C1FlexGrid : Check Merged Cell/Dynamic Merging - merge

I have a Grid in which some rows are being merged on the basis of common identifier which is column one i have to do following things but i cant do it anyway to achieve it
I want to see if the first column is merged then second merged row should have a different color like in the preceding columns after 3rd column but its not being happening
I have to merge the preceding columns (5,6,7,8,10,14) on the basis of first column but like its merging the first column its not merging the preceding columns due to its common values like +4.50 is being merged for 2nd and 3rd and 4th record but it should only merged for its own record but due to the same value its merging all three records value
Kindly, help as i am badly stuck in this
i have

Please understand that the style applied to a cell range is decided by the style in the topmost/leftmost row/column. This is why in a single cell range we cannot have multiple styles.
Note: Please refer your comments and reply


Conditional formatting google sheets, match date between two dates- mark that row that is matching

I am looking for a way to match any date in a column of dates with a bunch of start/end periods at columns next to it. If any match, mark my cell.
I have managed to do this for one row, but I would like it to look at a whole column (or set range ex X6-X10) and compare with a bunch of date-periods in two columns.
Any one with any ideas of how I can do that?
This is what I have come up with so far:
And I am using this formula:
But, as I said, this only works for one row today. I would like to look through all rows in the columns.
This formula should work:

tableau show categories from calculation even when a category is not visible

I have a calculation and it outputs multiple values. Then I am creating a table on those values. For example, in below data my formula is
if data is 1 then calculation is `one`
if data is 2 then calculation is `two`
if data is 3 then calculation is `three`
as three doesn't really appear in the output, when I create a table, three is not displayed. Is there any way to display it?
I tried table layout >> show empty rows and columns and it didn't work
data calculation
1 one
2 two
Tableau discovers the possible values for a dimension field dynamically from the query results.
If ‘three’ does not appear in your data, then how do you expect Tableau to know to make a column header for that non existent, but potential, value? It can’t read your mind.
This situation does occur often though - perhaps you want row or column headers to remain stable, even when you change filters in a way that causes some to no longer appear in the query results.
There are a few ways you can force Tableau to pad ** or **complete a domain:
one solution is to pad your data to make sure each value for your dimension field appears in at least one data row.
You can often do this easily by using a union to append some extra rows to your original data. You can often add padding rows that don’t impact any results by leaving all your Measure columns null since nulls are ignored by aggregation functions
Another common solution that is a bit more effort is to make what is known as scaffolding data source that is not much more than a list of your dimension members. You can then use that data source as a primary data source with data blending, making your original data source secondary.
There are two situations where Tableau can detect the absence of data and leave space for it in the visualization automatically
for numeric types, you can create a bin field that will automatically pad for missing bins
similarly, date fields can show missing values because, like bins, Tableau can tell when a month doesn’t appear in the data and leave room for it in the view

Excel 2013 - Sumifs - Add all cells in a column

I have the following formula in my Excel 2013 spreadsheet:
=SUMIFS(Employees!$T$2:$T$1114, Employees!$L$2:$L$1114, $A5, Employees!$J$2:$J$1114, 1, Employees!$Q$2:$Q$1114, "N", Employees!$K$2:$K$1114, C$3)
It is summing column T based on certain criteria. Looking at Employees!$T$2:$T$1114 as an example, I have a header row, so I start at T2. I then select all the cells in that column. which currently ends at 1114. The problem is, that number can change.
If I want to remove the hard-coding and just select all the cells that contain data in that column, then sum that data based on this criteria, how would I change this?
If the header above T isn't sumable, and/or the header above L isn't a valid criteria, then it won't matter if they are included in the sum_range and criteria_range, respectively. In that case, you can specify entire columns, like Employees!$T:$T, and not worry about where the data starts or ends.
=SUMIFS($A:$A, $B:$B, G2)
If there is data above the desired part of T, you could add another criteria to avoid it, for instance, by using an additional (hidden) column with markers.

