Joomla 3.1.4 ,JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find Joomla XML setup file,error - plugins

I have setup already joomla 3.1.4 and I tried to install a plugin,But Im getting this error:
JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find Joomla XML setup file
This is my xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE install PUBLIC "-//Joomla! 1.5//DTD template 1.0//EN" "">
<extension version="3.1" type="plugin" group="content" client="myjoomlasite">
<author>Tahsin Çetin</author>
<creationDate>July 27th,2013</creationDate>
<copyright>Tahsin Çetin</copyright>
<licence>GNU General Public License</licence>
<description>Simple Hello World plugin</description>
<filename plugin="helloworld">helloworld.php</filename>

You do not need to specify "helloworld.xml" in your xml file.Remove file and install again.This will be your final xml file-
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<extension version="3.1" type="plugin" group="content" client="myjoomlasite">
<author>Tahsin Çetin</author>
<creationDate>July 27th,2013</creationDate>
<copyright>Tahsin Çetin</copyright>
<licence>GNU General Public License</licence>
<description>Simple Hello World plugin</description>
<filename plugin="helloworld">helloworld.php</filename>
Hope this will help.

The "Cannot find Joomla XML setup file" usually means you are trying to install an extension that wasn't designed for the version of Joomla you are installing to.
Read more here

In your opening <extension> tag, you do not need to specify a client attribute.
Where is the XML file in relation to your ZIP package? If it isn't at the top level of the ZIP, it won't be found.

Generally when this happens something is wrong with the XML file. If you have made any changes, try to think where those changes were and find a problem with the XML file.
Problems could be:
No opening or closing tag. Closing tags are easy to miss. Count them, make sure there's an opening and a closing tag.
Duplicated tags. It's easy to add two labels or showons for example, especially if you are copying and pasting.
Space before the opening XML tag
No closing fieldset tag
No closing extension or config tag. Easily deleted if you are replacing the file
You can easily use a tool like this:
Which will help you to find issues such as missing opening and closing tags.


Define file type for .env files

As far as I know NetBeans IDE does not support or have a plugin that supports .env files (typically used to implement Store config in the environment) but I've found that Ini files support is good enough for my use case (I get syntax highlighting and Toggle Comment command. However, I'm unable to set the file type for a file that starts with a dot. I works fine for foo.env but not .env (it's handled as plain text).
I found a related question (how to set file type for foo.blade.php) and I'm able to bypass the GUI restriction (you cannot enter a file extension with a dot) with a custom user-defined-mime-resolver.xml file. I've tried two variations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE MIME-resolver PUBLIC "-//NetBeans//DTD MIME Resolver 1.1//EN" "">
<ext name=".env"/>
<ext name="env"/>
<resolver mime="text/x-ini"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE MIME-resolver PUBLIC "-//NetBeans//DTD MIME Resolver 1.1//EN" "">
<ext name="env"/>
<name name=".env" substring="true"/>
<resolver mime="text/x-ini"/>
Can you figure out a trick or workaround or spot something I've missed? (Im using build NetBeans IDE Dev Build 201804200002 if that matters.)

