PayPal REST API for chained payments - paypal

In a web application which is still being developed, we are using the Adaptive Payment SDK. The application uses the chained payment in which there is a primary receiver, which takes a percentage of the payment and then forwards the rest to secondary receiver. We are considering switching to the new Paypal REST APIs. Does it support the said use case?

The PayPal REST API doesn't support Parallel/Chained Payments. And there's no ETA for it. Hopefully someday. There seems to be quite a few requests for it.


Does PayPal REST API support adaptive payments?

I need to charge fee at every transaction made via PayPal so when user pays via my application i need to charge additional $1 to my PayPal account.
I know Adaptive payments in Classic API can do what i need. Is there a support for this in new REST API?
The REST API is a replacement to the Adaptive Payment API. However, if I understand that you're asking for the more complex payments like chained, parallel or split, then I believe they are scheduled to be supported by the REST API by early next year (2015).

Paypal Payment Standard via Paypal Rest API

I am looking into implementing Paypal Standard Payment product. The basic reason being "offsite payment" (i.e. we dont want payments being captured at our own site, but on paypal's own payment page via redirection).
However, previously I used to get it done via (now called) Classic API.. I wounder if the new REST API supports this offsite / paypal redirect standard payment method? This is because there is no mention of these classic products names on the REST documents (instead, they are listed in Classic API section only)
Secondly, does Paypal Standard (even via REST) support Direct Card payments? or only Paypal Account payment?
REST does not encompass all Classic API features. It's mainly for mobile development (although not exclusive to that), using OAuth, which is more familiar to mobile developers. Payments Standard is not an API product at all but it can be used in conjunction with API calls to a limited extent. Classic API has the Button Manager that lets you set up custom encrypted buttons that can start a Payments Standard payment.
REST does support direct payments and supports almost everything Classic does in that regard.

Paypal Payment via Classic or Rest API

I am a bit confused about the REST and Classic API and which one serves my business case best. My requirement is to be able to send money to one or many customers by just using their email addresses. No need to receive Payments, just to send...Additionally i do not want approvals, i just want to send the payment and the payment to be executed, since i am performing a receiver email validation via the getVerifiedStatus call.
I know there is the Mass Payment option and the Adaptive Payments option however for consistency i need to use only one API. Which API covers my needs?
This isn't yet covered well by PayPal's new REST APIs. But the MassPay api (with # of payments = a set, or just 1) can definitely do what you want. Check PayPal's handling of exception cases that is built into the MassPay product to ensure it meets your requirements; if it does then this is a great answer. The adaptive payments pay() can also definitely work; to determine which works for you will require evaluating the underlying PayPal products moreso than the APIs. They do NOT work entirely the same way....
I would stick to classic API for now as it's much more mature than the REST API is. For your situation I'd go with Adaptive Payments, specifically the Pay API. Since you are the app owner and the payer, you can simply trigger payments however you want to anybody you need.

What should be the Request Format for Adaptive Payments through Paypal REST API?

I was able to successfully make simple transaction through Paypal new REST API, but I want to make adaptive payment through it. I googled and read the paypal api documents but could not find how to construct the request format to make adaptive payment. So need guidance for creating the adaptive payment request for REST API.
Adaptive Payment transactions are not yet supported for the REST API process. New features are planned for REST and are added often. There are plans for adding support for Adaptive Payments but there isn't a set date or anything like that.

Adaptive Parallel Payment with REST API Example?

I didn't quite understand is it possible to split a payment
among several merchants using the REST API?
If so can anyone reference to an example (preferably PHP)
Google didn't quite find anything for me on the matter.
REST does not support the full suite of calls that Classic does. You will have to implement Classic (NVP or SOAP) to get to Adaptive payments, where you can split payments via Chained Payments
This page talks about Chained Payments and all the examples it gives are Classic NVP
As of this point in time it is not supported to do what you are asking. The options as suggested by others are to use Adaptive Payments or Express Checkout. I tend to prefer the former but to each his own.
Just to quote from their page
The Adaptive Payments API allows merchants and developers to pay
almost anyone and set up automated payments. They can create
applications that manage payments, payment preapprovals, and refunds.
They can also send money peer-to-peer, split payments in both parallel
and chained models, accept guest payments, and schedule disbursements.
The Adaptive Payments API works on multiple platforms including the
web and mobile environments.
The link is Adpative Payments
After going through the above link and understanding the basics, it should be easy to follow the steps mention Here as mentioned by the above answer as well
Not at this time. You would have to use either Adaptive Payments or Express Checkout.
use this sdk to integrate paypal adaptive payment.