Sails inconsistent record creation - sails.js

I use the following piece of code to create some records. If I provide incorrect values, say(password and passwordConfirmation does not match), then sometimes an institute record is created without a rollback and sometimes, rollback happens properly.
I would appreciate any help. Is there a better way to do this?
create: function (req, res) {
User.query("BEGIN TRANSACTION", function(result){
if(result) {;
return res.serverError(result);
} else {
name: req.param('name'),
shortName: req.param('shortName'),
phoneNumber: req.param('phoneNumber'),
subdomain: req.param('subdomain'),
managerEmail: req.param('email')
}, function(error, institute){
if(error) {;
Institute.query("ROLLBACK", function(result) {;
return res.badRequest(error);
} else {
email: req.param('email'),
password: req.param('password'),
passwordConfirmation: req.param('passwordConfirmation'),
}, function(error, user) {
if(error) {;
Institute.query("ROLLBACK", function(result) {;
return res.badRequest(error);
} else {
User.query("COMMIT", function(result){;
return res.created(user);

You have a few of options, in no particular order.
1. Write a function that makes all the possible security checks before creation occurs, or use the beforeCreate life cycle call for your models.
For example, you could write a function verifyParams(params) that makes checks such as password comparison (and any other checks you want) for your user creation parameters before you create the institution, or you could just include these checks in your institution creation's beforeCreate method.
2. Delete if there is an error during your user creation
Delete theInstitute model instance in your error case of user creation:
User.create(..., function (error, user) {
if (error) {
Institute.destroy(, function instDestroyed(err) {
} else {
3. Create a user in your institute model's beforeCreate method.
module.exports = {
attributes: { ... },
beforeCreate: function(values, next) {
User.create(..., function (err, user) {
if (err) { return next(err) }
return next();
Personally, I use method #2 in my own apps.


How to update a model with Sails JS

Ok, I've got the following in one of my controllers:
User.find({email: ''}).then(function (user) {
user[0].field = 'new_value';
user[0].field_2 = 'new_value';
console.log(user[0], 'before saving');
console.log(user[0], 'after saving');
If I console user[0] at this stage I can see the updated fields. However the changes were not saved to the db. If I do the following:
User.find({email: ''}).then(function (user) {
user[0].field = 'new_value';
user[0].field_2 = 'new_value';
User.find(user[0].id).then(function (updateduser) {
The updateduser does not have the updated fields... Why is that? How can should I proceed in this case?
will return a promise like you have done for User.find().then();
user[0].save() is an asynchronous call so the next call to find the user will run even though the user[0] is not updated in the database.
so place the second find command inside the then of save() function and you will get the updated user.
User.find(user[0].id).then(function (updateduser) {
Why you not use updated() method?
User.find({ email: '' })
.then(function(user) {
if (!user) return res.notFound();
User.update({ eamil: '' }, {
field: 'new_value',
field_2: 'new_value'
.then(function(updated_user) {
return res.ok();
.catch(function(err) {
return res.serverError();
.catch(function(err) {
return res.serverError();
First of all, you want to update only one user data because you are using user[0](I think).
So it is easy to use findOne().
Simple code
.findOne({email: ''})
if(err || !user) {
//handle here
else {
user.key1 = 'new_value';
user.key2 = 'new_value';{
//handle error
Thank you.

Multiple functions in restify function to elasticsearch client

I'm building a REST API using node and restify that communicaties with an elasticsearch database. Now when I delete an object, I want this to do a kind of cascading delete to some other objects. I know this is not really what to use elasticsearch for but bear with me.
So here is my code:
function deleteHostname(req, res, next) {
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
var endpoints = [];{
index: 'test',
type: 'something',
body: {
from: 0, size: 100,
query: {
match: {
hostname: ''
}).then(function (error, resp) {
if(error) {
endpoints = resp.hits.hits;
for (index = 0, len = endpoints.length; index < len; ++index) {
index: 'test',
type: 'something',
id: endpoints[index]._id
}, function (error, response) {
if(error) {
return next();
So basically I just want to search for any objects with hostname ( I just hard coded this to test it ). Then I want to delete all objects I found. It follows the error path and sends me this:
"date":"2016-05-04 00:54:43",
So in my opinion this doesn't look like an error? So why am I getting it back as an error? If I remove:
if(error) {
From my code, I won't get any response.
You need to change your code like this (see the changes denoted by -> to the left):
if(error) {
1-> return res.send(error);
endpoints = resp.hits.hits;
for (index = 0, len = endpoints.length; index < len; ++index) {
2-> (function(id){
index: 'test',
type: 'something',
3-> id: id
}, function (error, response) {
if(error) {
4-> next(error);
5-> })(endpoints[index._id]);
6-> //res.send(endpoints);
I'm now explaining each change:
If you don't return you'll send the error and then you'll continue with processing the hits
(3/5) Since client.delete is an asynchronous function, you need to call it in an anonymous function
In case of error you need to call next(error) not res.send
You cannot send the response at this point since your for loop might not be terminated yet. Instead of a for loop, you should use the excellent async library instead (see an example of using asynch.each below)
Async example:
var async = require('async');
if(error) {
return res.send(error);
endpoints = resp.hits.hits;
function(endpoint, callback) {
index: 'test',
type: 'something',
id: endpoint._id
}, callback);
// this is called when all deletes are done
if (err) {
} else {
Another solution for you to achieve exactly what you want is to use the delete by query plugin. That feature allows you to do all the above in a single query.
If you are still on ES 1.x, delete-by-query is still part of the core and you can simply call the deleteByQuery function of the Javascript client.
If you are on ES 2.x, delete-by-query is now a plugin, so yo need to install it and then also require the deleteByQuery extension library for the Javascript client
function deleteHostname(req, res, next) {
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
index: 'test',
type: 'something',
body: {
query: {
match: { hostname: '' }
}, function (error, response) {
if (error) {
} else {

