Multiple functions in restify function to elasticsearch client - rest

I'm building a REST API using node and restify that communicaties with an elasticsearch database. Now when I delete an object, I want this to do a kind of cascading delete to some other objects. I know this is not really what to use elasticsearch for but bear with me.
So here is my code:
function deleteHostname(req, res, next) {
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
var endpoints = [];{
index: 'test',
type: 'something',
body: {
from: 0, size: 100,
query: {
match: {
hostname: ''
}).then(function (error, resp) {
if(error) {
endpoints = resp.hits.hits;
for (index = 0, len = endpoints.length; index < len; ++index) {
index: 'test',
type: 'something',
id: endpoints[index]._id
}, function (error, response) {
if(error) {
return next();
So basically I just want to search for any objects with hostname ( I just hard coded this to test it ). Then I want to delete all objects I found. It follows the error path and sends me this:
"date":"2016-05-04 00:54:43",
So in my opinion this doesn't look like an error? So why am I getting it back as an error? If I remove:
if(error) {
From my code, I won't get any response.

You need to change your code like this (see the changes denoted by -> to the left):
if(error) {
1-> return res.send(error);
endpoints = resp.hits.hits;
for (index = 0, len = endpoints.length; index < len; ++index) {
2-> (function(id){
index: 'test',
type: 'something',
3-> id: id
}, function (error, response) {
if(error) {
4-> next(error);
5-> })(endpoints[index._id]);
6-> //res.send(endpoints);
I'm now explaining each change:
If you don't return you'll send the error and then you'll continue with processing the hits
(3/5) Since client.delete is an asynchronous function, you need to call it in an anonymous function
In case of error you need to call next(error) not res.send
You cannot send the response at this point since your for loop might not be terminated yet. Instead of a for loop, you should use the excellent async library instead (see an example of using asynch.each below)
Async example:
var async = require('async');
if(error) {
return res.send(error);
endpoints = resp.hits.hits;
function(endpoint, callback) {
index: 'test',
type: 'something',
id: endpoint._id
}, callback);
// this is called when all deletes are done
if (err) {
} else {
Another solution for you to achieve exactly what you want is to use the delete by query plugin. That feature allows you to do all the above in a single query.
If you are still on ES 1.x, delete-by-query is still part of the core and you can simply call the deleteByQuery function of the Javascript client.
If you are on ES 2.x, delete-by-query is now a plugin, so yo need to install it and then also require the deleteByQuery extension library for the Javascript client
function deleteHostname(req, res, next) {
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
index: 'test',
type: 'something',
body: {
query: {
match: { hostname: '' }
}, function (error, response) {
if (error) {
} else {


Waterline ORM assign the result of find to a variable

I want to combine the results of 2 queries and then return them as one, like this:
test: async (req, res) => {
const valOne = TableOne.find({ id: id })
.exec((err, result) => {
if (err) {
return result;
const valTwo = TableTwo.find({ id: id })
.exec((err, result) => {
if (err) {
return result;
const data = {
keyOne: valOne,
keyTwo: valTwo,
I understand above code won't return because it's async. How can I achieve this?
There is not much info you supply: node version, sails version, etc.
There are several approaches here:
1. Using promises
2. Using callback chaining
3. Using await/async
If you use sails 1.0 and node >= 8, your best bet is to use await/async, so your code should work like that:
test: async (req, res) => {
let valOne, valTwo;
try {
valOne = await TableOne.find({ id: id });
valTwo = await TableTwo.find({ id: id });
} catch (err) {
return res.serverError(err); //or res.badRequest(err);
const data = {
keyOne: valOne,
keyTwo: valTwo,

How to retrieve `custom_disclaimer_responses` in Facebook lead gen webhook data

I have set up a webhook that gets data submitted from a lead gen ad on Facebook.
In my response I have access to field_data and can see names and email address coming through but can't seem to find where the custom_disclaimer_responses is.
I am using the graph API explorer to send test submissions and getting a successful response
My webhook code is as follows:
exports.webhook = function (req, res, next) {
var lead = req.body.entry[0].changes[0].value;
var leadID = lead.leadgen_id;
var formID = lead.form_id;
var customDisclaimerResponses = lead.custom_disclaimer_responses
fs.readFile(config.token, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log('err', err)
throw err;
var content = JSON.parse(data);
if(!content.access_token) {
console.log('Facebook Access Token is invalid.');
} else {
FB.options({accessToken: content.access_token});
FB.api('/' + leadID, function (response) {
if(response && response.error) {
console.log('error', response.error);
} else {
var fields = response.field_data;
// do stuff here with fields
// Response moved to outside of above function block since Facebook will
// stop sending updates if the webhook starts giving errors repeatedly.
Example of response:
{ created_time: '2016-11-17T09:52:44+0000',
id: '<id>',
[ { name: 'email', values: [Object] },
{ name: 'first_name', values: [Object] },
{ name: 'last_name', values: [Object] },
{ name: 'city', values: [Object] },
{ name: 'date_of_birth', values: [Object] }
I don't use webhooks, but I think this can help you:
You can add the parameter fields=custom_disclaimer_responses to get the data you need.
I re-join collected data (the ones in field_data got without parameter) by user id
This is my PHP code, for example:
$url = "$leadForm/leads?access_token=".$appToken;
$urlCustom = "$leadForm/leads?fields=custom_disclaimer_responses&access_token=".$appToken;

