Swift: Error when updated Xcode: 'could not find overload for '&&' that accepts the supplied arguments' - swift

I just updated to the non beta version of Xcode 6 (finally) and, coming from beta 5, got a few errors that I didn't get before, one being "could not find overload for '&&' that accepts the supplied arguments"
I am following a tutorial here and from another question, I know that this error is because "the expression was too complex to be solved in reasonable time; consider breaking up the expression into distinct sub-expressions."
I'm a beginner; how do I break up an expression into sub-expressions?
My code:
func checkForWin(){
//first row across
var youWin = 1
var theyWin = 0
var whoWon = ["Lost":0,"Won":1]
for (key,value) in whoWon {
if ((plays[6] == value && plays[7] == value && plays[8] == value) || //across the bottom
(plays[3] == value && plays[4] == value && plays[5] == value) || //across the middle
(plays[0] == value && plays[1] == value && plays[2] == value) || //across the top
(plays[6] == value && plays[3] == value && plays[0] == value) || //down the left side
(plays[7] == value && plays[4] == value && plays[1] == value) || //down the middle
(plays[8] == value && plays[5] == value && plays[2] == value) || //down the right side
(plays[6] == value && plays[4] == value && plays[2] == value) || //diagonal
(plays[8] == value && plays[4] == value && plays[0] == value)){//diagonal
userMessage.hidden = false
youLabel.hidden = false
userMessage.text = "\(key)!"
done = true;

To break it up, you just need to add more ()s. Like this:
if (((plays[6] == value) && (plays[7] == value) && (plays[8] == value)) ||
((plays[3] == value) && (plays[4] == value) && (plays[5] == value)) ||
((plays[0] == value) && (plays[1] == value) && (plays[2] == value)) ||
((plays[8] == value) && (plays[4] == value) && (plays[0] == value)))


The Function always take the last return

I create a Function for the setuptime. In the delay time in my service Block i write: f_getDuration(agent, v_Predecessor)
v_Predecessor is my variable typ agent and i write this in on exit: v_Predecessor = agent;
But the if function are not working. The service Block does only take the last return 10. why does it not accept my function?
Oberteil, Unterteil, Ring and Halteteil are my Agents.
CurrentAgent and predecessor are Arguments Type Agent
This is my function:
if (currentAgent == Oberteil && predecessor == Unterteil) {
return 45;
} else if (currentAgent == Oberteil && predecessor == Halteteil) {
return 40;
}else if (currentAgent == Oberteil && predecessor == Ring) {
return 45;
}else if (currentAgent == Unterteil && predecessor == Oberteil) {
return 45;
}else if (currentAgent == Unterteil && predecessor == Halteteil) {
return 40;
}else if (currentAgent == Unterteil && predecessor == Ring) {
return 45;
}else if (currentAgent == Halteteil && predecessor == Oberteil) {
return 40;
}else if (currentAgent == Halteteil && predecessor == Unterteil) {
return 40;
}else if (currentAgent == Halteteil && predecessor == Ring) {
return 45;
}else if (currentAgent == Ring && predecessor == Oberteil) {
return 45;
}else if (currentAgent == Ring && predecessor == Unterteil) {
return 45;
}else if (currentAgent == Ring && predecessor == Halteteil) {
return 45;
return 10;
I don't understand this very much.. but if Oberteil is an agent Type this means that the == is wrong
instead you should do
if (currentAgent instanceof Oberteil && predecessor instanceof Unterteil) {
Otherwise if this belongs to some kind of loop and Oberteil and Unterteil are actual agents that are defined, then you should do
if (currentAgent.equals(Oberteil) && predecessor.equals(Unterteil)) {
Try those
The answer from #felix is wrong, and you don't need the else before the return 10... since the return is only executed if all the previous conditions are false
Right now, the function will always return 10 because this is not part of the "if-else" block (it overwrites the return values). If you only want to return "10" if the other conditions do not hold, put an "else" before "return 10;"