Rollback Transaction for Multiple Models in Waterline ODM in Sails (For Mongo DB )

I am using Sails and Waterline ORM with Mongo Database .
I have two models User and Profile with One to One relationship.
Below is the code I've written for Transaction with Rollback logic. I think there can be a much better logic than this as the current logic is very clumsy.
Questions :
Does Waterline or Sails provide any functionality for Rollback purpose?
Is there any better way of doing this ?
User.create(newUser).then(function (data) {
var newProfile = {
user: data._id
return Profile.create(newProfile);
}).then(function (profileData) {"Profile Data " + JSON.stringify(profileData));
// Update the user with Profile Info
User.update(newUser._id, {profile: profileData._id}).then(function (updatedUser) {
return updatedUser;
}, function (err) {
// TODO Rollback logic if the User Updation Fails
}, function (err) {
sails.log.error("Failed to Create Profile for the User . Deleting the created User");
var criteria = {
User.destroy(criteria).then(function (user) {
sails.log.error("Deleted the Created User " + JSON.stringify(user));
throw new Error("ERROR CREATING User");
}, function (err) {
sails.log.error("ERROR DELETING USER");
throw new Error("ERROR DELETING USER", err);
To question 1 : no.
I would be tempted to do something like this:
callback(null, data);
callback(err, null, null); // don't need to rollback anything
function(data, callback){
user: data._id
callback(null, data, profile)
callback(err, data._id, null); // only need user's id
function(userData, profileData, callback){
User.update(userData._id, {profile: profileData._id})
callback(null, updatedUser);
callback(err, userData._id, profileData._id); // can roll back both
], function(err, userData, profileData){
if(err) {
// do rollback, userData is user's ID, profileData is profile id
// if either one is undefined, then it doesn't exist
} else {
// userData is user object from the last update, return it!
I don't know if it is better, but it seems more readable, and it handles the errors for any of the three writing phases.

Call controller on afterCreate

I have the following code for my Sessions model:
module.exports = {
attributes: {
afterCreate: function(value,next) {
And the following Sessions Controller:
module.exports = {
saveSession: function(res,req) {
console.log('in save');
I want to save a value to a user's session afterCreate
How can I call the saveSession function from my model? I tried Sessions.saveSession() but it doesn't work.
I don't think you need a session model and it's not a good idea to call a controller method directly.
I'd recommend just set req.session when you're trying to save the session and it'll be auto-saved when you respond from that controller action.
afterCreate will never have access to req unless you pass it down which I wouldn't recommend.
The pattern is something like:
// …
login: function (req,res) {
username: req.param('username'),
password: req.param('password')
}).exec(function (err, user) {
if (err) return res.serverError(err);
if (!user) return res.view('/login');
req.session.user = user.toJSON();
return res.redirect('/dashboard');
// ...
I think that you want to save a value to a cookie or create another database record am i correct?
If so, you dont need to call a controller action from the model (not recommended), you just need to create a new record or save the value to the cookie, here are some alternatives that i see possible in your scenario.
creating another record:
// on models/YourModel
module.exports = {
attributes: {
afterCreate: function(newlyInsertedRecord,next) {
param1: newlyInsertedRecord.attributeYouWant,
param2: value2
// and so on
}).exec(function(err, recordCreated){
if(err) return next(err);
// do somethign with recordCreated if you need to
// ...
Saving a value to a cookie:
module.exports = {
attributes: {
afterCreate: function(newlyInsertedRecord, next) {
// do some other stuff not related to calling a controller action ;)
This code was retrived from snippets from my own projects, so it should work on sails 0.9.x
Hope it helps!

Node Express Trouble returning object to view from query

I'm trying to:
Pass user's ID to a model query, that should return the user record from mongo.
Render this user object to my view so I can use its fields.
I'm not quite sure what's going wrong - the query function finds the correct user and I can console.dir to see all the fields. When I try to return it to my view with res.render I get nothing:
Here's my route:
app.get('/account', function(req, res) {
res.render('account', {title: 'Your Account', username:, user:account.check( });
And my query function:
exports.check = function(userId) {
MongoClient.connect('mongodb://', function(err, db) {
if(err) throw err;
var collection = db.collection('test');
collection.findOne({userId : userId}, function(err, user) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log("account.check logging found user to console: ");
return user;
Again, this shows the proper entry
Finally my view:
<h1>Account Page</h1>
<p>Why, Hello, there <b> {{username}} </b> </p><br/>
<p>You came from {{user.provider}}</p>
Go Home ~ Log Out
Any held would be most appreciated!
The MongoDB findOne function is asynchronous (it takes a callback as an argument). This means that your check function also needs to be asynchronous and take a callback as an argument (or return a promise).
Then you should call res.render() inside the callback you pass to query on success.
app.get('/account', function(req, res) {
account.check(, function(error, user) {
if (error) {
// do something smart like res.status(500).end()
res.render('account', {title: 'Your Account', username:, user:user });
And the check function should be something like:
exports.check = function(userId, callback) {
MongoClient.connect('mongodb://', function(err, db) {
if(err) {
var collection = db.collection('test');
collection.findOne({userId : userId}, function(err, user) {
if(err) {
console.log("account.check logging found user to console: ");
callback(null, user);
Of course if you don't need to do any additional processing, you can just pass your the callback argument as the callback to collection.findOne(). I just kept it this way because it was closer to what you were doing initially.