Determine Chrome Platform Version - google-chrome-app

Is there someway to determine the Chrome platform version in order to verify that I can use APIs that are marked v37 and later? If there is an alternative way of verifying that these new parameters are supported by the current install that works as well. My current solution is to check for the existence of a different v37 API which seems to be working, however if there is a sanctioned way that would make me feel a bit better about the whole thing :).
I need to use the 'scopes' portion of this API:

In its Cog Chrome App, François Beaufort is using userAgent with a regex to get the chrome version:
But there is maybe a better way to check if some html/js API are available or not...

Try adding a minimum version to your manifest, so you don't even have to check in your code. This will prevent the app from webstore installs who are on older versions.
"minimum_chrome_version": "37",


Sygic Custom URL IOS

i have been using an url launch that open sygic and drives to coordinates n my website.
It looks like this: com.sygic.aura://coordinate|15.06591|47.73341|drive
After the last Sygic update this url launch does not work anymore, it fires up Sygic but no route is calculated any longer.
Does anybody have som ideas to overcome this?
Is there anyone else that hava this problem and found a solution for it?
This is what i tested with iPad Air 12.5.3, Sygic Version 20.4.5
All of Sygics custom url:
I contacted the Sygic Support. Here is their answer:
Thank you for contacting Sygic.
We apologize for the inconvenience. You're using the legacy format which is no longer supported in the latest release. Instead of this format, universal links can be used.
For your use case, you can use:,longitude

Passing command line arguments to a flutter app

Is package:args ArgParser compatible with flutter apps? I see on Github that it is used several times in some Flutter tools, but I'm not sure it's used in any of the sample apps.
If it is not compatible, is there another way to pass configuration options to my app at compile time as part of its build rule?
package:args operates on List<String>, which can come from anywhere. For example, I've used it in a browser app, in which the arguments came from Chrome's JS console. If you are OK with using the HostMessages API, then the following might work for you:
On Android, turn Intent.getExtras into List<String> and pass it to package:args. Similarly, this answer may help on the iOS side.

Sentry Raven inside Firefox Addon SDK

I am making a Firefox Extension and I want to log the errors/messages/exceptions produced by the extension code using Sentry.
I tried the JavsScript Raven client but I guess its not really made to live inside the "Content" context.
The error I get is: message = "debug" is read-only, but my actual question is, how do I go about integrating Sentry in a Firefox Addon?
PS: No, this wont go into general distribution, my api keys are safe.
What I did was just to omit calling .install() and just use the error/message reporting.
There will be no automatic catching and source code but it works for my purposes.

Facebook SDK for .NET - Security Warning Issue

everyone. Today I encounter the following message in my Windows Phone App:
SECURITY WARNING: Please treat the URL above as you would your password and do not share it with anyone.
This happens when my users Login through the Web Browser Control, which get the Login URL from the GetLoginUrl method from the Facebook SDK for .net. This problem is not only happening in my Apps, I've seen users from other Apps having the same problem.
Anyone found a solution to this?
I'm running this SDK in my PictureWeather (Windows Phone 7 & Windows Phone 8) and Picture2Cams (Windows Phone 8) Apps.
Had the same problem. In my app I changed this line:
parameters["redirect_uri"] = "";
To this line:
parameters["redirect_uri"] = "";
And it works now.
Had the same problem on our WP8 app using the Facebook SDK for Windows Phone ( and the indicated solution with changing the redirect URL also worked for us.
Thanks for submitting this solution.
I ran into this problem, myself, and did a bit of digging to get to the root of the issue. The problem seems to spring from some unknown (to me, anyway) change on Facebook's side, where previously the authentication response URL was in the form ...
for some reason it now comes back from the login flow as ...
The code in FacebookSDK.NET does a comparison in line 104 of LoginPage.xaml.cs with a simple Uri equality test
if (e.Uri == WebAuthenticationBroker.EndUri)
which fails to return true when the question mark appears in the middle. I expect Facebook will correct this on their end just because too much stuff breaks, but in the meantime a pretty clean fix is to get the FacebookClient sources from GIT instead of NuGet and change the comparison to this
UriBuilder clean = new UriBuilder(e.Uri);
clean.Query = "";
if (clean.Uri == WebAuthenticationBroker.EndUri)
The code will then run just fine, but this is seems ultimately to be Facebook's bug when checking the documentation on their developer site.
I hope this helps some others, I signed up for Stackoverflow just to make this post. :)
Use latest facebook sdk for windows phone. This issue got resolved in latest sdk. I am using Facebook.Client 0.8.2-alpha and its working great. I followed and
I guess the only way he did this was by downloading both projects from their official Github (Facebook and Facebook.Client) and reference them in your app instead of using the DLL that you can get from Nuget.
With both projects in hand, you can change this parameters on the Facebook.Client Project in the file FacebookSessionClient. Then build all the project and run.
However this solution didnt work for me too.

cocos2d-x zlib support is missing crypt.c

I just noticed that the zlib_support in cocos2d-x is missing crypt.c
I was able to update the code and add crypt.h from
to the project to get it working but I would like to know why this functionality is removed from the framework in the first place? Is there an alternative to the crypt.h I have used?
I finally found out the reason.
When you go on to publish your app, you are required to disclose if you are using encryption or not. And if your answer is yes, then there are separate and significantly longer process of approval. Adding encryption into cocos2d-x would therefore result in long approval times for a large number of apps. Hence it's not included.