Is there a way to create a series of UIAlertViews that are daisy chained into a decision tree? [closed] - uialertview

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there a way or a model by which I could create a "Choose your own adventure" type app using UIAlertViews?

While this is not a direct answer to the question, what you're going for here is going to provide a less than ideal user experience. Alerts are jarring and not really meant to be a constant UI element but more of an occasional interruption.
That said, if you do want to do something like this, using a block handler pattern rather than a delegate pattern will make the logic of your app much simpler and easier to follow.
For Xcode5/iOS7, I would recommend taking a look at BlocksKit which includes a category on UIAlertView to use completion blocks instead of a delegate.
New in iOS8 is the UIAlertController class which handles this very similarly without a need for an external component. It does require iOS 8 to use though.


VIPER/CleanSwift. Where to put reusable business-logic that is used across many views? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to start using CleanSwift architecture, especially the VIPER interpretation thereof, but I have some question.
Example: I have cart view. When some new item added to cart, that view update data (count increase). And when I press on it - open "CartViewController". I use that view many times across app, and code-base in only one.
Question: How can that view be implemented via VIPER as an interpretation of a CleanSwift architecture? I need to implement that the business logic somewhere that corresponds to every view for each scene in the view/UI zone of VIPER? How do I separate the business-logic concern in VIPER from the view UI concern so that VIPER inhibits massive-view-controller anti-pattern or malarchitecture? But also how can I do that while achieving a re-use of that business logic when it is the same?

How to avoid cumbersome if/else constructs? [Something more like an architecture approach, not just switch statement] [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I faced a task when I need to process a bunch of conditions and perform an action in the result. Are there any libraries or approaches that can help me building a structure like this? With replaceable/amendable conditions and results?
There are several patterns here, you can use Chain Of Responsibility to extract out the logic into separate classes.
If you want to fully extract it, there are rules engines that can help with that, making the if/else more data-driven. This has it's own concerns, namely around testing, promotion, etc...
Feel free to peruse my rant against rules engines: Method or pattern to implement a Business Rules Engine in a solution?

Teleprompter app in Xcode using Swift [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have finished an online course in iOS development on Udemy and I'm ready to start developing my first (real) app.
My goal is to make a teleprompter app similar to:
To start with, I would like to create just the moving text. I have looked at various concepts such as Core Animation, Text View, Segue from one view controller to another etc. But none of them seem to be able to display the moving text in the proper "teleprompter way".
I would really appreciate suggestions as to how to start/which relevant concepts to look at in this context.
Try reading up on UIDynamics, UIPushBehavior.

what is the difference between component and framework? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I know it's too straightforward but I'm confused about this. Imagine a library like JQuery and a component like telerik, which one is on top of another in producing? is it possible to use a framework in component development? what's the main difference between them?
A Component is essentially a set of functions that you can call,
these days usually organized into classes. Each call does some work
and returns control to the client.
A Component you can use whatever tiny part helps you.
A Component is a tool.
A framework is a skeleton where the application defines the "meat"
of the operation by filling out the skeleton. The skeleton still has
code to link up the parts but the most important work is done by the
A Framework is a way of life.
A Framework you must commit your entire project to.
Best Real time Example:
You can call Component. But you cannot able to call Framework.
Framework calls you. But Component not calls you.

Where to start on interface development? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I maintain an app for my business and am pretty much self-taught on code. I understand all of the structural code, and everything is perfectly usable. My problems is with the overall boringness of the looks. Everything is stock iOS from buttons to backgrounds to pinstripes on the list view. Does anyone have any guides or tutorials they used to take a stock iOS app's look to something like the Piictu app? (I'm not looking for something that impressive but in between that and stock iOS; and I'm open to a full app re-start.)
Almost all of controls can be customized with the view properties. and also there are lots of fully customized controls published with its source code.
With iOS5 there is a lot more scope now for customisation of UIKit elements. However, where this is not custom enough for your design then you would need to write your own controls rather than only using Apple'. There are a few good ADC videos on this.