Custom URL for toast notification buttons in registry - powershell

I trying to run a command that opens up Software Center on my machine. It works just fine if I run it in Command Prompt but not when I call it from my custom protocol handler in the registry. The main problem is that when called from the protocol handler, via a Toast button, Windows tells me I need a new app to open this.
Here is the command.
"C:\WINDOWS\CCM\ClientUX\SCClient.exe" softwarecenter:Page=Applications FilterType=0 SortType=6 View=Upcoming
Here is how I am setting up the protocol handler in registry
New-item 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ToastSoftwareCenter' -force
Set-itemproperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ToastSoftwareCenter' -name '(DEFAULT)' -value 'url:ToastSoftwareCenter' -force
Set-itemproperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ToastSoftwareCenter' -name 'URL Protocol' -value '' -force
New-itemproperty -path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ToastSoftwareCenter' -propertytype dword -name 'EditFlags' -value 2162688
New-item 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ToastSoftwareCenter\Shell\Open\command' -force
Set-itemproperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ToastSoftwareCenter\Shell\Open\command' -name '(DEFAULT)' -value '"C:\WINDOWS\CCM\ClientUX\SCClient.exe" softwarecenter:Page=InstallationStatus FilterType=0 SortType=6 View=Upcoming' -force
I have tried appending these other commands on the end of the command to associate it as an exe so it wont ask anymore, but to no avail.
ftype exefile="%1" %*
assoc .exe=exefile\
The commands work when running them from a command prompt but not from the protocol handler. Am I setting it up wrong?
Thank You.

You're creating the protocol in the wrong location. It needs to be created under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
You also need to create the PSDrive in order to easily access that location within PowerShell.
New-PSDrive -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT -Name HKCR
New-Item 'HKCR:\ToastSoftwareCenter' -Force
Registering the Application Handling the Custom URI Scheme


The requested registry access is invalid

I'm a learning System engineer and I have to Script a PowerShell Script who simply creates a Registry Key and a Value in it. I can't get it right, there is always this weird error popping up. Likewise, I already tried running it as an Administrator. Please Help!
Translation of the Error.
“The requested registry access is invalid.”
$regkey="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Reporting"
cd HKLM:\
New-ItemProperty -Path "$regkey" -Name "$regparam" -Value "test" -PropertyType "String"
$regkey='HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Reporting'
# create key
New-Item -Path $regkey -Force
# create entry
New-ItemProperty -Path $regkey -Name $regparam -PropertyType String -Value 'test' -Force
more examples: Working with Registry Entries (

How do I add HKCU Regkeys value for each current user in powershell script?

I want a powershell script to run each time a user login to Windows by placed in: Shell:common startup.
This script must add about 50 Regkey's in HKCU, which is setting/path for Presetfolders for a application.
I want to use Powershell and have tried this command adding the RegKey (This command needs to be repeated for each 50 regkeys!):
New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Software\AppName' -Name 'PresetFolder' -PropertyType String -Value '$env:userprofile\Documents\AppName\Presets1' -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Software\AppName' -Name 'PresetFolder' -PropertyType String -Value '$env:userprofile\Documents\AppName\Presets2' -Force .......
When using "$env:userprofile" instead of c:\Users\MyUserProfile\Documents\.... the -value in the RegKey will be: "$env:userprofile\Documents\NewFolder\Presets" and not as wanted: "c:\Users\MyUserProfile\Documents\NewFolder\Presets".
I need a Variable for each userprofile!
Alternatively I can after Program installation by using admin-account, I can exported all RegKey's as a .reg-file. Before using the powershell-script to merge the RegKeys everytime a user is logging in Windows, I now need to search and replace the value of the path (-Value) from AdminUserProfil-path into a variable for each user running the script.
Part of the Reg-file:
"HelpDocPath"="C:\Users\\AdminUserprofiles\\Documents\\AppName\\Version\\HTML Help\\en"
"ExciterCacheInstallPath"="C:\\Program Files\\AppName\\Version\\Exciter Cache"
"DSPResourceFilesInstallPath"="C:\\Program Files\\AppName\\Version/Resources"
"InstallPath"="C:\\Program Files\\AppName\\InstallFolder"
"PresetFolder"="C:\\Users\\AdminUserprofiles\\Documents\\AppName\\Version\\Presets\\Global Presets"\
Hope anyone can help?
What do I need to type for the right path, so each user will have there own path? Do I need a variable fo rusers or..?
Thank you.
Define $env:USERPROFILE as a variable so you can call it, otherwise PS will just output what you have typed, which is what is happening in this case.
$path = "$env:USERPROFILE"
New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Software\AppName' -Name 'PresetFolder' -PropertyType String -Value '$path\Documents\AppName\Presets1' -Force

Updating registry remotely in powershell not saving after reboot

I am doing an automated deployment process within a single server that deploys a few different virtual machines. Once all the virtual machines are imported using a base image I start them and rename them and try to setup the auto logon process by setting the expected registry keys.
Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" -Name "AutoLogonCount" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" -Name "DefaultUserName" -Value "$Username" -Force
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" -Name "DefaultPassword" -Value "$Password" -Force
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" -Name "AutoAdminLogon" -Value "1" -Force
This is wrapped in an Invoke-Command with a working session and passing in the correct information into it. After this has been ran I use [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey( method to obtain the key value information and verify it has been set correctly. Which everything equals what it should.
However once this is complete I do a reboot of the virtual machine but occasionally a vm will not have the registry keys saved and it will not login automatically. When I manually login and look at the registry the keys are blank or not created.
I even have it written up that after the reboot if the registry keys do not equal what they should to try again, and after every attempted reboot to login automatically the keys seemingly disappear. I am running it again as I am writing this to attempt to do it and this time look in the event logs to see if anything is found.
This process can take some time since it doesn't seem to happen consistently and I delete the vms and run the automated process from scratch.

Use powershell to configure "Use start fullscreen" setting?

Windows 10 allows you to configure Settings > Start > Use Start full screen, I'm trying to find a way to configure this through powershell/dsc scripting/automation. I was able to find the MDM and GPO documentation ( but this does not appear to apply to desktop Windows 10 Pro - powershell has no commands/cmdlets with GP* nouns.
The scripts below, inspired by the .bat-files in this article adjust the local policies and should probably work. I have tested on 10.0.16299.431 (Enterprise).
Based on the article (Created by Shawn Brink, January 24th 2015):
To force fullscreen:
$forceStartSizePath = "\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer"
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:$forceStartSizePath" -Name "ForceStartSize" -Value 2 -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:$forceStartSizePath" -Name "ForceStartSize" -Value 2 -Force
Stop-Process -name explorer
To force normal mode:
$forceStartSizePath = "\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer"
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:$forceStartSizePath" -Name "ForceStartSize" -Value 1 -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:$forceStartSizePath" -Name "ForceStartSize" -Value 1 -Force
Stop-Process -name explorer
To reset to default:
$forceStartSizePath = "\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer"
Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:$forceStartSizePath" -Name "ForceStartSize"
Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:$forceStartSizePath" -Name "ForceStartSize"
Stop-Process -name explorer
Note: The last line (making explorer restart) may not desirable, but it will make sure the settings are picked up instantly. Your screen will flicker (if running local) as explorer is restarted.
Also; if parts of the registry-path is missing, you will get an error message. Use Test-Pathand New-Item to check for and create the missing part of the path.

Add new item in context menu using powershell gives an error

I am trying to create a context menu but once its created i get an error message stating
This file does not have a program associated to it.
i am using this script . I am trying to create a powershell shortcut on folders.
New-PSDrive -Name HKCR -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
Test-Path HKCR:\Directory\shell\Powershell
New-Item -Path HKCR:\Directory\shell -Name Powershell
Set-Item -Path HKCR:\Directory\shell\Powershell -Value "Open Powershell Here"
New-Item -Path HKCR:\Directory\shell\Powershell\key -Value
"C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -NoExit -Command Set-Location -
LiteralPath '%L'"
Try to change last line:
New-Item -Path HKCR:\Directory\shell\Powershell\key -Value "C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NoExit -Command ""Set-Location -LiteralPath '%L'"""
If not work add a third '"' """Set-location...