Does PayPal REST API support adaptive payments? - paypal

I need to charge fee at every transaction made via PayPal so when user pays via my application i need to charge additional $1 to my PayPal account.
I know Adaptive payments in Classic API can do what i need. Is there a support for this in new REST API?

The REST API is a replacement to the Adaptive Payment API. However, if I understand that you're asking for the more complex payments like chained, parallel or split, then I believe they are scheduled to be supported by the REST API by early next year (2015).


PayPal REST API for chained payments

In a web application which is still being developed, we are using the Adaptive Payment SDK. The application uses the chained payment in which there is a primary receiver, which takes a percentage of the payment and then forwards the rest to secondary receiver. We are considering switching to the new Paypal REST APIs. Does it support the said use case?
The PayPal REST API doesn't support Parallel/Chained Payments. And there's no ETA for it. Hopefully someday. There seems to be quite a few requests for it.

Paypal REST API - Billing agreement

Using Paypal Classic API Billing agreement can be created. Agreement Id can be used for future payment using Paypal reference transaction.
Can this same functionality achieved using Paypal REST API? If yes please help me providing reference. I'm aware Billing Plan and Billing agreement can be created using Paypal REST API but without Billing Plan billing agreement can't be created.
"Billing agreement" in RESTful APIs is specificly for Recurring Payments, and that might have misled you.
The terms are slightly different between Classic APIs and the RESTful APIs, and Reference Transactions is pretty equivalent to what is called "future payments" in RESTful APIs.
Technical specs are listed HERE, pls be noted that as of now, future payment has to work with mobile integration on top of PayPal MSDK (to obtain user consent and auth code)
Now this feature is available in REST APIs also. But please note this is a vetted product from PayPal. Not every merchant will be approved to use the Pre-Approved payments . Docs are available - But as a limited release
Docs for PayPal Reference transaction API. Also called as pre-approved payments

Paypal Payment via Classic or Rest API

I am a bit confused about the REST and Classic API and which one serves my business case best. My requirement is to be able to send money to one or many customers by just using their email addresses. No need to receive Payments, just to send...Additionally i do not want approvals, i just want to send the payment and the payment to be executed, since i am performing a receiver email validation via the getVerifiedStatus call.
I know there is the Mass Payment option and the Adaptive Payments option however for consistency i need to use only one API. Which API covers my needs?
This isn't yet covered well by PayPal's new REST APIs. But the MassPay api (with # of payments = a set, or just 1) can definitely do what you want. Check PayPal's handling of exception cases that is built into the MassPay product to ensure it meets your requirements; if it does then this is a great answer. The adaptive payments pay() can also definitely work; to determine which works for you will require evaluating the underlying PayPal products moreso than the APIs. They do NOT work entirely the same way....
I would stick to classic API for now as it's much more mature than the REST API is. For your situation I'd go with Adaptive Payments, specifically the Pay API. Since you are the app owner and the payer, you can simply trigger payments however you want to anybody you need.

What should be the Request Format for Adaptive Payments through Paypal REST API?

I was able to successfully make simple transaction through Paypal new REST API, but I want to make adaptive payment through it. I googled and read the paypal api documents but could not find how to construct the request format to make adaptive payment. So need guidance for creating the adaptive payment request for REST API.
Adaptive Payment transactions are not yet supported for the REST API process. New features are planned for REST and are added often. There are plans for adding support for Adaptive Payments but there isn't a set date or anything like that.

PayPal REST API and recurring payments

I'm looking at the new PayPal REST API and the examples. Does it work as of today to make recurring payments? (a.k.a: subscriptions with recurring payments with billing cycle and the number of times the recurring payment is made.)
I cannot find this information in the documentation.
PayPal REST API now officially support Recurring Payments (Billing Plans and Agreements)
The PayPal REST API doesn't currently offer recurring payments, although the Classic APIs do offer this feature:
There are two options here for the REST API.
First you can store a credit card in the vault to make recurring payments against that card.
The second option is not yet released, but will involve a long term OAuth token, see this answer.
Try the Paypal REST API->
After setting your account, you´ll get a secret key and client id, which you´ll use later on to make the call to the api.
Remeber to set the grant_type on the apiContext so you don´t get a 403.
Billing Plan and Agreement APIs are also deprecated, we can use Subscription API instead,
Integration guide: