Combining letter vector with number vector matlab - matlab

I wish to combine a vector of letters
ans =
'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e'
with a vector of numbers
x =
to create a table where a=0.3857 etc but I get errors no matter what I try. For example:
Error using cat
Dimensions of matrices being concatenated
are not consistent.

I am not sure what you want, perhaps something like this:
x = 'a':'e'
y = 11:15
C = cell(5,2)
for t = 1:5
It can of course be vectorized, but I find this solution easier to understand.

Standard MATLAB arrays are only able to cope with one data type, e.g. either chars or doubles. If you want to combine multiple types of data, you will need to employ structs or cells, as Dennis Jaheruddin has done in his answer.
See attached an example on how to put this into an array of structs:
for n=1:5
y(n).character = AssetList(1,n+1)
y(n).number = x(n)

Your approach almost works. You only need to transform x into a cell array (with mat2cell) before using cat:
y = cat(2, alldata(1,2:end).', mat2cell(x, ones(1,numel(x))));


How to crop matrix of any number of dimensions in Matlab?

Suppose I have 4D matrix:
>> A=1:(3*4*5*6);
>> A=reshape(A,3,4,5,6);
And now I want to cut given number of rows and columns (or any given chunks at known dimensions).
If I would know it's 4D I would write:
>> A1=A(1:2,1:3,:,:);
But how to write universally for any given number of dimensions?
The following gives something different:
>> A2=A(1:2,1:3,:);
And the following gives an error:
>> A2=A;
>> A2(3:3,4:4)=[];
It is possible to generate a code with general number of dimension of A using the second form of indexing you used and reshape function.
Here there is an example:
Asize = [3,4,2,6,4]; %Initialization of A, not seen by the rest of the code
A = rand(Asize);
%% This part of the code can operate for any matrix A
I = 1:2;
J = 3:4;
A1 = A(I,J,:);
NewSize = size(A);
NewSize(1) = length(I);
NewSize(2) = length(J);
A2 = reshape(A1,NewSize);
A2 will be your cropped matrix. It works for any Asize you choose.
I recommend the solution Luis Mendo suggested for the general case, but there is also a very simple solution when you know a upper limit for your dimensions. Let's assume you have at most 6 dimensions. Use 6 dimensional indexing for all matrices:
Matlab will implicit assume singleton dimensions for all remaining dimension, returning the intended result also for matrices with less dimensions.
It sounds like you just want to use ndims.
num_dimensions = ndims(A)
if (num_dimensions == 3)
A1 = A(1:2, 1:3, :);
elseif (num_dimensions == 4)
A1 = A(1:2, 1:3, :, :);
If the range of possible matrix dimensions is small this kind of if-else block keeps it simple. It seems like you want some way to create an indexing tuple (e.g. (1:2,:,:,:) ) on the fly, which I don't know if there is a way to do. You must match the correct number of dimensions with your indexing...if you index in fewer dimensions than the matrix has, matlab returns a value with the unindexed dimensions collapsed into a single array (similar to what you get with
A1 = A(:);

