Asterisk server registration error - sip

i have successfully installed Asterisk server but when i am registering user on it it shows following error:
chan_sip.c:28059 handle_request_register: Registration from '"pushpa" <sip:pushp#>' failed for '' - Wrong password
any help will be Great.

Please make sure that you're using correct username and password at your endpoint. Looks like your SIP endpoint (user) sending a wrong password.


Keycloak: updating admin user with e-mail and name results in error

I am trying to test the SMTP mail settings in my Keycloak configuration. The error I get is: Error! Logged in user does not have an e-mail.
For this to work, I have to set an e-mail and name for the Admin user, however: when I do that, it results in an error.
Been researching this, but I am unable to find how to resolve this issue.
Any help on how to make this work, would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

keycloak configuration http-Link in "verify email"

When my users receive the "Please verifiy email link" the Link in the template is always: http://localhost:8280/auth....
First I tried to set the frontend URL in my realm:
But after this change I cannot start my quarkus-application anymore because I get the following error message: issuer validation error: received []
So I removed this setting in keycloak.
I thought that keycloak is using this url for email broadcasts. "Quarkus-portal" is my java-application.
If I click impersonate user in keycloak and set the action "verifiy email" in keycloak admin web, I get the email verifiy email with the correct link.
If my java-program says "sendVerifyEmail" it will send out with "localhost:8280"
Can someone please explain me, what I have to configure to get the domain in my email broadcasts correct. Thank you
As per to the keycloak docs The default hostname provider uses the configured frontendUrl as the base URL for frontend requests (requests from user-agents) and uses the request URL as the basis for backend requests (direct requests from clients).
In your case I think the client configured is a Java client(which is backend) , so in order to force all the backend requests to pass through the public domain(frontendUrl) you might want to set the forceBackendUrlToFrontendUrl property to true in the standalone.xml file.
Please check the below link for further reference.
Hostname SPI

451 Authentication failed: Could not authenticate

I am following this link for a test. But I receive
451 Authentication failed: Could not authenticate
at step 4:
4.Enter your Base64 converted API key in the next line as the password.
Does it mean I entered a wrong Base64 converted API key? But I have double checked the key. What's going on?
By the way, I am also using Postfix, and in /var/log/maillog it says
certificate verification failed for[]:587: untrusted issuer /C=US/O=The Go Daddy Group, Inc./OU=Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority
Then I followed this link to add the certificate, but I still cannot send the email by Postfix, perhaps the reason is 451 Authentication failed: Could not authenticate?
Another cause of '451 Authentication failed: Could not authenticate'
- because IP not whitelisted
You need to whitelist your NAT or the Public IP of the instance in the Sengrid site then the steps described here would work -
I've had the same issue. Run the TELNET test again (following the instructions here),
but instead of using the API username apikey and your API key, use your base64 converted login username and password for Step 3 and step 4.
This should return a 235 Authentication successful response. This will mean you've successfully connected.
Given that the username/password test is successful, consider opening your API key Permissions to Full Access and try sending and email. If that works, you can use this link to adjust your permissions for your application.

Discourse with sendgrid smtp: [Sender] 550 Unauthenticated senders not allowed

I have looked through every single bit of documentation I can find on this matter, and cannot figure this out. There must be people out there using Sendgrid as SMTP for discourse blogs, but I cannot figure out how.
Here's my app.yml setup:
## TODO: The mailserver this Discourse instance will use
Obviously my_domain and API_KEY are replaced for the proper values. I have triple checked that these things are correct. I have rebuilt the app via launcher rebuild app many times.
The discourse admin UI shows these settings:
However, when I try to send any email, I get a popup that says:
There was a problem sending the test email. Please double-check your mail settings, verify that your host is not blocking mail connections, and try again.
The actual logs on the server aren't very helpful:
Sent mail to (91.2ms)
Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 287ms (Views: 0.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.4ms)
But when I check the "Skipped" tab of the admin email UI, I see that the "Skip Reason" is [Sender] 550 Unauthenticated senders not allowed - so I assume this is an authentication problem with SendGrid. How can I resolve this?
"Unauthenticated Senders not allowed" is a SendGrid-specific error that explicitly means that your system isn't sending the AUTH command. So even though you have authentication plain set, something is overriding that, and not attempting to authenticate when connecting to SendGrid.
Have you enabled "Mail Send" for that API Key?

Application using SSO Cloud directory throwing Authorization error

I have successfully created, configured and integrated SSO with my application at ( My project url is I have created user Manoj while setting up SSO.
Details are as follows:
Username: Manoj
Password: welcome2ibm11
Once user is logging in to the application, it keeps on giving an "Authorization Failed" message.
Where and how to resolve the issue?
The same thing happens with other users created while configuring SSO, like
Username: Suruchi
Password: welcome2ibm
I was able to access this project successfully using username Manoj one day ago, but now it's throwing the authorization error.
It seems the application you provided above is working when signing in with user id and password you provided.
Are you still seeing errors? If so please provide more detailed information including error you are seeing.