Error running simulation — An unknown error occurred

"sellerDisplayName":" Lila Kunwar",
"buyerDisplayName":"saugat thapa",
i am trying to check whether above data can insert into firestore given that the following is the security rule. however i get error Error running simulation — An unknown error occurred.
match /users/{userId}{
match /sold/{soldId}/{document=**}{
function isAuthed(){
return request.auth != null && request.auth.uid == userId;
function isSeller(){
return request.auth.uid == resource.data.sellerUserId ||
request.auth.uid == resource.data.buyerUserId;
function isApproved() {
return request.resource.data.isApproved == false;
// || request.resource.data.reviewed == "false"
function quotations(){
return request.resource.data.quotations;
function isOtherThanQuotations(){
isValidStringInput(request.resource.data.buyerUserId) &&
isValidStringInput(request.resource.data.buyerEmail) &&
isValidStringInput(request.resource.data.buyerPhotoUrl) &&
isValidStringInput(request.resource.data.buyerDisplayName) &&
isValidStringInput(request.resource.data.buyerEmail) &&
isValidStringInput(request.resource.data.buyerPhotoUrl) &&
isValidStringInput(request.resource.data.buyerDisplayName) &&
isValidNumber(request.resource.data.total) &&
// isApproved() &&
request.resource.data.createdAt == request.time;
function isSelected() {
return request.resource.data.isSelected == false;
// || request.resource.data.reviewed == "false"
function isValidQuotation(item) {
return quotations()[item].keys().hasAll(
&& isValidStringInput(quotations()[item].title, 200)
&& isValidNumber(quotations()[item].rate)
&& isValidNumber(quotations()[item].quantity)
&& isValidStringInput(quotations()[item].measuremntUnit, 200)
&& isValidNumber(quotations()[item].index)
&& isSelected();
function isValidStringInput(input, maxSize) {
return input is string
&& input.size() > 0
&& input.size() <= maxSize;
function isValidNumber(input) {
return input is int
|| input.matches('^[0-9]+$');
allow read: if isSeller();
allow write: if isAuthed()
&& quotations().size() >= 1
&& quotations().size() <= 10
&& isOtherThanQuotations()
&& isValidQuotation(0)
&& (quotations().size() < 2 || isValidquotation(1) )
&& (quotations().size() < 3 || isValidquotation(2) )
&& (quotations().size() < 4 || isValidquotation(3) )
&& (quotations().size() < 5 || isValidquotation(4) )
&& (quotations().size() < 6 || isValidquotation(5) )
&& (quotations().size() < 7 || isValidquotation(6) )
&& (quotations().size() < 8 || isValidquotation(7) )
&& (quotations().size() < 9 || isValidquotation(8) )
&& (quotations().size() < 10 || isValidquotation(9) )
&& (quotations().size() < 11 || isValidquotation(10) );
is it becase i have too too many functions? right now myconcern is with create only.
is it becasue the id doesnt have security rule to validate? i tried providing validation for id as well but the error still persist. i need more than 10 map in an array but this is for simplicity of testing process.

swift if condition with multiple cases

In c# or others we can use this in IF
if((a=1 && b=2)
(c=2 && d=3)
using ( inside ( to check bool in that statement.
But in swift
I'm trying to make something like this.
func IsWorkDay() -> Bool {
if (monWorkYN == "Y" , weekday == 2)
|| (tueWorkYN == "Y" , weekday == 3)
|| (wedWorkYN == "Y" , weekday == 4)
return true
But the ( ) doesn't work here. Is there a way to do this?
In this case you have to use the && operator, with a comma the compiler treats the expression in parentheses as a tuple.
And please name functions (and variables) with starting lowercase letter
func isWorkDay() -> Bool {
if (monWorkYN == "Y" && weekday == 2)
|| (tueWorkYN == "Y" && weekday == 3)
|| (wedWorkYN == "Y" && weekday == 4)
return true
return false
or simpler
func isWorkDay() -> Bool {
return (monWorkYN == "Y" && weekday == 2)
|| (tueWorkYN == "Y" && weekday == 3)
|| (wedWorkYN == "Y" && weekday == 4)
You can use this property instead of your function
var isWorkDay: Bool {
return (monWorkYN == "Y" && weekday == 2)
|| (tueWorkYN == "Y" && weekday == 3)
|| (wedWorkYN == "Y" && weekday == 4)
You can check this for learn more
Swift Documentation

Passing parameters for methods in Scala (alternatives to change variables values)

