Variable precicion arithmetic for symbolic integral in Matlab - matlab

I am trying to calculate some integrals that use very high power exponents. An example equation is:
(-exp(-(x+sqrt(p)).^2)+exp(-(x-sqrt(p)).^2)).^2 ...
./( exp(-(x+sqrt(p)).^2)+exp(-(x-sqrt(p)).^2)) ...
/ (2*sqrt(pi))
where p is constant (1000 being a typical value), and I need the integral for x=[-inf,inf]. If I use the integral function for numeric integration I get NaN as a result. I can avoid that if I set the limits of the integration to something like [-20,20] and a low p (<100), but ideally I need the full range.
I have also tried setting syms x and using int and vpa, but in this case vpa returns:
1.0 - 1.0*numeric::int((1125899906842624*(exp(-(x - 10*10^(1/2))^2) - exp(-(x + 10*10^(1/2))^2))^2)/(3991211251234741*(exp(-(x - 10*10^(1/2))^2) + exp(-(x + 10*10^(1/2))^2)))
without calculating a value. Again, if I set the limits of the integration to lower values I do get a result (also for low p), but I know that the result that I get is wrong – e.g., if x=[-100,100] and p=1000, the result is >1, which should be wrong as the equation should be asymptotic to 1 (or alternatively the codomain should be [0,1) ).
Am I doing something wrong with vpa or is there another way to calculate high precision values for my integrals?

First, you're doing something that makes solving symbolic problems more difficult and less accurate. The variable pi is a floating-point value, not an exact symbolic representation of the fundamental constant. In Matlab symbolic math code, you should always use sym('pi'). You should do the same for any other special numeric values, e.g., sqrt(sym('2')) and exp(sym('1')), you use or they will get converted to an approximate rational fraction by default (the source of strange large number you see in the code in your question). For further details, I recommend that you read through the documentation for the sym function.
Applying the above, here's a runnable example:
syms x;
p = 1000;
f = (-exp(-(x+sqrt(p)).^2)+exp(-(x-sqrt(p)).^2)).^2./(exp(-(x+sqrt(p)).^2)...
Now vpa(int(f,x,-100,100)) and vpa(int(f,x,-1e3,1e3)) return exactly 1.0 (to 32 digits of precision, see below).
Unfortunately, vpa(int(f,x,-Inf,Inf)), does not return an answer, but a call to the underlying MuPAD function numeric::int. As I explain in this answer, this is what can happen when int cannot obtain a result. Normally, it should try to evaluate the the integral numerically, but your function appears to be ill-defined at ±∞, resulting in divide by zero issues that the variable precision quadrature methods can't handle well. You can evaluate the integral at wider bounds by increasing the variable precision using the digits function (just remember to set digits back to the default of 32 when done). Setting digits(128) allowed me to evaluate vpa(int(f,x,-1e4,1e4)). You can also more efficiently evaluate your integral over a wider range via 2*vpa(int(f,x,0,1e4)) at lower effective digits settings.
If your goal is to see exactly how much less than one p = 1000 corresponds to, you can use something like vpa(1-2*int(f,x,0,1e4)). At digits(128), this returns
Applying double to this shows that it is approximately 8.6e-89.


How to convert values to N bits of resolution in MATLAB?

My computer uses 32 bits of resolution as default. I'm writing a script that involves taking measurements with a multimeter that has N bits of resolution. How do I convert the values to that?
For example, if I have a RNG that gives 1000 values
nums = randn(1,1000);
and I use an N-bit multimeter to read those values, how would I get the values to reflect that?
I currently have
meas = round(nums,N-1);
but it's giving me N digits, not N bits. The original random numbers are unbounded, but the resolution of the multimeter is the limitation; how to implement the limitation is what I'm looking for.
Edit I: I'm talking about the resolution of measurement, not the bounds of the numbers. The original values are unbounded. The accuracy of the measured values should be limited by the resolution.
Edit II: I revised the question to try to be a bit clearer.
randn doesn’t produce bounded numbers. Let’s say you are producing 32-bit integers instead:
mums = randi([0,2^32-1],1,n);
To drop the bottom 32-N bits, simply divide by an appropriate value and round (or take the floor):
nums = round(nums/(2^(32-N)));
Do note that we only use floating-point arithmetic here, numbers are integer-valued, but not actually integers. You can do a similar operation using actual integers if you need that.
Also, obviously, N should be lower than 32. You cannot invent new bits. If N is larger, the code above will add zero bits at the bottom of the number.
With a multimeter, it is likely that the range is something like -M V to M V with a a constant resolution, and you can configure the M selecting the range.
This is fixed point math. My answer will not use it because I don't have the toolbox available, if you have it you could use it to have simpler code.
You can generate the integer values with the intended resolution, then rescale it to the intended range.
F=2^N-1 %Maximum integer value
X*2*M/F-M %Rescale, divide by the integer range, multiply by the intended range. Then offset by intended minimum.