Merge all the data in the second column for each unique value in the first column

I have two columns of data. Some of the data in the first column repeats (they represent questions). The data in the second column is unique (they represent multiple answers to the same question).
I need to merge all the data in the second column for each unique value in the first column. e.g.:
1,is possible.
2,not possible.
2,cannot do this.
merged to:
1,yes.is possible.
2,no.not possible.cannot do this.impossible.
Something like this is crude but may be adequate:
copied down to suit. Then select the last entry (identifiable with something like =A1=A2 copied down to suit) for each Question number.
Questions in column A sorted in order
Answers in column B
In C1 use =B1
In C2 use =if(a2=A1,C1&B2,B2)
Drag down formula in C2.
It will keep adding the lines together as long as the question remains the same. When it gets to a new question, it'll start a new string. The last time each question is listed will be the complete string in column C.
Create a 2 column project in Google Refine
Sort by Q column (if not already sorted) and make sort permanent
Blank Down on Q column to remove duplicate values
On A column, do Edit Cells -> Merge multi-valued cells

Is it possible to create a row that spans all columns of a Matrix in SSRS 2008?

Is it possible to have add a row to an SSRS 2008 Matrix that spans all of the matrix's columns?
This crude diagram shows roughly what I'm looking for:
The basic idea is that each line item is a person, and each column is a field in a form for that person. The fields themselves are dynamic (and implemented as column groups on the matrix). Additional column groups are included to append non-dynamic form fields, like the time the record was entered and who entered it. Under each person's record is a comments field, which should span all of the form fields above it.
At the moment I have the matrix embedded in another tablix, with the name and fields in the matrix and the comments in the parent tablix. This works for the data (each instance of the matrix ends up being one row), but the header repeats too often (once per person) because it's attached to the matrix. The only thought I have as to how to fix this is to create another matrix in the parent tablix with the same grouping and use it to display the headers... But this will require quite a lot of manual synchronization to keep the two matrices the same.
Edit: The key problem here is making the second row span multiple column groups.
Here's what you can do:
Select the column grouping you want to add above and right click and select
Add Group... Parent Group...
Group the column by something that will not aggregate the data. You'll have to select a field from your dataset to group by so that it creates an overlapping column grouping.
Check the Add group header box
You should now see something similar to this:
Now you just need to move the Value1 field and it's header over under the new column to the right beyond the matrix dividers. Once that's done, simply delete the ungrouped column where you just copied Value1 from and be sure to select Delete columns only checkbox.
Your finished product should look like this:
It is possible - And the above answers are partial answers leaving out one key step: Merging the cells of the child row.
First, right click on your grouped row, then select Insert Row -> Inside Group - Below and you will get two rows with the cells aligning on the columns
Second, ctrl click all the cells in your new row (ie row without the data) then right click on one of the highlighted cells, and then select Merge Cells.
Now you have the table you like. To add a value to the new row: first right click your new (multi column) cell,select Create Placeholder, and then add the dataset item you desire to the placeholder.
After several attempts, I'm going to say this isn't possible in SSRS. The best I could come up with is a group footer that spans columns 1,2, and 3, but not the User column.
[Original Response]
I recently did something similar to this.
First, what tool are you using to create SSRS reports? (I used SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio)
You'll want to create a row group (grouped on Person)
Append a row to your table in "Design" view (Right click, "Insert Row --> Inside Group - Below").
Add an expression to the row that pulls the value for your "Comment" column (=Fields!Comment.Value).
Let me know if that helps...
Try adding in you column group "header" with a grouping expression of (1=1). Then a detail field will need to be defined. If you define the other group with correct data then the "header" will stretch across all details columns. You may need to merger depending on other options.
The easiest way to do this is to create a Tablix with only one column, and your row grouping.
Then, you create two rows inside this group.
In the first row inside the group, you insert a Matrix, wich you can then subgroup as you prefer.
I just had a similar problem, and this was my solution.
I banged my head against the wall for a lot of time, until i realized the solution to my problem wasn't "making a cell span multiple column groups", but "making a cell split into multiple column groups".
You can accomplish the goal by using a subreport for each person. The subreport will receive the employee id and create the hierarchy for you. Make sure your subreport column widths match the widths of the parent report.