mongodb aggregation project objectId with concat - mongodb

$match : { "themType" : "SuperTest" , "mType" : { "$in" : [ 1 , 2]}}
{ $project : { "_id" : 1, "refTestId" : 1, "avatar" : { $concat : [$refTestId] }
} });
and avatar returns me null, probably its because its objectId, is it possible in this query to make from this objectId string ?

From MongoDB 4.0 and newer, there is a $toString operator which returns the ObjectId value as a hexadecimal string:
{ "$match": {
"themType": "SuperTest",
"mType": { "$in" : [1 , 2] }
} },
{ "$addFields": {
"avatar": { "$toString": "$refTestId" }
} }
or using $convert
{ "$match": {
"themType": "SuperTest",
"mType": { "$in" : [1 , 2] }
} },
{ "$addFields": {
"avatar": {
"$convert": { "input": "$refTestId", "to": "string" }
} }

This isn't possible yet. WiP issue see:


MongoDB $cond with embedded document array

I am trying to generate a new collection with a field 'desc' having into account a condition in field in a documment array. To do so, I am using $cond statement
The origin collection example is the next one:
"_id" : ObjectId("5e8ef9a23e4f255bb41b9b40"),
"Brand" : {
"models" : [
"name" : "AA"
"name" : "BB"
"_id" : ObjectId("5e8ef9a83e4f255bb41b9b41"),
"Brand" : {
"models" : [
"name" : "AG"
"name" : "AA"
The query is the next:
aggregate: 'cars',
'pipeline': [
'$project': {
'desc': {
'$cond': {
if: {
$in: ['$',['BB','TC','TS']]
then: 'Good',
else: 'Bad'
'$project': {
'desc': 1
$out: 'cars_stg'
'allowDiskUse': true,
The problem is that the $cond statement is always returning the "else" value. I also have tried $or statement with $eq or the $and with $ne, but is always returning "else".
What am I doing wrong, or how should I fix this?
Since $ returns an array, we cannot use $in operator.
Instead, we can use $setIntersection which returns an array that contains the elements that appear in every input array[
"$project": {
"desc": {
"$cond": [
$gt: [
$size: {
$setIntersection: [
"$project": {
"desc": 1
$out: 'cars_stg'
MongoPlayground | Alternative $reduce

How to get values in mongdb

This is my my data in Mongodb
"d" : {
"results" : [
"slack_id" : "RAGHU#TN.COM",
"connector_id" : "GRECLNT900",
"sys_role" : "DEV",
"user_id" : "RAGHU"
"slack_id" : "RAGHU#TN.COM",
"connector_id" : "GRECLNT900",
"sys_role" : "PRD",
"user_id" : "RAGHU",
"question" : "What is your favorite color?",
"Answer" : "Orange"
If i am giving RAGHU#TN.COM. then i want display sys_role. Output like this[DEV, PRD]
I am trying this way
x = mydb.mycollection.distinct("sys-role")
But I get an empty array like [ ]
You have to treat the cursor as a reference(personally I see it as a reference in C), and then de-reference it to see the result.(What is inside the address)
For the specific column, here is the result from command prompt:
my_cursor = mydb.mycollection.distinct("sys-role")
for x in my_cursor:
The distinct operator is not inter-operatable thus it's hard to filter by slack_id first. I would recommande using aggregation pipelines.
Here is an example.
'$match': {
'slack_id': 'RAGHU#TN.COM'
}, {
'$group': {
'_id': 'slack_id',
'result': {
'$addToSet': 'sys_role'
With this pipeline, your sys_role set will be in the .result field.
Using Mongo aggregation query you will get required result set. Try this:
"$match": {
"d.results.slack_id": "RAGHU#TN.COM"
$group: {
_id: "$d.results.slack_id",
sys_role: {
$push: "$d.results.sys_role"
// Pipeline
// Stage 1
$project: {
results: {
$filter: {
input: "$d.results",
as: "item",
cond: { $eq: [ "$$item.slack_id", 'RAGHU#TN.COM' ] }
// Stage 2
$unwind: {
path : "$results",
preserveNullAndEmptyArrays : false // optional
// Stage 3
$group: {

Mongoid duplicate fields query causes FieldPath field names may not contain '.' [duplicate]

I have the following mongo data which looks like this
eventType : "mousedown",
eventArgs : {
type : "touchstart",
elementId : "id1"
creationDateTime : ISODate("2017-02-24T07:05:49.986Z")
I wrote the following query to perform group count.
$match :
$and :
{"eventArgs.type" : 'touchstart'},
{eventType : 'mousedown'},
{creationDateTime : {$gte : ISODate("2017-02-24T000:00:00.000Z")}}
$group :
_id :
"eventsArgs.elementId" : "$elementId"
count :
$sum : 1
I'm getting error for $group, which states that
FieldPath field names may not contain '.'
If I were not able to specific '.' in
$group :
_id :
"eventsArgs.elementId" : "$elementId"
What is the correct way to do so?
Since you have a single group field, the best way is to just use the _id group key on that field and then create another $project pipeline that will reshape the _id key from the previous pipeline into the desired subdocument that you want. For example[
"$match": {
"eventArgs.type": 'touchstart',
"eventType": 'mousedown',
"creationDateTime": { "$gte": ISODate("2017-02-24T000:00:00.000Z") }
"$group": {
"_id": "$eventArgs.elementId",
"count": { "$sum": 1 }
"$project": {
"eventsArgs.elementId": "$_id",
"count": 1, "_id": 0
The following should work as well:[
"$match": {
"eventArgs.type": 'touchstart',
"eventType": 'mousedown',
"creationDateTime": { "$gte": ISODate("2017-02-24T000:00:00.000Z") }
"$group": {
"_id": {
"eventArgs": {
"elementId": "$eventArgs.elementId"
"count": { "$sum": 1 }

