octave plot does not work properly - matlab

Hi, the code above is my (slightly modified) rooo.m file.
I'm just trying to plot the function by typing into (octave) terminal
x = 1:1:40;
plot(x, rooo(x), '+');
But this will only print the graph of y=1.
I believe it's because of the y = 1; in the first line (btw the function itself returns the right value, say when I type rooo(3)).
When I change it to some other number (say b), the graph will show y =b.
Does anyone have an idea why this is happening??

I think it's not working because if you type rooo(x) at the command line, it will return a scalar result of 1, instead of a vector. The 1 < n logical condition doesn't work as you intended to when n is a vector.
Here is a suggestion to make it work (maybe not the most elegant but it seems to work):
Which, when called as in your question, gives the following plot
The results seem to be different from the ones reported in MATLAB though.
An alternative, if you don't want to modify your function, is to change the way you call it:
>> x = 1:1:40;
>> y = ones(size(x));
>> for k=1:length(x)
y(k) = rooo(x(k));
>> plot(x,y,'+')
This gives the same result as the above suggestion.

It's not working because you never enter the while loop with x starting at 1. Since
1 < n == 1 < x is false at the very beginning, the function returns.
However when you call rooo(3) or actually rooo(Anything > 1) it does work. With x = 1.1:1:40 the plot looks like this ( I made it with Matlab) :


spurious lines using fimplicit on a modular function

I want to plot collections of repeating circular arcs and am having trouble with spurious lines showing up in the plots. For example, one of the plots I want is given by
a = #(x,y) ((mod(x,1) + 0.5).^2 + (mod(y,1) - 0.5).^2 - 1)
but the output is incorrect as far as I can tell:
The implicit function is decidedly not zero on the verticle lines. I assume something funny is happening with the fimplicit algorithm and modular arithmetic. Any ideas how to get around this? Thanks!
That probably happens because your function is discontinuous at the lines x = k with k integer, as a surface plot reveals:
fsurf(a, [-2 2])
To verify that the discontinuity is the likely reason, consider the simpler example
f = #(x,y) (2*(x>=0)-1).*(2*(y>=0)-1);
This function is discontinuous at x = 0 and at y = 0. It jumps from 1 to −1 at x = 0 and at y = 0, but it never equals 0.
fsurf(f, [-2 2])
It can be seen that fimplicit is confused by the discontinuity, and thinks the function is 0 there:
Looking at the source code of fimplicit, the actual work is seen to be done (on R2017b at least) by the class matlab.graphics.function.ImplicitFunctionLine in the second to last line. That class is a .p file, and is thus obfuscated, which means that unfortunately its source code cannot be seen.

Matlab lcm multiple variables check

I have the following code for my matlab function that is supposed to take the lcm of multiple numbers. I have the following:
function y = lcm1(x)
n = length(x);
if n < 2
y = x;
elseif n == 2
y = lcm(x(1), x(2));
y = lcm(x(1), x(2));
for i = 3:n
y = lcm(x(i) ,y);
However it won't seem to run but I can't find the error if anyone can see this? I am aware that this is painfully simple.
Thanks for any help
It's nothing wrong with the function you have, although Luis' version is a slight improvement.
Follow the below instructions if you can't make it run:
Make sure the file has the same name as the function name, in this case lcm1. Note that the full path (if it's not too long) is shown in the top bar. It must end with ...\lcm1.m.
Make sure the folder you save it in is in the MATLAB path. In my case this folder is "C:\Users\Robert\Documents\MATLAB". You can find the current folder here:
Note that I have a few folders that are grey in the MATLAB folder, (graphViz4Matlab). MATLAB can't find any files / functions inside these folders. By double clicking you will make it the current folder, and by right clicking on it you get several options including adding it to the MATLAB path. You probably want to add it to the path, which should make it appear black.
When the above is done, writing lcm1(1:5) in the command window in MATLAB should result in (as you can see in the second screenshot above:
ans =
Your code seems to work fine.
A slightly neater approach is to use recursion:
function y = lcm1(x)
n = length(x);
if n < 2 %// 0 or 1 elements: nothing to do
y = x;
elseif n == 2 %// 2 elements: call lcm to do the actual work
y = lcm(x(1), x(2));
else %// combine first two numbers with lcm, then call lcm1 again
y = lcm1([lcm(x(1), x(2)) x(3:end)]);

Error with recursive function in m-file

I'm working on chapter 8 of A Course in Mathematical Biology. The textbook uses Maple, but includes this link, Computer course of Chapter 8 in Matlab. I'm told to put the following in an m-file:
% defining a recursive function in an m-file
function y = plot_traj(a)
RM = inline('a*x.*exp(-x)', 'a', 'x')
% Note that we are using an inline function. Sometimes it’s easier to do this.
% collecting list of x-coordinates
for i = 1:31,
X(i) = i - 1
% collecting list of y-coordinates
for i = 1:30,
iter(i+1) = Y(i+1);
y = plot(X, Y, '*');
Now, save your m-file (as plot traj.m) and close it. Type the following into the command window:
>> plot traj(0.8)
>> plot traj(1.0)
>> plot traj(5.0)
>> plot traj(8.0)
>> plot traj(13.0)
>> plot traj(14.5)
>> plot traj(20.0)
However, when I type plot traj(0.8) into the command window I get this:
>> plot_traj(0.8)
Undefined function or variable "iter".
Error in plot_traj (line 13)
I don't see anything wrong with line 13, and I've made sure that my code is exactly what is in the chapter. I've been doing fine with the codes up until this point. I'd appreciate it if anyone could provide some assistance. Thank you.
The problem at line 13 is that the iter local variable array has not been defined. So on the first iteration, the code tries to access iter(1) and fails. I looked at the link you provided and they missed it too. Based on previous examples in the Matlab_Course.pdf (and figure 8.6), the iter array should be initialized as
iter(1) = 1.0;
Just add this line prior to the for loop and you should be good to continue. I suspect also that this line should be added too (again based on the document)
to make sure that both iter and Y have the same length.
Note that it is a good habit to pre-allocate memory to arrays to avoid the internal resizing of matrices/arrays on each iteration of the loop (which can have a negative impact on performance). For this loop
for i = 1:30,
iter(i+1) = Y(i+1);
you can observe that i iterates over 1 through 30, and we always populate Y(i+1) and iter(i+1). So both Y and iter are 31x1 vectors. We can allocate memory to each prior to entering the for loop as
iter = zeros(31,1);
Y = zeros(31,1);
iter(1) = 1;
Y(1) = iter(1);
The same should be done for X as well.

