301 Redirect Subdirectory Path to Single Directory - redirect

As I am in the process of a site migration, I have been struggling with a 301 redirect issue, and would love some help.
I am going to move an entire domain (www.oldsite.com) to a new domain (www.newsite.com). I planned to accomplish this by changing the DNSto point to the new server. On the new site, I am trying to set up 301 redirects in my .htaccess file to provide a destination for any URLs that will not exist.
Most of the redirects are fine:
Redirect 301 /old-dir-1/ /new-dir-1/
... works fine.
However, if I want to also redirect a subdirectory:
Redirect 301 /old-dir-1/subdir/ /new-dir-1/
... the actual result is:
I do not want to pass through the subdirectory.
I have tried a ton of combinations and tutorials and Rewrite Rules like:
RewriteRule ^old-dir-1/(.*) /new-dir-1/$1 [R=301,L]
And countless other variations... any ideas?

If anyone comes across an issue like this, here is how I solved:
1) I made sure no application logic was conflicting with the redirects. In this particular case WordPress was also using a redirect plugin which needed to be disabled.
2) I revised the order of the lines in my 301 entries, placing the most specific URLs at the top, and the less specific below.
IE, first:
Redirect 301 /old-dir-1/subdir/ /new-dir-1/
and then...
/old-dir-1/ /new-dir-1/


HAProxy 1.5 URL/URI Redirects to a different domain

I'm looking for a method to redirect visitors from https://site1.co.uk to https://site2.co.uk in HAProxy. I also need to redirect sub-pages (i.e. https://site1.co.uk/page1) to similar pages on site2.co.uk but using specific URLs. I have stuck a sample below of what I'd like to achieve if that helps...
Home redirect:
https://site1.co.uk -> https://site2.co.uk
Sub redirect:
https://site1.co.uk/first-page.html -> https://site2.co.uk/about-us.html
I've been searching for the last day or so for a simple solution to this problem and have been unable to find anything that does the trick.
I'm using HAProxy 1.5 (version required for a specific project) and any help would be much appreciated!
Things I've tried...had to remove HTTPS www.'s due to account limit.
redirect prefix site2.org.uk/subpage2/endresult2.html if { hdr(host) -i site1.org.uk }
redirect prefix site2.org.uk/subpage2/endresult2.html if { hdr(host) -i site1.org.uk/site1page.html }
Line 1: redirects correctly.
Line 2: End result is site2.org.uk/subpage2/endresult2/site1page.html - this is incorrect and should not include the site1page.html page on the end.
End result should be site2.org.uk/subpage2/endresult2 - this is how it I would like it to appear.
The server that HAProxy is on also serves multiple sites with different URLs. The above code is also redirecting them yet it shouldn't interact. How can I prevent this from happening?
I've noticed that when I enable a redirect, it's affecting my other sites which route through HAProxy and not just the one I'm trying to redirect (i.e. site1)
if you need to redirect your URL, you can check below link:
How to redirect URL with HAProxy
in haproxy you should use configuration like above
Although not technically the answer I wanted...I realised that I could redirect using the httpd configuration file instead of HAProxy. In the end that was the easiest option for a newbie like myself. Time will tell if this performs well...

How to use URL Rewrite before HTTP Redirect on IIS

So I have a website running on IIS on an address like this: myserver.com/mysite.
From here I made a rule to redirect the site to: myserver.com/mysite/path/to/file.
I did this using the HTTP redirection module to make a 302 redirect to path/to/file and that works fine.
The problem is that if I dont put the trailing slash / at the end of mysite I get a 404 error, so I used the built-in template AddTrailingSlashRule in the URL Rewrite module.
So if I disable the redirect, the trailing slash gets added at the end of the website just fine, but once I enable the HTTP redirect, it sends me to myserver.com/path/to/file/ and obviously that doesn't work, because I get the redirect first and then the rewrite.
Is there a way to change the "order" of the modules? Or is there a better way to achieve this?
Thanks for any help!
For anyone having this problem in the future, I ended up disabling the HTTP redirect and made a new rule using the URL Rewrite module.
It simply matches the ^$ regex and then redirects to path/to/file.
That rule goes after the trailing slash one so with or without the slash, it gets added and only then it gets redirected.