Maple unable to evalute function in whole range of plot

Maple helpfully can work out the solution to Laplace's equation in a square region and give me the answer in closed form (in terms of an infinite sum). If I try to plot the function of two variables as a 3d plot it gives me most of the surface but not all of it:
Here is the Maple code which produces the solution and turns it into an expression suitable for plotting
the result of which is
All good so far. Plotting it via
gives a result which is fine for x in the full range (0<x<1) but only for y between 0 and around 0.9:
I have tried to evalf some point in the unknown region and Maple can't tell me numerical values there. Is there any way to get Maple to "try a bit harder" to evaluate those numbers?
You could try setting the number of terms in the sum
I'm not a huge fan of chopping the infinite sum at some value of the upper bound for n, without at least demonstrating either symbolically or numerically that it is justified. Ie, that chopping does not provide a false idea of convergence.
So, you asked how to make it work "harder". I'll take that to mean that you too might prefer to let evalf/Sum itself decide whether each infinite numeric sum converges -- rather than manually truncate it yourself at some finite value for the upper value of the range for n.
For fun, and caution, I also divide both numerator and denominator of K by the potentially large exp call (potentially much larger than 1). That may not be necessary here.
proc(x,y) local k, m, n, r;
if y<0.8 then
m := ceil(1*abs(y/0.80)^16);
end if;
end proc):
plot3d( F, 0..1, 0..0.99 );
Naturally this is slower than mere chopping of terms to obtain a finite sum. And you might be satisfied with some technique that establishes that the excluded terms' sums are negligible.

what is the difference between defining a vector using linspace and defining a vector using steps?

i am trying to learn the basics of matlab ,
i wanted to write a mattlab script ,
in this script i defined a vector x with a "d" step that it's length is (2*pi/1000)
and i wanted to plot two sin function according to x :
the first sin is with a frequency of 1, and the second sin frequency 10.3 ..
this is what i did:
my question:
what is the different between :
and ..
? i am asking because i got confused since i think they both are the same but i think there is something wrong with my assumption ..
also is there is a more sufficient way to write sin function with a giveng frequency ?
The main difference can be summarizes as predefined size vs predefined step. And your example highlights it very well, indeed (1000 elements vs 1001 elements).
The linspace function produces a fixed-length vector (the length being defined by the third input argument, which defaults to 100) whose lower and upper limits are set, respectively, by the first and the second input arguments. The correct step to use is internally computed by the function itself (step = (x2 - x1) / n).
The colon operator defines a vector of elements whose values range between the specified lower and upper limits. The step, which is an optional parameter that defaults to 1, is the discriminant of the vector length. This means that the length of the result is determined by the number of steps that must be accomplished in order to reach the upper limit, starting from the lower one. On an side note, on this MathWorks thread you can find a very interesting discussion concerning the behavior of the colon operator in respect of floating-point management.
Another difference, related to the first one, is that linspace always includes the upper limit value while the colon operator only contains it if the specified step allows it (0:5:14 = [0 5 10]).
As a general rule, I prefer to use the former when I want to produce a vector of a predefined length (pretty obvious, isn't it?), and the latter when I need to create a sequence whose length has only a marginal relevance (or no relevance at all)

What does [int.,int] means in Maple?