Metadata file does not contain valid metadata - Unity

I don't know what's going on here. I was able to create an APK for Android. So, it should be easy to make it a Facebook/WebGL game too, right? Apparently not. And, worse: even if I try to make a stand alone or Android build, I get the same error now.
error CS0009: Metadata file `C:\...\Library/FacebookSDK/CanvasJSSDKBindings.jslib' does not contain valid metadata
I don't know what to do with this. I tried deleting it and letting it rebuild. I tried deleting everything in the project (except assets) and let all of that rebuild. I'm using Facebook SDK version 7.12.2. I'm using Unity 2017.3.1f1. Anyone know how to fix this?
This answer was taken verbatim from the Unity forums.
Deleting folder [game path]\Library\FacebookSDK works for me.
You need to verify there is not a file named CanvasJSSDKBindings.jslib in this location.
You must have the following files inside the folder:
The contents of ivy.xml must be:
`<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:e="">
<info organisation="Facebook" module="FacebookSDK" e:packageType="UnityExtension">
<description>Facebook SDK</description>
<artifact name="Facebook.Unity" type="dll" ext="dll" e:guid="2403d1f95ea54028853403e595bc9274" />
<artifact name="Facebook.Unity.Gameroom" type="dll" ext="dll" e:guid="063ad293d9fe40e18bde10bbc71df334" />
<artifact name="Facebook.Unity.Settings" type="dll" ext="dll" e:guid="18b4dbf8a0b54ea4adf46fb7f4d71dd0" />
<artifact name="FacebookNamedPipeClient" type="dll" ext="dll" e:guid="51288a4fc4384861a5b1f9dd49b3da26" />
I'm using Unity 2018.1.6f1 and Facebook SDK 7.13.0.

Neo4j plugin missing in Gephi 0.9.1 version

I am pretty new to neo4j. In my graph, there are more than 5k nodes and neo4j browser doesnt show all the nodes, as there seems to be a limit and picture is messy as well.
So i was trying to gephi 0.9 and installed the same.
But I am unable to find the neo4j database plugin. I checked under
Tools --> plugins --> available plugins section
Please let me know, if I am missing something here.
Plugin screenshot
Thanks in advance.
You don't actually need the Neo4j plugin for Gephi, as you can use neo4j-shell-tools instead to do a GraphML export, and open that in Gephi.
Beware that the option parsing of export-graphml is a bit buggy (and I should open an issue about it); if you want to use the -t or -r flags, they have to be specified before -o, like this:
export-graphml -r -o out.graphml match ...
I also had to add some metadata description to the GraphML file so Gephi finds more data (and I should also open an issue about that, at least for the generic metadata). The beginning of the file looks like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<graphml xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<graph id="G" edgedefault="directed">
which I changed to
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<graphml xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<key"label" attr.type="string" for="node" id="labels"/>
<key"label" attr.type="string" for="edge" id="label"/>
<key"someProperty" attr.type="boolean" for="node" id="someProperty"/>
<!-- more descriptions of node properties -->
<graph id="G" edgedefault="directed">

How do I create a context sensitive help in Run Configurations?

I have to create the help in Run Configurations on my plugin. As the same as this picture.
I have searched on many sites include Google, or in textbooks,
but I haven't found how I do it. What should I do ? or Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you in advance.
This is done using the normal Eclipse context help system.
You specify the help context id in the org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchConfigurationTabGroups extension point using the helpContextId of the launchConfigurationTabGroup
Example from JUnit:
Use the extension point to declare a file containing the context help ids:
<extension point="">
<contexts file="contexts_JDT_JUnit.xml" plugin="org.eclipse.jdt.junit"/>
and the context file contents:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?NLS TYPE=""?>
<context id="junit_tab_group">
<description>This launch configuration runs JUnit tests.</description>
<topic label="Using JUnit" href="gettingStarted/qs-junit.htm"/>
see the Eclipse help for more details.

How to Configure Rock Star Apps plugin in Eclipse for Concatenating and Compressing Javascripts

I am using the rockstarapps plugin for concatenating and compressing/minifying .js files with Google Closure.
I chose the option to rebuild files when a dependency changes but now I would like to change the dependencies, output file, etc... How do I do that?
What does the 'Add to Auto-Building' option do?
thank you,
In the root of your project is an ant build file called .rockstarapps.
This is Xml and human readable.
The output file is specified near the top: <file name="path/to/file.js">
Auto Building: I assume this adds the file to the build section of .rockstarapps
The autobuilding option will only be activated if the files change, to add a new dependency, go to the .rockstarapps file and add up the line necessary, after saving just change some line into any of the dependencies and the file should be compiled with your new dependencies.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<file name="WebContent/js/extlib.core.all.js">