I need translate a Java code to Scala, but the compiler show me error. I understand that parameter input on methods are val type. Which alternative i can adopt if i need transform these values? I think to apply case class or class... Below the snippet code (in Scala):
def pmerge_FA(x: Pennant,y: Pennant): Pennant={
if(x == null && y == null && this.root == null){
return null
}else if(x == null && y == null){
return this
}else if(this.root == null && x == null){
return y
}else if(this.root == null && y == null){
return x
}else if(x == null){
y = y.pmerge(this) //error
}else if(this.root == null){
y = y.pmerge(x) //error
}else if (y == null){
y = this.pmerge(x) // error
y = y.pmerge(x)
Note that error is showed where y parameter is updated.
Yes, the error is shown because you cannot reassign something to val, and parameters to methods in Scala are only sent as vals (immutables).
Because you don't provide the full definition of this, it's difficult to suggest an alternative solution, but:
In general, instead of if-else "Java" style, in Scala you can use pattern matching, and instead of null you can use Option, which is very powerful.
For Example, I suggest refactoring your method in this "Scala" Style (partial implementation)
def pmerge_FA(x: Pennant, y: Pennant): Option[Pennant] = {
(Option(x),Option(y), Option(this.root)) match {
case (None, None, None) => None
case (None, None, _) => Option("")
case (None, _, None) => Option(y)
case (_, None, None) => Option(x)
case (None, _, _) =>
Such that you will return the x, y as their new values, or create a case class like:
case class PennantCaseClass (x:Pennant, y:Pennant)
And returning it when needed.
Again, If you will provide some more info about Pennant class it will be easier to give a better alternative implementation for this method.
New values of y (namely y.pmerge(...)) are never used after assignments. So I guess all assignments y = y.pmerge(...) can be replaced with just invocations y.pmerge(...).
Does y.pmerge(...) do any side effects? Just in case, if not then values y.pmerge(...) are never used (only null or this is returned), so in such case lines y = y.pmerge(...) can be removed at all.
So the code can be either (if there are side effects)
def pmerge_FA(x: Pennant,y: Pennant): Pennant={
if(x == null && y == null && this.root == null){
}else if(x == null && y == null){
}else if(this.root == null && x == null){
}else if(this.root == null && y == null){
}else if(x == null){
}else if(this.root == null){
}else if (y == null){
or (if there are no side effects)
def pmerge_FA(x: Pennant,y: Pennant): Pennant={
if(x == null && y == null && this.root == null){
}else if(x == null && y == null){
}else if(this.root == null && x == null){
}else if(this.root == null && y == null){
}else if(x == null){
}else if(this.root == null){
}else if (y == null){
Oh, right! There are three classes to build a Bag data structure object, with nodes added in perfectly balanced tree. These methods works in that one. Below the complete code (in Java). The Pennant class build a forest using the node of graph object.
Node Class:
public class Node {
private Node left;
private Node right;
private int item;
public Node() {
left = null;
right = null;
item = 0;
public Node(int value) {
left = null;
right = null;
item = value;
public Node getLeft() {
return left;
public void setLeft(Node left) {
this.left = left;
public Node getRight() {
return right;
public void setRight(Node right) {
this.right = right;
public int getItem() {
return this.item;
public void setItem(int item) {
this.item = item;
public class Pennant{
private Node root;
public Pennant() {
this.root = null;
public Pennant(int value) {
this.root = new Node(value);
public void setRoot(Node root) {
this.root = root;
public Node getRoot() {
return this.root;
public Pennant pmerge(Pennant y) {
if(this.getRoot() == null) {
return y;
}else {
return y;
public Pennant pmerge_FA(Pennant x, Pennant y) {
if(x == null && y == null && this.getRoot() == null) {
return null;
}else if(x == null && y == null) {
return this;
}else if(this.getRoot() == null && x == null) {
return y;
}else if(this.getRoot() == null && y == null) {
return x;
}else if(x == null) {
y = y.pmerge(this);
return null;
}else if(this.getRoot() == null) {
y = y.pmerge(x);
return null;
}else if (y == null) {
y = this.pmerge(x);
return null;
}else {
y = y.pmerge(x);
return this;
public Pennant psplit() {
if(this.getRoot() != null && this.getRoot().getLeft() != null) {
Pennant y = new Pennant();
return y;
return null;
public void remove_all(Node node) {
if (node.getLeft() != null) {
if(node.getRight() != null) {
node = null;

EF other way to Sum() new Column

i got stuck on this query that calculate the new column.
i cannot explain briefly just see the snippet code below.
from user in context.Table
select new
Total = user.Total,
Paid = user.Paid,
Balance = //should be Total - Paid to assign result
i have tried this query
var result = from a in context.EnrollmentRequests
where a.SchoolYear == SchoolYear
select new
Name = a.Student.FirstName + " " + a.Student.MiddleName + " " + a.Student.LastName,
Tuition = context.Miscs.Where(m => m.YearLevel == a.YearLevel && m.SchoolYear == SchoolYear && m.Term == a.Term && m.CourseID == a.CourseID)
.Select(ms => new { Amount = ms.Amount })
.Where(s => s.YearLevel == a.YearLevel && s.SchoolYear == SchoolYear && s.Term == a.Term && s.CourseID == a.CourseID && s.StudentID == a.StudentID)
.Select(ss => new { Amount = ss.Amount }))
.Where(st => st.StudentID == a.StudentID && st.SchoolYear == a.SchoolYear && st.Term == a.Term && st.YearLevel == a.YearLevel && st.EducationalLevel == a.Student.StudentAdvanceEducations.FirstOrDefault().EducationLevel)
.Select(st => new
Amount = context.SubjectOfferedFees
.Where(f => f.SubjectsOfferedID == st.SubjectsOfferedID).Sum(w => (decimal?)w.Cost ?? 0)
.Select(f => f.Amount).Sum(),
PaymentMade = context.Payments.Where(p => p.SchoolYear == SchoolYear && p.Term == a.Term && p.StudentID == a.StudentID && p.PaymentDes == "Tuition Fee").Sum(sm => (decimal?)sm.Amount),
Balance = Tuition - PaymentMade //Does not exist on current context
but doesn't work it says that does not exist on current context.
how could this possible.
thanks. this will be helpful to anyone.
Balance = user.Total - user.Paid