EF other way to Sum() new Column - entity-framework

i got stuck on this query that calculate the new column.
i cannot explain briefly just see the snippet code below.
from user in context.Table
select new
Total = user.Total,
Paid = user.Paid,
Balance = //should be Total - Paid to assign result
i have tried this query
var result = from a in context.EnrollmentRequests
where a.SchoolYear == SchoolYear
select new
Name = a.Student.FirstName + " " + a.Student.MiddleName + " " + a.Student.LastName,
Tuition = context.Miscs.Where(m => m.YearLevel == a.YearLevel && m.SchoolYear == SchoolYear && m.Term == a.Term && m.CourseID == a.CourseID)
.Select(ms => new { Amount = ms.Amount })
.Where(s => s.YearLevel == a.YearLevel && s.SchoolYear == SchoolYear && s.Term == a.Term && s.CourseID == a.CourseID && s.StudentID == a.StudentID)
.Select(ss => new { Amount = ss.Amount }))
.Where(st => st.StudentID == a.StudentID && st.SchoolYear == a.SchoolYear && st.Term == a.Term && st.YearLevel == a.YearLevel && st.EducationalLevel == a.Student.StudentAdvanceEducations.FirstOrDefault().EducationLevel)
.Select(st => new
Amount = context.SubjectOfferedFees
.Where(f => f.SubjectsOfferedID == st.SubjectsOfferedID).Sum(w => (decimal?)w.Cost ?? 0)
.Select(f => f.Amount).Sum(),
PaymentMade = context.Payments.Where(p => p.SchoolYear == SchoolYear && p.Term == a.Term && p.StudentID == a.StudentID && p.PaymentDes == "Tuition Fee").Sum(sm => (decimal?)sm.Amount),
Balance = Tuition - PaymentMade //Does not exist on current context
but doesn't work it says that does not exist on current context.
how could this possible.
thanks. this will be helpful to anyone.

Balance = user.Total - user.Paid


Unable to create a constant value of type <object>. Only primitive types or enumeration types are supported in this context

I am using the following code:
public static Grid.GridResult GetExamDetailsForGrid(Grid.GridFilter Filter, int userid, int _user_roleid, int selectedYear,string Tin,string Measure, DateTime? Startdate, DateTime? Enddate)
Grid.GridResult _examsEntered = new Grid.GridResult();
using (var entity = new PQRSEntityContainer())
((IObjectContextAdapter)entity).ObjectContext.CommandTimeout = 120;
var Measureid = 0;
Measureid = entity.tbl_Lookup_Measure.Where(m => m.CMSYear == selectedYear && m.Measure_num == Measure)
.Select(v => v.Measure_ID).FirstOrDefault();
var _username = CurrentUser.UserName;
var npi = FileProcessBL.getNPINumber(userid);
var cmsYear = selectedYear != 0 ? selectedYear : 0;
var Newtin= string.IsNullOrEmpty(Tin) ? null : Tin;
var NewStartdate = Startdate ==null ? null : Startdate;
var NewEnddate = Enddate == null ? null : Enddate;
var NewMes= string.IsNullOrEmpty(Measure) ? null : Measure;
var liDetails = (from ex in entity.tbl_Exam.Where(i => i.Physician_NPI == npi && i.CMS_Submission_Year == cmsYear
&& i.Exam_TIN == (Newtin==null?i.Exam_TIN:Newtin)
&& i.Exam_Date >= (NewStartdate == null ? i.Exam_Date : NewStartdate)
&& i.Exam_Date <= (NewEnddate == null ? i.Exam_Date : NewEnddate))
from exmes in entity.tbl_Exam_Measure_Data.Where(i => i.Exam_Id == ex.Exam_Id
&& i.Measure_ID== (Measureid == 0 ? i.Measure_ID : Measureid) ).DefaultIfEmpty()
from nume in entity.tbl_lookup_Numerator_Code.Where(nume => exmes.tbl_Lookup_Measure.Measure_ID == nume.tbl_Lookup_Measure.Measure_ID && exmes.Numerator_response_value == nume.Numerator_response_Value).DefaultIfEmpty()
join sc in entity.tbl_Lookup_Data_Source on ex.DataSource_Id equals sc.DataSource_Id
where exmes.Exam_Id != null
select new MesCasesGrid