I have a code that works as non linear system equation solver.
I have so much trouble with a command that goes like this:
I don't know what does that dot works there!
I thought it may be for showing that it is -2.0, but there is no reason to use that when by default -2 = -2.0.
Can anyone help me with this?
The dot forces float calculations
It is not correct that by default -2 = -2.0. There is a very big difference for Maple in how it calculates: if you use -2 it calculates exacts (arithmetic expressions) while -2.0 tells Maple to calculate with floats (numerical expressions).
The two expressions -2.*sqrt(5) and -2*sqrt(5.) are quite different in how Maple handles them, if you notice the float position! For the first example, the square root is calculated arithmetically, while in the second example it is calculated numerically!
This can be a very big deal for some calculations; both with regards to speed and precision, and should be considered carefully when one wants to do complicated computations.
Speed example: Calculate exp(x) for x = 1,2,...,50000. (Arithmetic > numerical)
CodeTools:-Usage(seq(exp(x),x=1..50000)): # Arithmetic
memory used=19.84MiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=875.00ms,
real time=812.00ms, gc time=265.62ms
CodeTools:-Usage(seq(exp(1.*x),x=1..50000)): # Numerical
memory used=292.62MiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=9.67s,
real time=9.45s, gc time=1.09s
Notice especially the huge difference in memory used.
This is an example of when using floats gives worse performance. On the contrary, if we are just approximating anyways, numerical approximation is much faster.
Approximate exp(1) (numerical > arithmetic)
CodeTools:-Usage(seq((1+1/x)^x,x=1..20000)): # Arithmetic
memory used=0.64GiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=39.05s,
real time=40.92s, gc time=593.75ms
CodeTools:-Usage(seq((1+1./x)^x,x=1..20000)): # Numerical
memory used=56.17MiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=1.06s,
real time=1.13s, gc time=0ns
Precision example: For precision, things can go very wrong if one is not careful.
limit(f(x),x=Pi); # Arithmetic returns 1 (true value)
limit(f(x),x=Pi*1.); # Numerical returns 0 (wrong!!!)
After a little working with that I finally found what it does!
short answer: it calculate the result of expression where those 2 integers are inputs.
extended answer:(example)
given 2 functions, we want to calculate Jacobin matrix for this equation system
f := proc (x, y) -> (1/64)*(x-11)^2-(1/100)*(y-7)^2-1;
g := proc (x, y) -> (x-3)^2+(y-1)^2-400;
then we put functions in vector:
F:=(x, y) -> vector([f(x,y),g(x,y)]);
F(-2 ,20)
result will be this:
[-79/1600 -14]
[-0.049375000 -14]

Why inverse equality does not satisfy in MATLAB?

MATLAB does not satisfy matrix arithmetic for inverse, that is;
(ABC)-1 = C-1 * B-1 * A-1
if inv(A*B*C) == inv(C)*inv(B)*inv(A)
It does not qualify. When I made it format long, I realized that there is difference in points, but it even does not satisfy when I make it format rat.
Why is that so?
Very likely a floating point error. Note that the format function affects only how numbers display, not how MATLAB computes or saves them. So setting it to rat won't help the inaccuracy.
I haven't tested, but you may try the Fractions Toolbox for exact rational number arithmetics, which should give an equality to above.
Consider this (MATLAB R2011a):
a = 1e10;
>> b = inv(a)*inv(a)
b =
>> c = inv(a*a)
c =
>> b==c
ans =
>> format hex
>> b
b =
>> c
c =
When MATLAB calculates the intermediate quantities inv(a), or a*a (whether a is a scalar or a matrix), it by default stores them as the closest double precision floating point number - which is not exact. So when these slightly inaccurate intermediate results are used in subsequent calculations, there will be round off error.
Instead of comparing floating point numbers for direct equality, such as inv(A*B*C) == inv(C)*inv(B)*inv(A), it's often better to compare the absolute difference to a threshold, such as abs(inv(A*B*C) - inv(C)*inv(B)*inv(A)) < thresh. Here thresh can be an arbitrary small number, or some expression involving eps, which gives you the smallest difference between two numbers at the precision at which you're working.
The format command only controls the display of results at the command line, not the way in which results are internally stored. In particular, format rat does not make MATLAB do calculations symbolically. For this, you might take a look at the Symbolic Math Toolbox. format hex is often even more useful than format long for diagnosing floating point precision issues such as the one you've come across.