netbeans application platform 8 remove undo redo button - netbeans

netbeans application platform 8 remove undo / redo button
how to remove the default saveall undo and redo buttons from the toolbar of a NetBeans Platform Application 8.
I found an article describing how to edit the --> Important Files / XML Layer / / Toolbars
but i think that is only applicable for netbeans <= 6.9
How to remove those buttons on NetBeans Platform Application 8.

Declare following layers.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE filesystem PUBLIC '-//NetBeans//DTD Filesystem 1.2//EN' ''>
<folder name="Toolbars">
<folder name="File_hidden"/>
<folder name="Clipboard_hidden"/>
<folder name="UndoRedo_hidden"/>


Apply GTK3 theme systemwide

Task / Problem:
I have a self-created gtk3-theme in ~/.local/share/themes/mytheme/gtk-3.0/gtk.css. I would like to apply that style systemwide. How would I do that?
XUbuntu 19.04
GTK version: 3.24
What I did / have:
Prepare ~/.local/share/themes/mytheme/gtk-3.0/gtk.css
Created ~/.local/share/themes/mytheme/index.theme with the following content:
Created ~/.local/share/themes/mytheme/gtk-3.0/gtk.gresource.xml with the following content:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<gresource prefix='/usr/darktrick/gtk-3.0'>
<file preprocess='to-pixdata'>images/icon_close.png</file>
<file preprocess='to-pixdata'>images/icon_close_active.png</file>
<file preprocess='to-pixdata'>images/icon_maximize.png</file>
<file preprocess='to-pixdata'>images/icon_minimize.png</file>
Tested css with GtkInspector (under CSS): worked fine
Theme is available in GtkInspector under Visual to be applied manually.
edit: I have chosen mytheme through the WindowManager dialog.
I stumbled across the answer.
Open "Settings Editor" -> channel "xsettings" -> Net -> ThemeName -> Type the folder name of the theme you'd like to have applied

No show anymore message of publisher Java Web Start

I have developed an application via Java Web Start more or less according to this: How do I fix "missing Codebase, Permissions, and Application-Name manifest attribute" in my JNLP app? I have packed the jar with manifest.txt, etc..but in this way I have resolved missing attributes problem, and now I have other problem this message is always showed!! I checked "No show again" and each time I press button to execute and always is showed!! I
Adicionally this is my manifest file:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Class-Path: .
Main-Class: com.zkteco.biometric.AccesoBiometrioAS2
Permissions: all-permissions
Application-Name: Biometrico
And my Jnlp File this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="">
<information> <title>CajaPos</title> <vendor>xxx</vendor>
<j2se version="1.2+"/>
<jar href="xx.jar"
main="true" />
<application-desc main-class="" type="JavaFX">
In this page after check the dialog is not showed again and works fine.
Where XY change for each request because I generate jnlp-xml in a dynamically way with a servlet.
This is due to your Java settings. It is a security prompt. There’s nothing you can change in your application to prevent this dialog, it is up to the end-user to change their security settings to show/hide these dialog windows.
Edit: I also recommend migrating your app to a different delivery platform because Java Web Start is being violently turned off by Oracle.