NPI = ex.Physician_NPI,
TIN = ex.Exam_TIN == null ? "" : ex.Exam_TIN,
ExamID = ex.Exam_Id,
//MeasureID = exMes.Measure_ID,
MeasureID = (exmes != null) ? exmes.Measure_ID : 0,
MeasureNum = (exmes != null) ? exmes.tbl_Lookup_Measure.Measure_num : null,
CPTCode = (exmes != null) ? exmes.Denominator_proc_code : null,
///NumeratorCode = (exmes!=null)?exmes.tbl_Lookup_Measure.tbl_lookup_Numerator_Code.Select(i=>i.Numerator_Code).FirstOrDefault():null,
NumeratorCode = nume.Numerator_Code,
Created_Date = ex.Created_Date,
ExamDate = ex.Exam_Date,
UniqueExamID = ex.Exam_Unique_ID,
PatientGender = (ex.Patient_Gender == "M" ? "Male" : ex.Patient_Gender == "F" ? "Female" : ex.Patient_Gender == "O" ? "Other" : ex.Patient_Gender == "U" ? "Unknown" : ""),
PatientID = ex.Patient_ID,
isEncrypt = ex.IsEncrypt,
PatientAge = ex.Patient_Age,
StatusDesc = (exmes != null) ? exmes.tbl_Lookup_Measure_Status.Status_Desc : null,
///Type =ex.DataSource,
Type = sc.DataSource,
cmsYear = ex.CMS_Submission_Year
if (_user_roleid == Constants.FacilityAdminID || _user_roleid == Constants.FacilityUserID || _user_roleid == Constants.RegistryAdminID
|| _user_roleid == Constants.SuperCorporateAdminID || _user_roleid == Constants.CorporateAdminID || _user_roleid == Constants.ServiceUserID) // jira-579
var facilityTins = entity.sp_getFacilityTIN(_username).Select(x => x.TIN).ToList();
liDetails = liDetails.Where(i => facilityTins.Contains(i.TIN)).Select(x => x).Distinct().ToList();
var value = Convert.ToBoolean(1);
foreach (var item in liDetails)
if (item.isEncrypt == value && item.PatientID != null)
var patidDecrypt = AesHelper.Decrypt256(item.PatientID);
item.PatientID = patidDecrypt;
catch (Exception ex)
return _examsEntered;
I have recently added the following code above method:
i.Measure_ID == && i.Measure_ID== (Measureid == 0 ? i.Measure_ID : Measureid)
When adding the highlighted code to this method I am getting following error:
:Error in RecordEnteredGridBind()
System.NotSupportedException: Unable to create a constant value of type 'DAL.Entities.tbl_Exam_Measure_Data'. Only primitive types or enumeration types are supported in this context.
at System.Data.Objects.ELinq.ExpressionConverter.ConstantTranslator.TypedTranslate(ExpressionConverter parent, ConstantExpression linq)
at System.Data.Objects.ELinq.ExpressionConverter.TypedTranslator1.Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, Expression linq)
at System.Data.Objects.ELinq.ExpressionConverter.TranslateExpression(Expression linq)
at System.Data.Objects.ELinq.ExpressionConverter.NewArrayInitTranslator.<>c__DisplayClass1_0.<TypedTranslate>b__0(Expression e)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator2.MoveNext()
at System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.ExpressionBuilder.Internal.EnumerableValidator3.Validate(IEnumerable1 argument, String argumentName, Int32 expectedElementCount, Boolean allowEmpty, Func3 map, Func2 collect, Func3 deriveName)
at System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.ExpressionBuilder.Internal.EnumerableValidator3.Validate()
at System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.ExpressionBuilder.Internal.ArgumentValidation.CreateExpressionList(IEnumerable1 arguments, String argumentName, Boolean allowEmpty, Action2 validationCallback)
at System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.ExpressionBuilder.Internal.ArgumentValidation.ValidateNewCollection(IEnumerable`1 elements, DbExpressionList& validElements)
I have tried lot of ways but not working. So, Can anyone help me?

Where condition in Entity Framework dose not work correctly

I have Article and ArticleTranslation tables.
When I use this query, it does not retrieve data:
model.CategoryList = await db.ArticleCategoryTranslations
.Where(x => x.LangId == lang.Id &&
x.ArticleCategory.IsActive.Value == true &&
x.ArticleCategory.IsDelete.Value == false)
.Select(x => new ddl { Id = x.RecordId.Value, Name = x.Title }).ToListAsync();
but when I use this it works, Tell me what problem in the first code
model.CategoryList = await db.ArticleCategoryTranslations
.Where(x => x.LangId == lang.Id &&
db.ArticleCategorys.Where(u => u.Id == x.RecordId).FirstOrDefault().IsActive == true &&
db.ArticleCategorys.Where(u => u.Id == x.RecordId).FirstOrDefault().IsDelete == false
.Select(x => new ddl { Id = x.RecordId.Value, Name = x.Title }).ToListAsync();
I don't know what the properties on your model objects look like but comparing both code snippets I see in the successful one the IsActive and IsDelete properties don't call the Value property i.e IsActive.Value and IsDelete.Value.
So your code should look like
model.CategoryList = await db.ArticleCategoryTranslations
.Where(x => x.LangId == lang.Id &&
x.ArticleCategory.IsActive == true &&
x.ArticleCategory.IsDelete == false)
.Select(x => new ddl { Id = x.RecordId.Value, Name = x.Title }).ToListAsync();
This assumes you have your navigation properties done right.

Some part of your SQL statement is nested too deeply

I have the following code
public Bid GetHighestBidInOpenAuctions(int auctionEventId)
var auctionEvent = CurrentDataSource.AuctionEvents.Where(x => x.Id == auctionEventId).FirstOrDefault();
var auctionIds = CurrentDataSource.Auctions.Where(x => x.AuctionEventId == auctionEventId && x.Ends > DateTime.UtcNow).Select(x => x.Id).ToList();
var bids = CurrentDataSource.Bids.Where(x => auctionIds.Any(t => t == x.AuctionId));
// If the auction Event has not yet started or there are no bids then show auction with high pre-sale estimate.
if (bids.Count() == 0 || auctionEvent.Starts > DateTime.UtcNow)
return null;
var highestBid = bids.Where(b => b.IsAutobid == false).OrderByDescending(b => b.Amount).FirstOrDefault();
return highestBid;
This line throws the below exception
if (bids.Count() == 0 || auctionEvent.Starts > DateTime.UtcNow)
Some part of your SQL statement is nested too deeply. Rewrite the query or break it up into smaller queries.
What's wrong?
I have tried doing this
IQueryable<Bid> bids = CurrentDataSource.Bids.Where(b => 0 == 1);
foreach(var auctionId in auctionIds)
int id = auctionId;
bids = bids.Union(CurrentDataSource.Bids.Where(b => b.AuctionId == id));
But I still get the same error.
Rather than using a subquery, try replacing the bid query with:
var bids = CurrentDataSource.Bids.Where(b => b.AuctionEventId == auctionEventId
&& b.Auction.AuctionEvent.Starts > DateTime.UtcNow
&& b.Auction.Ends > DateTime.UtcNow);
if (bids.Count() == 0
return null;
It seems when you have too many things in your database then you will get this error (auctionIds in my case) because the generated sql will be too deeply nested. To solve this I came up with this solution. If anyone can do better then do. I'm posting this because someone may have this error in the future and if they do, in the absence of a better solution this might help them.
public Bid GetHighestBidInOpenAuctions(int auctionEventId)
* This method contains a hack that was put in under tight time constraints. The query to
* get bids for all open auctions used to fail when we had a large number of open auctions.