Best way to join different length column vectors into a matrix in MATLAB

Assuming i have a series of column-vectors with different length, what would be the best way, in terms of computation time, to join all of them into one matrix where the size of it is determined by the longest column and the elongated columns cells are all filled with NaN's.
Edit: Please note that I am trying to avoid cell arrays, since they are expensive in terms of memory and run time.
For example:
A = [1;2;3;4];
B = [5;6];
C = magicFunction(A,B);
C =
1 5
2 6
3 NaN
4 NaN
The following code avoids use of cell arrays except for the estimation of number of elements in each vector and this keeps the code a bit cleaner. The price for using cell arrays for that tiny bit of work shouldn't be too expensive. Also, varargin gets you the inputs as a cell array anyway. Now, you can avoid cell arrays there too, but it would most probably involve use of for-loops and might have to use variable names for each of the inputs, which isn't too elegant when creating a function with unknown number of inputs. Otherwise, the code uses numeric arrays, logical indexing and my favourite bsxfun, which must be cheap in the market of runtimes.
Function Code
function out = magicFunction(varargin)
lens = cellfun(#(x) numel(x),varargin);
out = NaN(max(lens),numel(lens));
out(bsxfun(#le,[1:max(lens)]',lens)) = vertcat(varargin{:}); %//'
Script -
A1 = [9;2;7;8];
A2 = [1;5];
A3 = [2;6;3];
out = magicFunction(A1,A2,A3)
Output -
out =
9 1 2
2 5 6
7 NaN 3
8 NaN NaN
As part of the benchmarking, we are comparing our solution to #gnovice's solution that was mostly based on using cell arrays. Our intention here to see that after avoiding cell arrays, what speedups we are getting if there's any. Here's the benchmarking code with 20 vectors -
%// Let's create row vectors A1,A2,A3.. to be used with #gnovice's solution
num_vectors = 20;
max_vector_length = 1500000;
vector_lengths = randi(max_vector_length,num_vectors,1);
vs =arrayfun(#(x) randi(9,1,vector_lengths(x)),1:numel(vector_lengths),'uni',0);
[A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,A10,A11,A12,A13,A14,A15,A16,A17,A18,A19,A20] = vs{:};
%// Maximally cell-array based approach used in linked #gnovice's solution
disp('--------------------- With #gnovice''s approach')
tcell = {A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,A10,A11,A12,A13,A14,A15,A16,A17,A18,A19,A20};
maxSize = max(cellfun(#numel,tcell)); %# Get the maximum vector size
fcn = #(x) [x nan(1,maxSize-numel(x))]; %# Create an anonymous function
rmat = cellfun(fcn,tcell,'UniformOutput',false); %# Pad each cell with NaNs
rmat = vertcat(rmat{:});
toc, clear tcell maxSize fcn rmat
%// Transpose each of the input vectors to get column vectors as needed
%// for our problem
vs = cellfun(#(x) x',vs,'uni',0); %//'
[A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,A10,A11,A12,A13,A14,A15,A16,A17,A18,A19,A20] = vs{:};
%// Our solution
disp('--------------------- With our new approach')
out = magicFunction(A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,A10,...
Results -
--------------------- With #gnovice's approach
Elapsed time is 1.511669 seconds.
--------------------- With our new approach
Elapsed time is 0.671604 seconds.
Conclusions -
With 20 vectors and with a maximum length of 1500000, the speedups are between 2-3x and it was seen that the speedups have increased as we have increased the number of vectors. The results to prove that are not shown here to save space, as we have already used quite a lot of it here.
If you use a cell matrix you won't need them to be filled with NaNs, just write each array into one column and the unused elements stay empty (that would be the space efficient way). You could either use:
cell_result{1} = A;
cell_result{2} = B;
THis would result in a size 2 cell array which contains all elements of A,B in his elements. Or if you want them to be saved as columns:
cell_result(1,1:numel(A)) = num2cell(A);
cell_result(2,1:numel(B)) = num2cell(B);
If you need them to be filled with NaN's for future coding, it would be the easiest to find the maximum length you got. Create yourself a matrix of (max_length X Number of arrays).
So lets say you have n=5 arrays:A,B,C,D and E.
result= zeros(max_No_Entries,n);

Mean value of multiple columns

I have searched a lot to find the solution, but nothing really works for me I think.
I have n data files containing two columns each (imported using uigetfile). To extract the data, I use a for loop like this:
for i=1:n
Now, I want to get the mean value for each row of all the (let's say) x-values. E.g.:
x{1} = [1,4,7,8]
x{2} = [1,2,6,9]
Then I want something like
x_mean = [1,3,6.5,8.5]
I have tried (where k is number of rows)
for i=1:n
But I can't use multiple counters in a for loop (as I understand). Moreover, I don't use mean as I don't see how I can use it in this case.
If someone could help me, it would be great!
You can capture the contents of each numeric array in the cell x into a new numeric array x_num like so:
x_num = [x{:}]
Computing the mean is then as simple as
mean_x = mean( [x{:}] )
For your example, that gives you the mean of all numbers in all arrays in x, which will therefore be a scalar.
If you want to compute the mean of all the rows (column-wise mean), as your example would indicate), you have to concatenate your arrays vertically, which you can do with cat:
mean_x_columnwise = mean( cat(1,x{:}) )
If you want to take the mean over all the columns (row-wise mean), you should only have to tell mean that you are looking at a different dimension:
mean_x_rowwise = mean( cat(1,x{:}), 2)

Matlab: Cell column with mixed char/double entries - how to make all numerical?