STS eclipse creates multiple folders inside .eclipse every time it is opened

Hi i asked this question before here but it did not get any answer, i restated the question.
ok this is the environment.
Spring Tool Suite
Version: 3.8.2.RELEASE
Build Id: 201610040743
Platform: Eclipse Neon.1 (4.6.1)
macOs Sierra.
Every time i open STS it creates a folder inside .eclipse in this format.
I run this command over the folder .eclipse to ensure eclipse has the rights to write and read.
chmod 777 .eclipse/
chown -R myuser:staff .eclipse/
But STS keeps doing the same thing.
The problem is, every time eclipse STS do this, is like if the IDE were starting for first time, so everything is erased each time the IDE is opened.
Checking the file locations.setup locatet in /Users/ovazquez/.eclipse/org.eclipse.oomph.setup/setups/ i can see that this file changes every time the IDE it is started, this is the file the first time the IDE reads the config.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<key href="file:/Users/ovazquez/.eclipse/org.springsource.sts_3.8.2.RELEASE_1218045591_macosx_cocoa_x86_64/configuration/org.eclipse.oomph.setup/installation.setup#/"/>
<value href="file:/Users/ovazquez/Documents/workspace-sts-3.8.2.RELEASE/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.oomph.setup/workspace.setup#/"/>
<key href="file:/Users/ovazquez/Documents/workspace-sts-3.8.2.RELEASE/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.oomph.setup/workspace.setup#/"/>
<value href="file:/Users/ovazquez/.eclipse/org.springsource.sts_3.8.2.RELEASE_1218045591_macosx_cocoa_x86_64/configuration/org.eclipse.oomph.setup/installation.setup#/"/>
Then this is the same file once the ide it is opened again.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<key href="file:/Users/ovazquez/.eclipse/org.springsource.sts_3.8.2.RELEASE_431833271_macosx_cocoa_x86_64/configuration/org.eclipse.oomph.setup/installation.setup#/"/>
<value href="file:/Users/ovazquez/Documents/workspace-sts-3.8.2.RELEASE/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.oomph.setup/workspace.setup#/"/>
<key href="file:/Users/ovazquez/.eclipse/org.springsource.sts_3.8.2.RELEASE_1218045591_macosx_cocoa_x86_64/configuration/org.eclipse.oomph.setup/installation.setup#/"/>
<value href="file:/Users/ovazquez/Documents/workspace-sts-3.8.2.RELEASE/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.oomph.setup/workspace.setup#/"/>
<key href="file:/Users/ovazquez/Documents/workspace-sts-3.8.2.RELEASE/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.oomph.setup/workspace.setup#/"/>
<value href="file:/Users/ovazquez/.eclipse/org.springsource.sts_3.8.2.RELEASE_431833271_macosx_cocoa_x86_64/configuration/org.eclipse.oomph.setup/installation.setup#/"/>
<value href="file:/Users/ovazquez/.eclipse/org.springsource.sts_3.8.2.RELEASE_1218045591_macosx_cocoa_x86_64/configuration/org.eclipse.oomph.setup/installation.setup#/"/>
I was also getting the same issue and resolved it using :
Extract the tar/zip file anywhere you want.
Drag the file to "Applications".
Now you will see the STS application in launchpad also.
Now you can start STS by clicking on this STS icon from
launchpad/spotlight search.
It should resolve the issue.

Joomla 3.1.4 ,JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find Joomla XML setup file,error

I have setup already joomla 3.1.4 and I tried to install a plugin,But Im getting this error:
JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find Joomla XML setup file
This is my xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE install PUBLIC "-//Joomla! 1.5//DTD template 1.0//EN" "">
<extension version="3.1" type="plugin" group="content" client="myjoomlasite">
<author>Tahsin Çetin</author>
<creationDate>July 27th,2013</creationDate>
<copyright>Tahsin Çetin</copyright>
<licence>GNU General Public License</licence>
<description>Simple Hello World plugin</description>
<filename plugin="helloworld">helloworld.php</filename>
You do not need to specify "helloworld.xml" in your xml file.Remove file and install again.This will be your final xml file-
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<extension version="3.1" type="plugin" group="content" client="myjoomlasite">
<author>Tahsin Çetin</author>
<creationDate>July 27th,2013</creationDate>
<copyright>Tahsin Çetin</copyright>
<licence>GNU General Public License</licence>
<description>Simple Hello World plugin</description>
<filename plugin="helloworld">helloworld.php</filename>
Hope this will help.
The "Cannot find Joomla XML setup file" usually means you are trying to install an extension that wasn't designed for the version of Joomla you are installing to.
Read more here
In your opening <extension> tag, you do not need to specify a client attribute.
Where is the XML file in relation to your ZIP package? If it isn't at the top level of the ZIP, it won't be found.
Generally when this happens something is wrong with the XML file. If you have made any changes, try to think where those changes were and find a problem with the XML file.
Problems could be:
No opening or closing tag. Closing tags are easy to miss. Count them, make sure there's an opening and a closing tag.
Duplicated tags. It's easy to add two labels or showons for example, especially if you are copying and pasting.
Space before the opening XML tag
No closing fieldset tag
No closing extension or config tag. Easily deleted if you are replacing the file
You can easily use a tool like this:
Which will help you to find issues such as missing opening and closing tags.

How to Configure Rock Star Apps plugin in Eclipse for Concatenating and Compressing Javascripts

I am using the rockstarapps plugin for concatenating and compressing/minifying .js files with Google Closure.
I chose the option to rebuild files when a dependency changes but now I would like to change the dependencies, output file, etc... How do I do that?
What does the 'Add to Auto-Building' option do?
thank you,
In the root of your project is an ant build file called .rockstarapps.
This is Xml and human readable.
The output file is specified near the top: <file name="path/to/file.js">
Auto Building: I assume this adds the file to the build section of .rockstarapps
The autobuilding option will only be activated if the files change, to add a new dependency, go to the .rockstarapps file and add up the line necessary, after saving just change some line into any of the dependencies and the file should be compiled with your new dependencies.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<file name="WebContent/js/extlib.core.all.js">