* In this implementation we have fixed this by splitting the open auctions into groups of 20
* and running the query on those 20 auctions and then combining the results.
const int auctionIdSegmentSize = 20;
var auctionEvent = CurrentDataSource.AuctionEvents.Where(x => x.Id == auctionEventId).FirstOrDefault();
var auctionIds = CurrentDataSource.Auctions.Where(x => x.AuctionEventId == auctionEventId && x.Ends > DateTime.UtcNow).Select(x => x.Id).ToList();
int numberOfSegments = auctionIds.Count/auctionIdSegmentSize;
if (auctionIds.Count % auctionIdSegmentSize != 0)
var bidsList = new List<IQueryable<Bid>>();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSegments; i++)
int start = i*auctionIdSegmentSize;
int end;
if (i == numberOfSegments - 1)
end = auctionIds.Count - 1;
end = ((i + 1)*auctionIdSegmentSize) - 1;
var subList = auctionIds.GetRange(start, (end - start) + 1);
bidsList.Add(CurrentDataSource.Bids.Where(b => subList.Any(id => id == b.AuctionId)));
// If the auction Event has not yet started or there are no bids then show auction with high pre-sale estimate.
if (IsBidsCountZero(bidsList) || auctionEvent.Starts > DateTime.UtcNow)
return null;
var highestBid = FindHighestBid(bidsList);
return highestBid;
private Bid FindHighestBid(List<IQueryable<Bid>> bidsList)
var bids = new List<Bid>();
foreach (var list in bidsList)
bids.Add(list.Where(b => b.IsAutobid == false).OrderByDescending(b => b.Amount).FirstOrDefault());
bids.RemoveAll(b => b == null);
if (bids.Count == 0)
return null;
return bids[0];
private int BidComparison(Bid bid1, Bid bid2)
if (bid1.Amount < bid2.Amount)
return 1;
if (bid1.Amount > bid2.Amount)
return -1;
return 0;
private bool IsBidsCountZero(List<IQueryable<Bid>> bidsList)
int count = 0;
foreach (var list in bidsList)
count += list.Count();
return count == 0;
The problem is with auctionIds.Any(t => t == x.AuctionId) where EF cannot create a correct query. You can change it to:
var bids = CurrentDataSource.Bids.Where(x => auctionIds.Contains(x.AuctionId));
Where EF can convert auctionIds to a collection and pass to DB.

Is it a lazy loading query or Eager Loading ? , Slow Query, Performance needed please

First, I would like to know if this query is Lazy loading or Eager loading. I Read a lot on both, and not sure if I understand the difference between each other.
2- I Get this query, This query take a lot of time to execute. Anybody have some suggest when you see this query. I'll do all modification needed to speed up this query.
Note: I just want your opinion about this query and method.
Thanks a lot.