how do i show ionic loading until local storage is populated in pouch

I have used service for storing data in local storage using pouchDB. I would like to show ionic loading until the data are downloaded and stored locally. For now I have used timeout which is not an option for me.
My Service
function populateLocaldb() {
var count;{
count = d.doc_count;
if(count===0) {
} else {
function populateChapter() {
$http.get('http://....').success(function(data) {
var values= data;
for(var i=0; i<values.length; i++) {
var value= {
_id: values[i].ID,
title: chapters[i].Title
_localdb.put(value, function callback(err, result) {
if (!err) {
console.log('Successfully posted a value!');
dbService.getAllinfo().then(function(data) {
if(data == ""){
//do nothing
//alert(" null Alert hello")
content: 'Loading',
animation: 'fade-in',
showBackdrop: true,
maxWidth: 200,
showDelay: 0
}).then(function() {
} else {
//do nothing
$timeout(function () {
}, 50000);
It looks like you might need to call $scope.$apply() in the PouchDB callback. Also, another tip: instead of doing multiple put()s inside of a forEach(), it's more efficient in PouchDB to do a single bulkDocs() operation.

Sails inconsistent record creation

I use the following piece of code to create some records. If I provide incorrect values, say(password and passwordConfirmation does not match), then sometimes an institute record is created without a rollback and sometimes, rollback happens properly.
I would appreciate any help. Is there a better way to do this?
create: function (req, res) {
User.query("BEGIN TRANSACTION", function(result){
if(result) {;
return res.serverError(result);
} else {
name: req.param('name'),
shortName: req.param('shortName'),
phoneNumber: req.param('phoneNumber'),
subdomain: req.param('subdomain'),
managerEmail: req.param('email')
}, function(error, institute){
if(error) {;
Institute.query("ROLLBACK", function(result) {;
return res.badRequest(error);
} else {
email: req.param('email'),
password: req.param('password'),
passwordConfirmation: req.param('passwordConfirmation'),
}, function(error, user) {
if(error) {;
Institute.query("ROLLBACK", function(result) {;
return res.badRequest(error);
} else {
User.query("COMMIT", function(result){;
return res.created(user);
You have a few of options, in no particular order.
1. Write a function that makes all the possible security checks before creation occurs, or use the beforeCreate life cycle call for your models.
For example, you could write a function verifyParams(params) that makes checks such as password comparison (and any other checks you want) for your user creation parameters before you create the institution, or you could just include these checks in your institution creation's beforeCreate method.
2. Delete if there is an error during your user creation
Delete theInstitute model instance in your error case of user creation:
User.create(..., function (error, user) {
if (error) {
Institute.destroy(, function instDestroyed(err) {
} else {
3. Create a user in your institute model's beforeCreate method.
module.exports = {
attributes: { ... },
beforeCreate: function(values, next) {
User.create(..., function (err, user) {
if (err) { return next(err) }
return next();
Personally, I use method #2 in my own apps.

SailsJS reverse destruction of created models fails

Suppose I have 2 models (one-to-many); Center model (one) - Room model (many).
When creating a center, an array of rooms is created in the Center.Create callback.
If a room creation fails, it should destroy all the created data before the failed room entity.
CenterController create:
create: function(req, res) {
console.log('params: ', req.params.all());
var centerObj = {
name: req.param('center_name'),
state: req.param('center_state')
var roomsInput = req.params('rooms');
console.log('created center centerObj: ', centerObj);
Center.create(centerObj, function centerCreated(err, center) {
if (err) {
req.session.flash = {
err: err
console.log("Error in center create")
return res.redirect('/center/new');
// keep track of successfully created rooms
var created_rooms_ids = new Array();
// array to iterate over
// iterator function
function(roomInput, cb)
var roomObj = {
min_age: roomInput.min_age,
max_age: roomInput.max_age
Room.create(roomObj, function roomCreated(err, room) {
if (err) {
console.log("Room.create error: ", err);
return cb(err);
return cb(null,;
// callback for when the loop is finished
function(err, results)
if (err) {
return destroyCreatedResources(err);
console.log('center: ', center);
return res.redirect('/center/show/' +;
// destroy created resources (center + room)
function destroyCreatedResources(err)
console.log("destroyCreatedResources. Center=",, "Id=", created_rooms_ids);
Room.destroy({id: created_rooms_ids}).exec(function(e){
if (e) {console.log('Room.destroy error!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!');}
return res.serverError(err);
When an error happens in the middle and I want to perform reverse destruction of all the created rooms, only the center is destroyed.
How come res.serverError(err); is called before the Rooms are destroyed?
function destroyCreatedResources(err)
if (e) {console.log('Room.destroy error!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!');}
Room.destroy({id: created_rooms_ids}).exec(function(e){
return res.serverError(err);
Are there better ways to do reverse destruction?
Looks like this was due to a bug in sails-mongo v0.10.0-rc2. This has now been patched and released as v0.10.0-rc3, so you can pull down the latest from npm and the issue should be resolved. Thanks!