Helicon ISAPI_Rewrite 301 redirect certain files from one folder to another

We moved our sites one folder to another folder. Some services we had to keep on old location still. So we had to keep old the folder.
We had this on our helicon ISAPI .htaccess file on root of FolderA
RewriteRule ^(\w+)\/(\w+)\/(\w+)\/t_(\d+)\/ /folderA/top.aspx?id=$4&linkki=$0
How do we make 301 redirect to new location (folderB)? I know we could make this.
RewriteRule ^(\w+)\/(\w+)\/(\w+)\/t_(\d+)\/ /folderB/top.aspx?id=$4&linkki=$0
But it is not the same as doing 301 redirect to user (and for search engines).
To redirect the folderA to the folderB, you want to redirect as in your comment in the other answer.
This will redirect /folderA/blabla/blalba/bla/t_2345 to /folderB/blabla/blalba/bla/t_2345
RewriteRule ^/folderA\/(\w+)\/(\w+)/(\w+)\/t_(\d+)$ /folderB/$1/$2/$3/t_$4 [NC,R=301,L]
If the number of folders changes, but they all end in t_digits, you could look for anything between the folderA and the t_digits. e.g., this will redirect /folderA/abcdef/t_1234 to /folderB/abcdef/t_1234
RewriteRule ^/folderA\/(.+)\/t_(\d+)$ /folderB/$1/t_$2 [NC,R=301,L]
You may have to adjust whether to keep the leading slash, depending on how things are configured. Also, your question has a trailing slash, but the comment examples don't, so add or remove a trailing slash depending what you really need.
A side note about the permanent redirect. While debugging this, use [NC,R,L] without the 301. When the redirect is permanent (301), the browser often caches a previous rule. When done testing, change it to permanent. See number 2 and 3 in this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/9204355/292060
To make it valid 301 redirect just add the following flag at the end of the rule:
RewriteRule ^(\w+)/(\w+)/(\w+)/t_(\d+)/?$ /folderB/top.aspx?id=$4&linkki=$0 [NC,R=301,L]

301 URL Redirect with arguments without htaccess or php

How do I redirect http://olddomain.com/page to http://newdomain.com/page
The old domain is using namecheap's dns. Currently, I have setup a 301 URL redirect on olddomain.com and www.olddomain.com to www.newdomain.com. However, visiting olddomain.com/page takes me to www.newdomain.com instead of www.newdomain.com/page.
Is there a way to do it without using htaccess or php?
use webmaster tool. Thats is easy. We normaly use server side programming, ip redirect. But that is very easy and convenient.

IIS6 - How do I redirect users to another site for every page with a few exceptions?

I have a website setup in IIS 6, let's say it's called http://www.this.com.
I have setup a redirection for this website to http://www.that.com which maintains the directory structure and query parameters as follows:
http://www.that.com$S$Q - using the option "The exact URL entered above"
This works great, whenever someone requests, for example:
then they end up at:
Now, I have one page, actually a handler, http://www.this.com/image.axd, which I do not want to redirect.
What is the syntax for that? I've read the Redirection Using Wildcards section here, but I can't work out how to do what seems to be something straight forward.
Note that image.axd is a handler so I can't just "right click" on it and set the redirection properties as it doesn't physically exist.
I also have a couple of other pages in subfolders which I do not want to redirect, for example:
Any help would be appreciated.
Edit: A couple of people have mentioned using ISAPI_Rewrite, for which I'm grateful, but I really don't want to introduce another complexity into the website configuration. IIS seems to imply I can acheive what I want using the ! and 0 through 9 variables.
Is it really not possible to do this using IIS?
My current workaround is to set the redirection properties on ALL folders and pages that I want to redirect except those I do not, but this is a management nightmare.
You could implement a custom error page for the page not found error (404) that does the redirection for you. You'd turn off the redirection in IIS. Build the logic for the redirection in your custom error page. Then configure your web site so that 404 errors redirect to your error page.
If you can install software on your IIS server, I'd recommend using a tool to rewrite your request URLs.
For IIS 6.0 I've used ISAPI_Rewrite and it works really well. It's lightweight and very configurable. There's a "Lite" version available for free and will support your requirements.
You configure the program using a text file containing rules that match HTTP requests and then write actions to perform once a rule is matched. Your instance would probably require a general redirect rule (similar to the one in IIS) and rules for your exceptions.
You should look into the possibility of using a header rewrite module, for example ISAPI_rewrite. There is a free "lite" version available that is enough for your needs.
What this can do for you is the following: Before actual pages are executed on the server, the Request headers are rewritten (or HTTP 301/302 redirects are issued) based on a configurable set of rules. The underlying server sees the remaining requests as if the client really made them in that fashion.
The following rules would leave image.axd requests alone, while redirecting everything else.
# image.axd stays unchanged ("L" is the "last rule" flag)
RewriteCond Host: www.\this\.com
RewriteRule ^.*?\bimage\.axd\b.* $0 [L]
# all requests that have not been stopped by an earlier rule
# end up here ("RP" is the "permanent redirect" flag)
RewriteCond Host: www.\this\.com
RewriteRule .* http://www.that.com$0 [RP,L]