public SearchLocationViewModel GetSearchLocationViewModel( string CivicNumber = null ,
string Street = null,
string City = null,
List<int?> ListCountryID = null,
List<int?> ListStateID = null,
int IsActive =1,
string SortField ="FileNumber",
string SortDirection = "asc" ,
List<int?> GrpDescID1 = null,
List<int?> GrpDescID2 = null,
List<int?> GrpDescID3 = null,
List<int?> GrpDescID4 = null,
int LocationTypeID = -1,
List<int?> ListUsageID = null)
if (GrpDescID1 == null)
GrpDescID1 = new List<int?>();
if (GrpDescID2 == null)
GrpDescID2 = new List<int?>();
if (GrpDescID3 == null)
GrpDescID3 = new List<int?>();
if (GrpDescID4 == null)
GrpDescID4 = new List<int?>();
if (ListCountryID == null)
ListCountryID = new List<int?>();
if (ListStateID == null)
ListStateID = new List<int?>();
if (ListUsageID == null)
ListUsageID = new List<int?>();
GrpDescID1.Remove(GrpDescID1.SingleOrDefault(p => p < 0));
GrpDescID2.Remove(GrpDescID2.SingleOrDefault(p => p < 0));
GrpDescID3.Remove(GrpDescID3.SingleOrDefault(p => p < 0));
GrpDescID4.Remove(GrpDescID4.SingleOrDefault(p => p < 0));
ListCountryID.Remove(ListCountryID.SingleOrDefault(p => p < 0));
ListStateID.Remove(ListStateID.SingleOrDefault(p => p < 0));
ListUsageID.Remove(ListUsageID.SingleOrDefault(p => p < 0));
int lang = BaseStaticClass.CurrentLangID();
int UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]);
SearchLocationViewModel ViewModel = InitSearchViewModel();
IGrpRepository repGrp = new GrpRepository(_db);
ICountryRepository repCountry = new CountryRepository(_db);
IProvinceRepository repProvince = new ProvinceRepository(_db);
ViewModel.Perm = repPermission;
ViewModel. CivicNumber = CivicNumber ;
ViewModel. Street = Street;
ViewModel. City = City;
ViewModel. IsActive =IsActive;
ViewModel. SortField =SortField;
ViewModel. SortDirection = SortDirection ;
ViewModel.ListCountry = repCountry.GetCountryForSearchByUser(true,UserID);
ViewModel.ListProvince = repProvince.GetProvinceSearchByUserID(true, UserID);
ViewModel.ListGrpDescID1 =GrpDescID1;
ViewModel.ListGrpDescID2 = GrpDescID2;
ViewModel.ListGrpDescID3 = GrpDescID3;
ViewModel.ListGrpDescID4 = GrpDescID4;
ViewModel.ListCountryID = ListCountryID;
ViewModel.ListStateID = ListStateID;
ViewModel.LocationTypeID = LocationTypeID;
ViewModel.ListUsageID = ListUsageID;
var LocationType = new SelectList(repGeneric.GetTextByCurrentLang<LocationType, LocationTypeText>(), "ID", "Txt").ToList();
bc.AddDropdownSearchValueNoNew(ref LocationType);
var ListUsage = new SelectList(repGeneric.GetTextByCurrentLang<Usage, UsageText>(), "ID", "Txt").ToList();
ViewModel.ListUsage = ListUsage;
ViewModel.ListLocationType = LocationType;
var ListGrp1 = new SelectList(repGrp.GetAllGrpDescTextForUserByLevel(UserID, 1).AsEnumerable(), "GrpDescID", "GrpDescTxt").ToList();
var ListGrp2 = new SelectList(repGrp.GetAllGrpDescTextForUserByLevel(UserID, 2).AsEnumerable(), "GrpDescID", "GrpDescTxt").ToList();
var ListGrp3 = new SelectList(repGrp.GetAllGrpDescTextForUserByLevel(UserID, 3).AsEnumerable(), "GrpDescID", "GrpDescTxt").ToList();
var ListGrp4 = new SelectList(repGrp.GetAllGrpDescTextForUserByLevel(UserID, 4).AsEnumerable(), "GrpDescID", "GrpDescTxt").ToList();
