What's wrong with brainfuck on ideone? - brainfuck

Clearly, there is something wrong with my understanding of brainfuck, or there's something wrong with bf interpreter on ideone.com.
By entering code as simple as ,.,. (reads two characters and prints them), I get an error "bff: out of memory (871638280)" . Why do I get this ?
NOTE: The true problem is that I'm trying to solve a problem on SPOJ, and some code that works on brainfuck interpreters that I found across the internet, doesn't work on SPOJ and ideone.com.

It appears to work fine, my BF torture test runs properly.
ideone.com 9fQ2Ej
I am NOT going to try to fight this UI to make the BF look correct!
It's here:
It does appear to have a large cells size though and isn't fast enough to offset this.
EDIT: (No newlines below Grrr)
Anyway Daniel Christofani's end test:
Gives 'LA' showing that the program accepts input successfully, gives the correct character for newline and gives '-1' for end of file. As it's a big cell interpreter this is perfectly acceptable.
HOWEVER; I do see your point, there's something weird going on I suggest you try one of the javaScript implementations. They run in your browser.


Can I give "static" input on VSCode?

My college has a proprietary IDE for C programming. It is very simple: Half the screen for the code, and the other half has the input and output (as you can see here).
The input works in a way you only have to type it once, and the program will read each line on every scanf there is. I find this a convenient way of testing, instead of giving the input every time I compile the program, and I'm wondering if there's any way to do something similar on VSCode.

How to write a Matlab array as binary, and then read it in Fortran?

I'm extremely new to both working on Linux and Fortran, so apologies if this is a basic question.
I am trying to firstly use fwrite to save a 60x150 array that I've produced in MATLAB as a binary file, which I am then attempting to load and read in Fortran as a 60x150 array again.
In Matlab, I have used the following code to save the array. In this case the name of the array in the workspace is VP, and I'm saving it to a file also called 'VP':
>> fileID = fopen('VP','w');
>> fwrite(fileID,VP,'real*8');
>> fclose(fileID)
Next, I am copying the file over from Windows to a linux ssh server (I'm not sure if this is relevant, but thought it's worth including anything that might help).
Now, in my Fortran code, I've got:
REAL(KIND=kind(1.0D0)), DIMENSION(60,150) :: VP
open(unit, file="LOCATION/VP", access = "stream", form = "unformatted", iostat = stat)
if(stat /= 0) labort("Failed to open input file")
print *, wl
DO inx2=1,60
DO inx=1,150
print *,inx
READ(unit,*) VP(inx2,inx)
print *,VP(1:10,1)
Now, when I compile this there are no errors. However, when I run it, it gets to exactly the first "READ(unit,*) VP(inx2,inx)" before failing (you can tell from the print just before it).
I get the error:
forrtl: severe (257): formatted I/O to unit open for unformatted transfers, unit 111, file LOCATION/VP
Obviously I would like my actual result to be the function running and ending up with the same values in the array.
Now I've seen the question before, specifically for this error message, but that was answered by including access="stream" which I have already. Basically I am not sure at what point I am getting something wrong in this process, any help would be appreciated.
Note some things I have tried is changing the precision in fwrite, and swapping the inx2 and inx values around (but it fails on the first one so I don't believe that's the error).
Again this might be just a fundamental issue with my understanding of Fortran because I've been thrown in the deep end a bit with a project I'm working on (most of the code I'm running was produced by someone else, I'm just trying to edit a small part of it).
Okay, thank you so much francescalus! He found the solution was to edit the line to READ(unit) VP(inx2,inx) in order to get it to run. However, the values I get by running the next line of code:
print *,VP(1:10,1)
Only the first value matches the first value in my original matlab array. Displaying VP(1:5,1:5) of the matlab array there aren't any other matching values. I might be able to figure this out on my own but as I'm already here I might as well ask as I haven't fully completed the original question (although got over a big hurdle!).
Edit 2:
Okay the next bit I've managed to figure out for myself. If anyone is searching though it was simply a case of swapping the DO loops. ie
DO inx=1,150
DO inx2=1,60
print *,inx
READ(unit,*) VP(inx2,inx)
Thanks for the help.

Trouble Understanding eval with base64 obfuscation in Perl

I'm doing my first CTF and I've come across unfamiliar territory. I've never used Perl and after about 5 hours doing this, I'm a little burnt.
Code here:
So far, I've gone through and figured out what input is needed for each if statement. I have commented the inputs with the sections they're used in. Ultimately, when I run the program with these inputs it is fine until line 191. When I get to that final answer block, I'm just stuck with a blinking cursor. When I enter any text, I hit the final else block and exit the program.
I believe that I need further input and that there may be further evaluation happening in eval(), but I'm not sure.

Alternative for println in Scala

I am required to print huge amounts of data ( in the order of a few 100 MBs) on the console. Using println for this is failing miserably on IntelliJ.
Is there any alternative like console.log which can handle and display this data without lagging and slowing down?
Thanks in advance!
You can buffer, and perhaps bypass character encoding. It's also worth looking at the IntelliJ settings, particularly if you don't see this problem when running from the commandline - perhaps IntelliJ is offering some functionality in its console (e.g. highlight errors, link stack traces to line numbers) that involves scanning every line. You might also worry about word wrapping in your console
(That said, I'm not sure how you expect to understand anything from 100MB of printing - if it's something you need to look at an overview of to "see the pattern", try making code see the pattern the same way you do)

Execute Commands in the Linux Commandline [Lazarus / Free Pascal]

I have a problem. I want to execute some commands in the Commandline of linux. I tested TProcess (So i am using Lazarus) but now when i am starting the programm, there is nothing, wich the Program do.
Here is my Code:
uses [...], unix, process;
var LE_Path: TLabeledEdit;
Pro1.CommandLine:=(('sudo open'+LE_Path.Text));
Pro1.Options := Pro1.Options; //Here i used Options before
With this Program, i want to open Files with sudo (The Programm is running on the User Interface)
->Sorry for my Bad English; Sorry for fails in the Question: I am using StackOverflow the first time.
I guess the solution was a missing space char?
Pro1.CommandLine:=(('sudo open'+LE_Path.Text));
Pro1.CommandLine:=(('sudo open '+LE_Path.Text));
# ----------------------------^--- added this space char.
But if you're a beginner programmer, my other comments are still worth considering:
trying to use sudo in your first bit of code may be adding a whole extra set of problems. SO... Get something easier to work first, maybe
/bin/ls -l /path/to/some/dir/that/has/only/a/few/files.
find out how to print a statement that will be executed. This is the most basic form of debugging and any language should support that.
Your english communicated your problem well enough, and by including sample code and reasonable (not perfect) problem description "we" were able to help you. In general, a good question contains the fewest number of steps to re-create the problem. OR, if you're trying to manipulate data,
a. small sample input,
b. sample output from that same input
c. your "best" code you have tried
d. your current output
e. your thoughts about why it is not working
AND comments to indicate generally other things you have tried.