MATLAB Function (Solving an Error)

I have one file with the following code:
function fx=ff(x)
I have another file with the following code:
function g = LaplaceTransform(s,N)
g = ff(x)*exp(-s*x);
for i=1:(N-1)
Whenever I run the second file, I get the following error:
Undefined function or variable 'x'.
What I am trying to do is integrate the function g between 0 and 1 using trapezoidal approximations. However, I am unsure how to deal with x and that is clearly causing problems as can be seen with the error.
Any help would be great. Thanks.
Looks like what you're trying to do is create a function in the variable g. That is, you want the first line to mean,
"Let g(x) be a function that is calculated like this: ff(x)*exp(-s*x)",
rather than
"calculate the value of ff(x)*exp(-s*x) and put the result in g".
You can create a subfunction for this
function result = g(x)
result = ff(x) * exp(-s * x);
Or you can create an anonymous function
g = #(x) ff(x) * exp(-s * x);
Then you can use g(a), g(b), etc to calculate what you want.
You can also use the TRAPZ function to perform trapezoidal numerical integration. Here is an example:
%# parameters
a = 0; b = 1;
N = 100; s = 1;
f = #(x) x;
%# integration
X = linspace(a,b,N);
Y = f(X).*exp(-s*X);
If = trapz(X,Y) %# value returned: 0.26423
%# plot
area(X,Y, 'FaceColor',[.5 .8 .9], 'EdgeColor','b', 'LineWidth',2)
grid on, set(gca, 'Layer','top', 'XLim',[a-0.5 b+0.5])
title('$\int_0^1 f(x) e^{-sx} \,dx$', 'Interpreter','latex', 'FontSize',14)
The error message here is about as self-explanatory as it gets. You aren't defining a variable called x, so when you reference it on the first line of your function, MATLAB doesn't know what to use. You need to either define it in the function before referencing it, pass it into the function, or define it somewhere further up the stack so that it will be accessible when you call LaplaceTransform.
Since you're trying to numerically integrate with respect to x, I'm guessing you want x to take on values evenly spaced on your domain [0,1]. You could accomplish this using e.g.
x = linspace(a,b,N);
EDIT: There are a couple of other problems here: first, when you define g, you need to use .* instead of * to multiply the elements in the arrays (by default MATLAB interprets multiplication as matrix multiplication). Second, your calls g(a) and g(b) are treating g as a function instead of as an array of function values. This is something that takes some getting used to in MATLAB; instead of g(a), you really want the first element of the vector g, which is given by g(1). Similarly, instead of g(b), you want the last element of g, which is given by g(length(g)) or g(end). If this doesn't make sense, I'd suggest looking at a basic MATLAB tutorial to get a handle on how vectors and functions are used.

nlfilter taking same values twice

I used nlfilter for a test function of mine as follows:
function funct
clear all;
I = rand(11,11);
ld = input('Enter the lag = ') % prompt for lag distance
A = nlfilter(I, [7 7], #dirvar);
% Subfunction
function [h] = dirvar(I)
c = (size(I)+1)/2
EW = I(c(1),c(2):end)
h = length(EW) - ld
The function works fine but it is expected that nlfilter progresses element by element, but in first two iterations the values of EW will be same 0.2089 0.4162 0.9398 0.1058. But then onwards for all iterations the next element is selected, for 3rd it is 0.4162 0.9398 0.1058 0.1920, for 4th it is 0.9398 0.1058 0.1920 0.5201 and so on. Why is it so?
This is nothing to worry about. It happens because nlfilter needs to evaluate your function to know what kind of output to create. So it uses feval once before starting to move across the image. The output from this feval call is what you see the first time.
From the nlfilter code:
% Find out what output type to make.
rows = 0:(nhood(1)-1);
cols = 0:(nhood(2)-1);
b = mkconstarray(class(feval(fun,aa(1+rows,1+cols),params{:})), 0, size(a));
% Apply fun to each neighborhood of a
f = waitbar(0,'Applying neighborhood operation...');
for i=1:ma,
for j=1:na,
x = aa(i+rows,j+cols);
b(i,j) = feval(fun,x,params{:});
The 4th line call to eval is what you observe as the first output from EW, but it is not used to anything other than making the b matrix the right class. All the proper iterations happen in the for loop below. This means that the "duplicate" values you observe does not affect your final output matrix, and you need not worry.
I hope you know what the length function does? It does not give you the Euclidean length of a vector, but rather the largest dimension of a vector (so in your case, that should be 4). If you want the Euclidean length (or 2-norm), use the function norm instead. If your code does the right thing, you might want to use something like:
sz = size(I,2);
h = sz - (sz+1)/2 - ld;
In your example, this means that depending on the lag you provide, the output should be constant. Also note that you might want to put semicolons after each line in your subfunction and that using clear all as the first line of a function is useless since a function will always be executed in its own workspace (that will however clear persistent or global variables, but you don't use them in your code).