var t1 = ListGrp1.Select(s => (int?)Convert.ToInt32(s.Value));
var t2 = ListGrp2.Select(s => (int?)Convert.ToInt32(s.Value));
var t3 = ListGrp3.Select(s => (int?)Convert.ToInt32(s.Value));
var t4 = ListGrp4.Select(s => (int?)Convert.ToInt32(s.Value));
ViewModel.ListGrp1 = ListGrp1;
ViewModel.ListGrp2 = ListGrp2;
ViewModel.ListGrp3 = ListGrp3;
ViewModel.ListGrp4 = ListGrp4;
ViewModel.ListGrpTogether = new List<SelectListItem>();
if(ViewModel.GrpName1 != "")
ViewModel.ListGrpTogether.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = ViewModel.GrpName1 ,Value = "1"});
if (ViewModel.GrpName2 != "")
ViewModel.ListGrpTogether.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = ViewModel.GrpName2, Value = "2" });
if (ViewModel.GrpName3 != "")
ViewModel.ListGrpTogether.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = ViewModel.GrpName3, Value = "3" });
if (ViewModel.GrpName4 != "")
ViewModel.ListGrpTogether.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = ViewModel.GrpName4, Value = "4" });
ViewModel.ListGrpTogether.Insert(0, new SelectListItem() { Text = ViewRes.GeneralString.Choose, Value = "-1", Selected = true });
int iUserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]);
//this is use for Permission
//Get all the user permission about group and province
IEnumerable<int?> usrGrpDesc = _db.UserGroupDescs.Where(p => p.UserID == iUserID).Select(s => s.GrpDescID);
IEnumerable<int?> usrProvince = _db.UserProvinces.Where(p => p.UserID == iUserID).Select(s => s.PrvID);
var ListLocation = from s in _db.Locations.Where(p =>
p.IsDelete == false &&
(IsActive < 0 || IsActive == (p.IsActive == true ? 1 : 0)) &&
(LocationTypeID < 0 || LocationTypeID == p.LocationTypeID) &&
(City == null || p.Address.City.CityName.Contains(City)) &&
(ListUsageID.Count() == 0 || p.Premises.Select(gs => gs.UsageID).Intersect(ListUsageID).Any()) &&
(ListCountryID.Count() == 0 || ListCountryID.Any(pl => pl == p.Address.City.Province.Country.CtryID)) &&
(ListStateID.Count() == 0 || ListStateID.Any(pl => pl == p.Address.City.Province.PrvID)) &&
(Street == null || p.Address.Street.Contains(Street)) &&
(CivicNumber == null || p.Address.CivicNumber.Contains(CivicNumber)) &&
((GrpDescID1.Count() == 0 )|| p.GroupLocations.Select(gs => gs.GrpDescID).Intersect(GrpDescID1).Any()) &&
((GrpDescID2.Count() == 0)|| p.GroupLocations.Select(gs => gs.GrpDescID).Intersect(GrpDescID2).Any()) &&
((GrpDescID3.Count() == 0) || p.GroupLocations.Select(gs => gs.GrpDescID).Intersect(GrpDescID3).Any()) &&
((GrpDescID4.Count() == 0 ) || p.GroupLocations.Select(gs => gs.GrpDescID).Intersect(GrpDescID4).Any()) &&
(p.GroupLocations.Select(gs => gs.GrpDescID).Intersect(usrGrpDesc).Any()) &&
((p.Address.City == null || usrProvince.Any(ps => ps.Value == p.Address.City.PrvID)))
select new LocationViewModel()
LocationID = s.LocationID,
LocationTypeID = s.LocationTypeID,
Long = s.Address.Longitude,
Lat = s.Address.Latitude,
FileNumber = s.LocationFile,
State = s.Address.City.Province.PrvName,
City = s.Address.City.CityName,
Address = s.Address.CivicNumber + " " + s.Address.Street,
Status = s.LocationType.LocationTypeTexts.Where(h => h.Txt != "" && h.LangID == lang || h.LangID == 1).OrderByDescending(g => g.LangID).FirstOrDefault().Txt,
