Add new item in context menu using powershell gives an error - powershell

I am trying to create a context menu but once its created i get an error message stating
This file does not have a program associated to it.
i am using this script . I am trying to create a powershell shortcut on folders.
New-PSDrive -Name HKCR -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
Test-Path HKCR:\Directory\shell\Powershell
New-Item -Path HKCR:\Directory\shell -Name Powershell
Set-Item -Path HKCR:\Directory\shell\Powershell -Value "Open Powershell Here"
New-Item -Path HKCR:\Directory\shell\Powershell\key -Value
"C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -NoExit -Command Set-Location -
LiteralPath '%L'"

Try to change last line:
New-Item -Path HKCR:\Directory\shell\Powershell\key -Value "C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NoExit -Command ""Set-Location -LiteralPath '%L'"""
If not work add a third '"' """Set-location...


The requested registry access is invalid

I'm a learning System engineer and I have to Script a PowerShell Script who simply creates a Registry Key and a Value in it. I can't get it right, there is always this weird error popping up. Likewise, I already tried running it as an Administrator. Please Help!
Translation of the Error.
“The requested registry access is invalid.”
$regkey="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Reporting"
cd HKLM:\
New-ItemProperty -Path "$regkey" -Name "$regparam" -Value "test" -PropertyType "String"
$regkey='HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Reporting'
# create key
New-Item -Path $regkey -Force
# create entry
New-ItemProperty -Path $regkey -Name $regparam -PropertyType String -Value 'test' -Force
more examples: Working with Registry Entries (

Custom URL for toast notification buttons in registry

I trying to run a command that opens up Software Center on my machine. It works just fine if I run it in Command Prompt but not when I call it from my custom protocol handler in the registry. The main problem is that when called from the protocol handler, via a Toast button, Windows tells me I need a new app to open this.
Here is the command.
"C:\WINDOWS\CCM\ClientUX\SCClient.exe" softwarecenter:Page=Applications FilterType=0 SortType=6 View=Upcoming
Here is how I am setting up the protocol handler in registry
New-item 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ToastSoftwareCenter' -force
Set-itemproperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ToastSoftwareCenter' -name '(DEFAULT)' -value 'url:ToastSoftwareCenter' -force
Set-itemproperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ToastSoftwareCenter' -name 'URL Protocol' -value '' -force
New-itemproperty -path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ToastSoftwareCenter' -propertytype dword -name 'EditFlags' -value 2162688
New-item 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ToastSoftwareCenter\Shell\Open\command' -force
Set-itemproperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ToastSoftwareCenter\Shell\Open\command' -name '(DEFAULT)' -value '"C:\WINDOWS\CCM\ClientUX\SCClient.exe" softwarecenter:Page=InstallationStatus FilterType=0 SortType=6 View=Upcoming' -force
I have tried appending these other commands on the end of the command to associate it as an exe so it wont ask anymore, but to no avail.
ftype exefile="%1" %*
assoc .exe=exefile\
The commands work when running them from a command prompt but not from the protocol handler. Am I setting it up wrong?
Thank You.
You're creating the protocol in the wrong location. It needs to be created under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
You also need to create the PSDrive in order to easily access that location within PowerShell.
New-PSDrive -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT -Name HKCR
New-Item 'HKCR:\ToastSoftwareCenter' -Force
Registering the Application Handling the Custom URI Scheme