FieldPath field names may not contain '.' in $group

I have the following mongo data which looks like this
eventType : "mousedown",
eventArgs : {
type : "touchstart",
elementId : "id1"
creationDateTime : ISODate("2017-02-24T07:05:49.986Z")
I wrote the following query to perform group count.
$match :
$and :
{"eventArgs.type" : 'touchstart'},
{eventType : 'mousedown'},
{creationDateTime : {$gte : ISODate("2017-02-24T000:00:00.000Z")}}
$group :
_id :
"eventsArgs.elementId" : "$elementId"
count :
$sum : 1
I'm getting error for $group, which states that
FieldPath field names may not contain '.'
If I were not able to specific '.' in
$group :
_id :
"eventsArgs.elementId" : "$elementId"
What is the correct way to do so?
Since you have a single group field, the best way is to just use the _id group key on that field and then create another $project pipeline that will reshape the _id key from the previous pipeline into the desired subdocument that you want. For example[
"$match": {
"eventArgs.type": 'touchstart',
"eventType": 'mousedown',
"creationDateTime": { "$gte": ISODate("2017-02-24T000:00:00.000Z") }
"$group": {
"_id": "$eventArgs.elementId",
"count": { "$sum": 1 }
"$project": {
"eventsArgs.elementId": "$_id",
"count": 1, "_id": 0
The following should work as well:[
"$match": {
"eventArgs.type": 'touchstart',
"eventType": 'mousedown',
"creationDateTime": { "$gte": ISODate("2017-02-24T000:00:00.000Z") }
"$group": {
"_id": {
"eventArgs": {
"elementId": "$eventArgs.elementId"
"count": { "$sum": 1 }

Mongodb Aggregation Rows to Columns

I have the following dataset. I need to group them by Account, and then turn the Element_Fieldname into a column.
var collection = [
This was my attempt to convert rows to columns, but its not working.
$match : {
Element_Fieldname : {
$in : ["cars", "boats"]
}, {
$group : {
_id : "$Account",
values : {
$addToSet : {
field : "$Element_Fieldname",
value : "$Element_Value"
}, {
$project : {
Account : "$_id",
cars : {
"$cond" : [{
$eq : ["$Element_Fieldname", "cars"]
}, "$Element_Value", null]
boats : {
"$cond" : [{
$eq : ["$Element_Fieldname", "day_before_water_bottles"]
}, "$Element_Value", null]
This just gives me null in my cars and boats fields. Any help would be great.
And this is my desired results:
var desiredResult = [
this is a big tricky but you will get what you need :-)
please add $match on the top of aggregation pipeline
$project : {
_id : 0,
"Account" : 1,
car : {
$cond : [{
$eq : ["$Element_Fieldname", "cars"]
}, "$Element_Value", null]
boats : {
$cond : [{
$eq : ["$Element_Fieldname", "boats"]
}, "$Element_Value", null]
$group : {
_id : "$Account",
carData : {
$addToSet : "$car"
boatsData : {
$addToSet : "$boats"
}, {
$unwind : "$carData"
}, {
$match : {
carData : {
$ne : null
}, {
$unwind : "$boatsData"
}, {
$match : {
boatsData : {
$ne : null
and result
"_id" : 12345,
"carData" : true,
"boatsData" : false
It is not possible to do the type of computation you are describing with the aggregation framework, however there is a proposed $arrayToObject expression which will give you the functionality to peek into the key names, and create new key/values dynamically.
For example, you could do
"$match": { "Element_Fieldname":{ "$in": ["cars", "boats"] } }
"$group": {
"_id": "$Account",
"attrs": {
"$push": {
"key": "$Element_Fieldname",
"val": "$Element_Value"
"$project": {
"Account": "$_id",
"_id": 0,
"newAttrs": {
"$arrayToObject": {
"$map": {
"input": "$attrs",
"as": "el",
in: ["$$el.key", "$$el.val"]
"$project": {
"Account": 1,
"cars": "$",
"boats": "$"
Vote for this jira ticket to get this feature.
As a workaround, mapreduce seems like the available option. Consider running the following map-reduce operation:
function() {
var obj = {};
obj[this.Element_Fieldname] = this.Element_Value;
emit(this.Account, obj);
function(key, values) {
var obj = {};
values.forEach(function(value) {
Object.keys(value).forEach(function(key) {
obj[key] = value[key];
return obj;
{ "out": { "inline": 1 } }
"_id" : 12345,
"value" : {
"cars" : true,
"boats" : false