Is Google Cloud Save suitable for medium size files (1-10 Mb)? - google-cloud-save

It's still in beta, but I can't get this info. I can't also get informations about user's quota.


Used space displayed for my Google disk is 4 times more than total size of the stored files

As it follows from the notification displayed, I have used almost all available Google disk space (96%) while the total size of the files are 3.5 Gb only. Additional 1Gb was deleted and stored in the bin. What is the reason an how can I fix it? Also I have a lot of files shared with me from other accounts. But regarding Google Disk documentation they should not be taken into account. Additionally I have 0.8GB in Gmail and no files in Google photo
Go to this link and evaluate what are the files that are consuming more storage
Delete the files in your bin, as they are still counting towards your quota
After you delete the files, it usually takes some time to update the space on your Drive. A propagation matter.
Make sure you don't have a lot of photos taking quota out of your account

How do I find out which files were downloaded outside my continent (and by whom)?

I have been monitoring Cloud Storage billing daily and saw two unexpected, large spikes in "Download Worldwide Destinations (excluding Asia & Australia)" this month. The cost for this SKU is typically around US$2-4 daily; however, these two daily spikes have been $89 and $15.
I have enabled GCS Bucket Logging soon after the $89 spike, hoping to deduce what causes it the next time it happens, but when the $15 spike happened yesterday, I was unable to pinpoint which service or files downloaded have caused this spike.
There is a Log field named Location, but it appears to be linked to the region where a bucket is located, not the location of the downloader (that would contribute to the "Worldwide Destinations" egress).
As far as I know, my services are all in the southamerica-east1 region, but it's possible that there is either a legacy service or a misconfigured one that has been responsible for these spikes.
The bucket that did show up outside my region is in the U.S., but I concluded that it is not responsible for the spikes because the files there are under 30 kB and have only been downloaded 8 times according to the logs.
Is there any way to filter the logs so that it tells me as much information as possible to help me track down what is adding up the "Download Worldwide Destinations" cost? Specifically:
which files were downloaded
if it was one of my Google Cloud services, which one it was
Enable usage logs and export the log data to a new bucket.
Google Cloud Usage logs & storage logs
The logs will contain the IP address, you will need to use a geolocation service to map IP addresses to city/country.
Cloud Audit Logs do not track access to public objects.
Google Cloud Audit Logs restrictions

Google Cloud Storage maximum access limits

The system i am building is currently storing videos with Google Cloud Storage, my server will return the link from Google Cloud Storage which is used to play the video on mobile platforms. Is there a limit for how many user can access that link at the same time? . Thank You!
All of the known limits for Cloud Storage are listed in the documentation. It says:
There is no limit to reads of objects in a bucket, which includes reading object data, reading object metadata, and listing objects. Buckets initially support roughly 5000 object reads per second and then scale as needed.
So, no, there are effectively no limits to the number of concurrent downloads.

Firebase Storage bucket fills up gradually as I don't upload anything

I am working on a new project and the problem is my firebase storage is filling gradually up even as I dont use it, right now its 4,1 GB big.
I did not have a bucket created and it was filling up.
One thing I tried to do was to look at the files in the cloud console but all of them are of a weird format that I can not manage to open up.
Until now I was not even working with media that could take up that space.
I would appreciate ideas how to backtrack the usage.
this is how my 3 GB bucket (I never uploaded something to it) looks like, any idea how I can open these files?
A change to how firebase are deploying functions from node 10 onwards means they automatically add container image files to your cloud storage with every deployment. This counts towards your "Bytes stored" and "Bandwidth" limits in firebase.
To save costs you can delete all these files, and only deploy individual functions with firebase deploy --only functions:myFunctionName instead of deploying them all at once.
The following is a screenshot from firebase support:
Links from image Cloud Build Container Registry Firebase pricing FAQ

Google Cloud Storage quota hit - how?

When my app is trying to access files in a bucket using a SignedURL, a 429 response is received:
The App Engine application does not have enough quota.
<Details>App s~[myappname] not have enough quota</Details>
This error continues until the end of the day, when the quota is apparently reset, then I can use storage again. It's only a small app and does not have much usage. The project that contains the storage is set up to use billing. The files are being accessed from another project, which is also set up to use billing.
I'm not aware that Google Cloud Storage has any quotas that could be hit in this fashion. The only ones I know of are the ones here: but as far as I am aware, none of them apply.
Buckets are not being created or destroyed.
Updates are not being made to buckets.
There are only a couple of IAM identities.
There are no Pub/Sub notifications.
Objects stored in the buckets are small.
Is there any way I can find out why the quota is being exceeded?
It turns out it was because of a spending limit I had set on app engine. I didn't think those spending limits applied any more, but it turns out that's for new projects. Spending limits that have already been set on existing projects are effective, and I can personally attest that they do work!
Thanks for the comments #KevinQuinzel and #gso_gabriel.