~/.emacs.d/init.el, ~/.emacs, ~/.emacs.el, whatever...) and that should bypass the problem for you.
EDIT: This it seems is not the best solution: see the comment below and see Dennis' answer for a better alternative.
EDIT2: As the comment below indicates, deleting the files recommended in this post causes problems when upgrading. If you followed the advice on this post and now regret it (sorry), then to reinstall the deleted files you want to type:
sudo apt-get --reinstall dictionaries-common
You should now be able to upgrade and follow Dennis' solution.
Google sent me here first so I thought I would add another common reason for this error message (at least on Ubuntu systems)
My ubuntu 10.10 fresh install had the following bug:
which is fixed (as indicated in the link) by deleting
and all the .el .elc files in
The reason it seems is the above files are already installed in the emacs23-common,
and the .el and .elc files retain the conflict on live systems (from reading the bug report).
I think there are other problems that can cause this error message, but this solved it for me, and I felt ubuntu is common enough for this to mensioned as another answer.
EDIT: There seems to be a less intrusive solution - see Dennis Sheil's answer
Writing an answer in order to mark this as accepted:
paprika's comment helped me track the problem -
"Did you check if aspell works outside of Emacs, i.e. something like cat foobar.txt |aspell -a -l en?"
Turns out aspell-en had not been installed. my bad.
I ran into this problem as well when upgrading to emacs24. My aspell was working fine. I tried some of the techniques here with dictinaries-common and settting flyspell-issue-welcome-flag to nil as above but running emacs24 kept hanging on ispell.
I ended up purging my previous emacs23 install (making sure all their .el/.elc files were deleted in the uninstall), making sure there were no emacs processes in the background, and removing my cruft collecting ~/.emacs.d directory (taking care to save code in there I still needed).
I then freshly installed emacs24 ( as it happens) and ran it and flyspell worked flawlessly.