grails spring secuirity ui without mail field on User domain class - email

In my Grails project I'm using the spring security plugins, that are core, ui and acl.
They works well together but I have a problem with forgot password functionality. Infact, when I try to recover password (/register/forgotPassword path), I have the following exception:
No such property: email for class: medicalofficemanager.SecUser
Possible solutions: all
Is it possible to create automatically the field email for the SecUser domain class, with some command in console, or do I need to create it manually?
For your information, versions currently used are (installed in proper plugin window in Intellij Idea IDE):
Grails 2.2.1
Spring security core: 2.0 RC2
Spring security acl: 2.0 RC1
Spring security ui: 1.0 RC1

Not familiar with the ACL plugin, but pretty sure there's no console command to add an email field. Just add it manually.


Spring boot + mongo integration with key tab authentication for mongo 4.4.4

I am trying integrate mongo with spring boot 2.2.6 which uses 4.4.2 (mongo version)and authentication mechanism is by key tab.
I am getting option only to create mongoDB client by below code.
here how we can add key tab file and principal.
Thanks in advance.
Please provide the solution which compatible with mentioned version because old version like 3.8.2 of mongo I have already tried.

Keycloak configure with PostgreSQL

I develop Spring Boot Rest API project using JDBC and the database is PostgreSQL. I added authorization with Keycloak. I wanna use User Federation because I would like to use Users in my PostgreSQL DB. How can I use it and other ways not to use User Federation?
I have faced the same problem recently. I have different clients with different RDBMS, so I have decided to address this problem so that I could reuse my solution across multiple clients.
I published my solution as a multi RDBMS implementation (oracle, mysql, postgresl, sqlserver) to solve simple database federation needs, supporting bcrypt and several types of hashes.
Just build and deploy this solution on keycloak and configure it through the admin console providing jdbc connection string, login, password, the required SQL queries and the type of hash used.
Feel free to clone, fork or do whatever you need to solve your issue.
GitHub repo:
I'm doing similar development but with Oracle and JSF.
I created a project with three classes:
one implementing UserStorageProvider, UserLookupProvider and CredentialInputValidator
one implementing UserStorageProviderFactory
one extending AbstractUserAdapter
Then I created another project which creates an ear file containing the jar file generated in the previous project plus the driver jar file (of PostgreSQL in your case) inside a lib folder.
Finally the ear file is copied in the /opt/jboss/keycloak/standalone/deployments/ folder of the Keycloak server and it gets autodeployed as a SPI. It's necessary to add this provider in the User federation section of the administration application of Keycloak.

Customise default UI of Spring Boot Admin Server

I want to customize the default page of spring boot admin, and manipulate it ( for eg. Change the order in the list of applications / group some of them as one component, etc. ).
Is it possible to do that, and if yes, what files needed to be changed and which functions need to be overridden.
I found a solution to the above question. The only way we can add customised UI/ Endpoint in SBA ( Spring Boot Admin ) is by developing a custom jar using the sample dependency code and adding it to your server project.
The detailed steps are described in the question: Spring boot admin add custom tab.

org.teiid.adminapi.AdminFactory missing in teiid 8.13.4?

I am migrating an existing app from teiid-8.8.1c1/jboss-as-7.2.0 to WildFly 9.0.2
Teiid 8.13.4. I have been able to update dependencies in all cases except one:
I have one class getting an Admin instance from org.teiid.adminapi.AdminFactory as follows:
So that is can get and check status on a VDB.
But is seems that the AdminFactory is no longer part the teidd adminapi. Is there some new way to get an admin instance?
Per teiid message board, it was moved to teiid-jboss-admin jar:
[TEIID-3503] Development with Embedded teiid should not require dependency on EAP - JBoss Issue Tracker separated out the EAP dependent Admin functionality into the teiid-jboss-admin jar. It doesn't look like that was called out in the release notes or a specific migration doc, so I'll make sure that gets updated.

Grails Spring Security Facebook Plugin not Working

I am trying to use spring security facebook plugin in grails. Here is my configuaration
compile ":spring-security-core:2.0-RC2"
compile ":spring-security-facebook:0.15.2-CORE2"
grails.plugins.springsecurity.facebook.secret= *****
grails.plugins.springsecurity.facebook.autoCreate.roles=['ROLE_USER', 'ROLE_FACEBOOK']
I created domin using s2-init-facebook. I created Login with facebook in my GSP.
But When I try to click Login With Facebook, I got Invalid app id error.
Invalid App ID: Invalid
When I go to to verify my App it seems to be correct.
I Followed documentation of grails spring security facebook plugin.
First of all, you have to put configuration into Config.groovy. BuildConfig is used for dependencies.
Second, as you're using Spring Security Core version 2.x, then correct config prefix is grails.plugin.springsecurity (not grails.plugins.springsecurity, without s)