Empty folders when using Copy-Item Network Drive to Local Drive

I'm currently using this Powershell script
Function Copy-ItemUNC {
New-PSDrive -Name "B" -PSProvider "FileSystem" -Root "\\ServerName\serverupdates\deploy\Program Files\"
Copy-Item -Path "\\servername\serverupdates\deploy\Program Files\*" -Destination 'C:/Program Files';
When I run the script it creates the folders but there are no subfolders within them.
Second problem I have is that I have to manually open Windows Explorer and type in the path to connect to it first in order for this script to even run. Is there a way to fix that too?
It's because you are not asking for subdirs, as that requires you to do this.
Copy-Item -Recurse
-Recurse <SwitchParameter>
Indicates that this cmdlet performs a recursive copy.
Required? false
Position? named
Default value False
Accept pipeline input? False
Accept wildcard characters? false
(Get-Command -Name Copy-Item).Parameters.Keys
Get-Help -Name Copy-Item -Full
Get-Help -Name Copy-Item -Examples
This command copies the mar1604.log.txt file to the C:\Presentation directory. The command does not delete the original file.
Example 2: Copy the contents of a directory to another directory
PS C:\>Copy-Item "C:\Logfiles" -Destination "C:\Drawings" -Recurse
So, this line should be like this..
Copy-Item -Path "\\servername\serverupdates\deploy\Program Files\*" -Destination 'C:/Program Files' -Recurse
You also do not really need this..
New-PSDrive -Name "B" -PSProvider "FileSystem" -Root "\\ServerName\serverupdates\deploy\Program Files\"
... based on what you are after. Especially since you are not using it anywhere in your code. That semi-colon is also not needed.

How disable UAC using a Batch file + Powershell?

I had based in the following Powershell command: (reference)
Set-ItemProperty -Path REGISTRY::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System -Name ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin -Value 0
to disable UAC using a Batch file and i tried this sintaxe:
Powershell -command "& {Set-ItemProperty -Path REGISTRY::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System -Name EnableLUA -Value 0;}"
but nothing works. How do this correctly?

Need help on Powershell Copy-Item from network drives

I am trying to use Copy-Item from remote machine to another remote machine with the command:
Copy-Item -Path "\\machine1\abc\123\log" -Destination "\\machine2\\c$\Logs\"
I am constantly getting Error "Cannot find Path "\\machine1\abc\123\log"
I can access that path and copy manually from there.
I am opening PowerCLI as administrator and running this script... I am absolutely stuck here and not sure how to resolve it.
This seems to work as is on PowerShell v3. I don't have v2 handy to test with, but there are two options that I'm aware of, which ought to work. First, you could map PSDrives:
New-PSDrive -Name source -PSProvider FileSystem -Root \\machine1\abc\123 | Out-Null
New-PSDrive -Name target -PSProvider FileSystem -Root \\machine2\c$\Logs | Out-Null
Copy-Item -Path source:\ -Destination target:
Remove-PSDrive source
Remove-PSDrive target
If this is something you're going to do a lot, you could even wrap this in a function:
Function Copy-ItemUNC($SourcePath, $TargetPath, $FileName)
New-PSDrive -Name source -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $SourcePath | Out-Null
New-PSDrive -Name target -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $TargetPath | Out-Null
Copy-Item -Path source:\$FileName -Destination target:
Remove-PSDrive source
Remove-PSDrive target
Alternately, you can explicitly specify the provider with each path:
Copy-Item -Path "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::\\machine1\abc\123\log" -Destination "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::\\machine2\\c$\Logs\"
this works all day for me:
$strLFpath = "\\compname\e$\folder"
$strLFpath2 = "\\Remotecomputer\networkshare\remotefolder" #this is a second option that also will work
$StrRLPath = "E:\localfolder"
Copy-Item -Path "$StrRLPath\*" -Destination "$strLFpath" -Recurse -force -Verbose
things to watch:
Copy-item define the LAST item as the object.
for copying the content of a folder you NEED the \*
If you are copying the folder it self to a new location then you do not need to declare the content.
I use this daily:
Robocopy /E \\\SOURCEIP\C$\123\ \\\DESTIP\C$\Logs\
There is an empty space in the middle. For ROBCOPY, /E does a copy. You can google if you need to do a move.
$SourceIP = Read-Host "Enter the Source IP"
$DESTIP = Read-Host "Enter the Destination IP"
Robocopy /E \\\\$SourceIP\C$\123\ \\\\$DESTIP\C$\Logs\
####Just adjust the C$ path on both#####