ListGroupe1 = s.GroupLocations.Where(g=>g.GrpDesc.Grp.GrpLevel == 1).Select(grpLoc => grpLoc.GrpDesc.GrpDescTexts.Where(h => h.GrpDescTxt != "" && (h.LangID == lang || h.LangID == 1)).OrderByDescending(g => g.LangID).FirstOrDefault()).Select(txt => txt.GrpDescTxt),
ListGroupe2 = s.GroupLocations.Where(g => g.GrpDesc.Grp.GrpLevel == 2).Select(grpLoc => grpLoc.GrpDesc.GrpDescTexts.Where(h => h.GrpDescTxt != "" && (h.LangID == lang || h.LangID == 1)).OrderByDescending(g => g.LangID).FirstOrDefault()).Select(txt => txt.GrpDescTxt),
ListGroupe3 = s.GroupLocations.Where(g=>g.GrpDesc.Grp.GrpLevel == 3).Select(grpLoc => grpLoc.GrpDesc.GrpDescTexts.Where(h => h.GrpDescTxt != "" && (h.LangID == lang || h.LangID == 1)).OrderByDescending(g => g.LangID).FirstOrDefault()).Select(txt => txt.GrpDescTxt),
ListGroupe4 = s.GroupLocations.Where(g=>g.GrpDesc.Grp.GrpLevel == 4).Select(grpLoc => grpLoc.GrpDesc.GrpDescTexts.Where(h => h.GrpDescTxt != "" && (h.LangID == lang || h.LangID == 1)).OrderByDescending(g => g.LangID).FirstOrDefault()).Select(txt => txt.GrpDescTxt),
DefaultImgPath = s.LocationPictures.Where(p=>p.IsDefault == true && p.IsActive == true).FirstOrDefault().FilePath,
HasPremises = s.Premises.Any(p => p.IsActive == true && p.IsDelete == false)
ViewModel.ListLocation = ListLocation.ToList();
return ViewModel;
Lazy loading is deferring initialization of an object until the point at which it is needed. If you returned your ListLocation back to its caller, as you've written above, with no .ToList() (or other), then you'd be consuming this lazily.
Eager loading is having the results of your query gathered at the time that the query is defined. In this case it'd be retrieving the results of your LINQ query all at once (at the time that the query is constrcuted). Usually a .ToList() or .Single() or other will do this for you.
I suspect you're consuming the results your LINQ query (var ListLocation) later in your code. Your code above is using a lazy-loaded approach.
You're showing that you're calling .ToList(), so you're indeed using eager-loading; even though it's on a different statement/line of code.
Performance: I'm not 100% on this being your perf problem, but I'd refactor your LINQ into something like this, using an extension method .WhereIf(). It's a heck of a lot easier to read and write.
var ListLocation = from s in _db.Locations
.Where(p => p.IsDelete == false)
.WhereIf(IsActive >= 0, p=> IsActive == (p.IsActive == true ? 1 : 0))
.WhereIf(LocationTypeID >= 0, p=> LocationTypeID == p.LocationTypeID
.WhereIf(City!=null, p=> p.Address.City.CityName.Contains(City)) //etc
If you're using this, and it works, then you're probably lazy loading, since you don't have any calls to .Include().

conditional where in linq query

I want to return the total sum from a linq query, I pass in 2 parameters that may/may not be included in the query.
OrgId - int
reportType - int
So two questions:
How can I update the query below so that if OrgId = 0 then ignore the organisation field(Return All)?
LocumClaimTF can be True/False/Both, if both then ignore the where query for this field.
Heres what I have done so far, this is working but I'd like something for efficient.
