keycloak configuration http-Link in "verify email" - email

When my users receive the "Please verifiy email link" the Link in the template is always: http://localhost:8280/auth....
First I tried to set the frontend URL in my realm:
But after this change I cannot start my quarkus-application anymore because I get the following error message: issuer validation error: received []
So I removed this setting in keycloak.
I thought that keycloak is using this url for email broadcasts. "Quarkus-portal" is my java-application.
If I click impersonate user in keycloak and set the action "verifiy email" in keycloak admin web, I get the email verifiy email with the correct link.
If my java-program says "sendVerifyEmail" it will send out with "localhost:8280"
Can someone please explain me, what I have to configure to get the domain in my email broadcasts correct. Thank you

As per to the keycloak docs The default hostname provider uses the configured frontendUrl as the base URL for frontend requests (requests from user-agents) and uses the request URL as the basis for backend requests (direct requests from clients).
In your case I think the client configured is a Java client(which is backend) , so in order to force all the backend requests to pass through the public domain(frontendUrl) you might want to set the forceBackendUrlToFrontendUrl property to true in the standalone.xml file.
Please check the below link for further reference.
Hostname SPI


Nextcloud and Google SAML SSO: Error parsing the request, No SAML message present in request

I struggle a bit to get Nextcloud to work with Google as SSO provider. I have URL target of the iPd is then I get
403. That’s an error.
Error: app_not_configured_for_user
So following the suggestion here, I changed the url to
Which redirects me to the google account chooser, but then I get, after selecting my account
null. That’s an error.
Error parsing the request, No SAML message present in request That’s all we know.
Sometimes I am not asked for a user account, so then I get the following from Nextcloud
Account not provisioned.
Your account is not provisioned, access to this service is thus not possible.
What worked for me is to configure Google having these attribute mappings
While on Nextcloud I configure SAML as follows

"Unexpected error when authenticating with identity provider" error when Keycloak broker is configured as a client to another Keycloak instance

I am getting an error when I try to login to Keycloak by using it as a broker.1 I am using credentials from another keycloak instance to login. So far, I am redirected to the correct login page but after entering my credentials I receive an error.
I have set up Keycloack Identity Brokering on computer 1 by following the basic steps.2 I have used the generated redirection URI of the broker to register a new client on computer 2 in another Keycloak instance.3 The client configuration present on computer 2 4 is then used to fill in Authorization URL, Token URL, Client ID and Client Secret on the Identity Broker on Computer 1. 5
I may be leaving important fields missing. Pictures are attached for reference.
I have changed some settings to get the broker to work with the other Keycloak instance. I am now sending client secret as basic auth with signed verification off. I have also enabled back-channel logout. Hope this helps someone else.
I fixed this problem by regenerating the client secret on the identity provider side and using it on keycloak. The keycloak realm data import was not working very well for me apparently.
In my case I needed to empty the hosted domain field in the "Identity providers" configuration of my Google identity provider in Keycloak.
See also:
Keycloak Google identity provider error: "Identity token does not contain hosted domain parameter"

Nexus OSS Remote User Token (RUT) for SSO

Hello I am using Nexus OSS, and wanted to simulate SSO, using Remote User Token. Currently the Nexus is configured to LDAP authentication, and is working fine.
As per the instructions found here
Basically enabled Remote User Token and added header field Name "REMOTE_USER". This user is ldap and has access.
This instance is behind apache, so from apache, To test this RUT, I can set the header value REMOTE_USER, whoever, I don't see passed in user getting logged nor I see cookie being generated. I even tried firefox rest api client and set header, but with the same results. I can see that HTTP header is being set right.
Am I missing something?
Is there a way to debug that? Appreciate any help.
RUT handles authentication, but the authenticated user still needs to be authorized to access the web UI. What this means is that you need an LDAP user or group mapping in Nexus which assigns the necessary roles and privileges to the user.
I had a similar issue with Nginx, the header was not set using the correct value.
This can be quite confusing, as the reverse proxy does not complain and simply sends a blank request header to Nexus.
Using Keycloak and Nginx (Lua), instead of a preferred_username field in the IdP response:
-- set headers with user info: this will overwrite any existing headers
-- but also scrub(!) them in case no value is provided in the token
ngx.req.set_header("X-Proxy-REMOTE-USER", res.preferred_username)
I had to use the preferred_username field returned in the response's id_token element:
-- set headers with user info: this will overwrite any existing headers
-- but also scrub(!) them in case no value is provided in the token
ngx.req.set_header("X-Proxy-REMOTE-USER", res.id_token.preferred_username)

CQ Basic Authentication

i have a requirement to implement basic authentication at dispatcher side
I have below basic auth configuration in my virtual host( configuration file.
<Location /content/abc/jp-JP >
AuthType basic
AuthName "private area"
AuthBasicProvider file
AuthUserFile /opt/cq/www/htdocs/password(this is name of file, contains uname and password)
Require valid-user
when i try to access getting basic auth prompt and authenticated succefully from password file(username and password file ) located under /opt/cq/www/htdocs . after first prompt successfully validated username and password , second prompt displaying with requires username and password .The server Says (Sling development). if i disable basic authentication in apache sling authentication service of publish instance ..then it's redirecting me to correct page what i expected ..but unable to publish contents from author(blocked inside replication agent queue). so enabled back..but basic authentication blocked with The server Says (Sling development).
I am sure it is difficult to understand what i am trying to say here ..but any idea how to by pass prompt of "The server Says (Sling development)" from dispatcher level basic auth. Any help would be appreciated!!!
Let me paraphrase your description: you have setup HTTP Basic Auth on the Apache level and it works fine, but the credentials entered in the browser are sent not only to the Apache but also to the CQ. CQ treats credentials as its own username and password and returns error. Disabling HTTP Basic Authentication Handler authenticator is not an option, as it's used by the replication process.
In order to make Apache HTTP Basic and the CQ publish coexists, you can remove the Authorization header (used in the HTTP Basic Auth) on the Apache, using mod_headers module and its RequestHeader directive. Enable the mod_headers and place following line in your VirtualHost configuration:
RequestHeader unset Authorization
Apache will use the header to authenticate the request, but then it'll be removed and CQ won't get it.

JMeter test with CAS not redirect to service

I am doing a jmeter test with CAS , but encountered a problem.
I got it logged in succesfully with full of CAS parameters(username/password/lt/service/_eventId), but the response data was not my page specified in the parameter "service".
It is not redirected.
Why? Does anyone know this issue?
I admit that I am not so familiar with CAS...
After reading the protocol of CAS, I find this:
2.2.4. response
One of the following responses MUST be provided by /login when it is operating as a credential acceptor.
successful login: redirect the client to the URL specified by the "service" parameter in a manner that will not cause the client's credentials to be forwarded to the service. This redirection MUST result in the client issuing a GET request to the service. The request MUST include a valid service ticket, passed as the HTTP request parameter, "ticket". See Appendix B for more information. If "service" was not specified, CAS MUST display a message notifying the client that it has successfully initiated a single sign-on session.
So ,I add a new request using GET with two parameters:service, ticket(its value is the same with lt).
Then the script run successfully and finally redirected..