I'm importing large datasets into Matlab from different Excel files. I use [~,~,raw] = xlsread('myfile.xlsx') to obtain a raw input into a single Matlab cell.
One column consists of interest rates, and the entries are imported as either CHAR (if they're decimal numbers) or DOUBLE (if they're rounded to integers).
Now, I want to slice out that column and get a numerical vector, which Matlab doesn't like. If i use str2num, all the CHAR entries are converted into DOUBLE, but the DOUBLES becomes NaN. Is there a function/solution to take into account that some entries are already DOUBLE?
You can probably work this into your existing code rather than create a whole new function but this should work for you. The functions not vectorized though but since it a cell vector I don't think that's an issue
function number = str2numThatHandelsNumericInputs(obj)
if isnumeric(obj)
number = obj;
number = str2num(obj);
Or as Eitan points out a better function:
function num = str2numThatHandelsNumericInputs(num)
if ischar(num)
num = str2num(num);
I think I didn't quite understand your question, because I understood you have something like this:
raw = {...
'1.2345' , NaN
3 , inf
4 , #cos
'567.1232' , { struct }
In which case you could just use str2double:
>> inds = cellfun('isclass', raw(:,1), 'char'); % indices to non-numeric data
>> raw(inds,1) = num2cell(str2double(raw(inds,1))); % convert in-place
>> [raw{:,1}].' % extract numeric array
ans =
But is this what you mean?

Get string index into matrix

I have the following string in matlab
V= 'abcdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyz';
Then I have a word of 9 characters consisting of chars from my 'V' alphabet.
k = 'peligroso';
I want to create a square matrix (3x3) with the indices of my word 'k' according to my alphabet, this would be the output. (Note that the range I'm considering is 0 to 26, so 'a' char does have index 0)
16 4 11
8 6 18
15 19 15
My code for doing this is:
K = [findstr(V, k(1))-1 findstr(V, k(2))-1 findstr(V, k(3))-1;findstr(V, k(4))-1 findstr(V, k(5))-1 findstr(V, k(6))-1; findstr(V, k(7))-1 findstr(V, k(8))-1 findstr(V, k(9))-1];
But I think there must be a more elegant solution to achieve the same, any ideas?
PS: I'm not using ASCII values since char 'ñ' must be inside my alphabet
For a loop-free solution, you can use ISMEMBER, which works on strings as well as on numbers:
K = zeros(3); %# create 3x3 array of zeros
[~,K(:)] = ismember(k,V); %# fill in indices
K = K'-1; %# make K conform to expected output
Since strings are just arrays of characters, it is easy to manipulate them using the usual array-processing functions.
For example, we can use arrayfun to create a new array by applying the specified function, which produces an output array of the same size. Using reshape we can form the desired 3x3 shape. Note that we transpose at the end since MATLAB's reshape handles arrays in column-major order.
K = reshape(arrayfun(#(x) findstr(V, x)-1, k), 3,3)'
Alternatively, since MATLAB lets you index matrices using a single index, which reads the entries of the matrix in column major order, we can construct an empty matrix and build its entries up one-by-one.
K = zeros(3,3)
for i=1:9
K(i) = findstr(V, k(i))-1;
K = K'
I am fond of #Jonas' solution (ismember), I think it's the most elegant way to go here.
But, just to provide another solution:
V = 'abcdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyz';
k = 'peligroso';
K = reshape( bsxfun(#eq, (k-0).', V-0) * (1:numel(V)).', 3,3).'
(forgive the SO highlighting)
The advantage of this would be that this uses built-in functions exclusively (ismember is not built-in, at least, not on my Matlab R2010b). This means that this solution might be faster than ismember, but
You'll have to test whther that is actually true, and if true,
you should have cases complex and large enough to justify losing the readability of ismember
Note that indices in Matlab are 1-based, meaning that V(1) = a. The solution above produces a 1-based answer, while you provide a 0-based example. Just subtract 1 from the line above if you really need 0-based indices.