// Using reportType set preferences for LocumClaimTF
bool locumClaimTF1, locumClaimTF2 = false;
if (reportType == 0)
locumClaimTF1 = false;
locumClaimTF2 = false;
else if (reportType == 1)
locumClaimTF1 = true;
locumClaimTF2 = true;
else // 2
locumClaimTF1 = true;
locumClaimTF2 = false;
if (OrgID != 0) // Get by OrgID
return _UoW.ShiftDates.Get(x => x.shiftStartDate >= StartDate && x.shiftEndDate <= EndDate)
.Where(x => x.Shift.LocumClaimTF == locumClaimTF1 || x.Shift.LocumClaimTF == locumClaimTF2)
.Where(x => x.Shift.organisationID == OrgID)
.GroupBy(s => s.assignedLocumID)
.Select(g => new dataRowDTO { dataLabel = string.Concat(g.FirstOrDefault().User.FullName), dataCount = g.Count(), dataCurrencyAmount = g.Sum(sd => sd.shiftDateTotal.Value) }
else // Ignore OrgID - Get ALL Orgs
return _UoW.ShiftDates.Get(x => x.shiftStartDate >= StartDate && x.shiftEndDate <= EndDate)
.Where(x => x.Shift.LocumClaimTF == locumClaimTF1 || x.Shift.LocumClaimTF == locumClaimTF2)
.GroupBy(s => s.assignedLocumID)
.Select(g => new dataRowDTO { dataLabel = string.Concat(g.FirstOrDefault().User.FullName), dataCount = g.Count(), dataCurrencyAmount = g.Sum(sd => sd.shiftDateTotal.Value) }
).Sum(g => g.dataCurrencyAmount);
I'm using EF with unit of work pattern to get data frm
A few things come to mind, from top to bottom:
For handling the Booleans
bool locumClaimTF1 = (reportType == 1 || reportType == 2);
bool locumClaimTF2 = (reportType == 1);
From what I read in the query though, if the report type is 1 or 2, you want the Shift's LocumClaimTF flag to have to be True. If that is the case, then you can forget the Boolean flags and just use the reportType in your condition.
Next, for composing the query, you can conditionally compose where clauses. This is a nice thing about the fluent Linq syntax. However, let's start temporarily with a regular DbContext rather than the UoW because that will introduce some complexities and questions that you'll need to look over. (I will cover that below)
using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext()) // <- insert your DbContext here...
var query = context.ShiftDates
.Where(x => x.shiftStartDate >= StartDate
&& x.shiftEndDate <= EndDate);
if (reportType == 1 || reportType == 2)
query = query.Where(x.Shift.LocumClaimTF);
if (OrgId > 0)
query = query.Where(x => x.Shift.organisationID == OrgID);
var total = query.GroupBy(s => s.assignedLocumID)
.Select(g => new dataRowDTO
dataLabel = tring.Concat(g.FirstOrDefault().User.FullName),
dataCount = g.Count(),
dataCurrencyAmount = g.Sum(sd => sd.shiftDateTotal.Value)
Now this here didn't make any sense. Why are you going through the trouble of grouping, counting, and summing data, just to sum the resulting sums? I suspect you've copied an existing query that was selecting a DTO for the grouped results. If you don't need the grouped results, you just want the total. So in that case, do away with the grouping and just take the sum of all applicable records:
var total = query.Sum(x => x.shiftDateTotal.Value);
So the whole thing would look something like:
using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext()) // <- insert your DbContext here...
var query = context.ShiftDates
.Where(x => x.shiftStartDate >= StartDate
&& x.shiftEndDate <= EndDate);
if (reportType == 1 || reportType == 2)
query = query.Where(x.Shift.LocumClaimTF);
if (OrgId > 0)
query = query.Where(x => x.Shift.organisationID == OrgID);
var total = query.Sum(x => x.shiftDateTotal.Value);
return total;
Back to the Unit of Work: The main consideration when using this pattern is ensuring that this Get call absolutely must return back an IQueryable<TEntity>. If it returns anything else, such as IEnumerable<TEntity> then you are going to be facing significant performance problems as it will be returning materialized lists of entities loaded to memory rather than something that you can extend to build efficient queries to the database. If the Get method does not return IQueryable, or contains methods such as ToList anywhere within it followed by AsQueryable(), then have a talk with the rest of the dev team because you're literally standing on the code/EF equivalent of a land mine. If it does return IQueryable<TEntity> (IQueryable<ShiftDate> in this case) then you can substitute it back into the above query:
var query = _UoW.ShiftDates.Get(x => x.shiftStartDate >= StartDate && x.shiftEndDate <= EndDate);
if (reportType == 1 || reportType == 2)
query = query.Where(x.Shift.LocumClaimTF);
if (OrgId > 0)
query = query.Where(x => x.Shift.organisationID == OrgID);
var total = query.Sum(x => x.shiftDateTotal.Value);
return total;