Used space displayed for my Google disk is 4 times more than total size of the stored files - google-workspace

As it follows from the notification displayed, I have used almost all available Google disk space (96%) while the total size of the files are 3.5 Gb only. Additional 1Gb was deleted and stored in the bin. What is the reason an how can I fix it? Also I have a lot of files shared with me from other accounts. But regarding Google Disk documentation they should not be taken into account. Additionally I have 0.8GB in Gmail and no files in Google photo

Go to this link and evaluate what are the files that are consuming more storage
Delete the files in your bin, as they are still counting towards your quota
After you delete the files, it usually takes some time to update the space on your Drive. A propagation matter.
Make sure you don't have a lot of photos taking quota out of your account


How long do image_picker images stay in cache?

Do they stay until the app is uninstalled or cache is cleared, or do the images get deleted at certain times by the os?
It depends on the space available on the device to auto delete.
Please check the link below for more info
Apps are strongly encouraged to keep their usage of cache space below the quota returned by StorageManager#getCacheQuotaBytes(java.util.UUID). If your app goes above this quota, your cached files will be some of the first to be deleted when additional disk space is needed. Conversely, if your app stays under this quota, your cached files will be some of the last to be deleted when additional disk space is needed.

How to Upgrade Synology 2-Bay NAS Storage to Larger Capacity?

First I'd like to apologize for the long read.
I hope you can help me with this one. I have a 2-bay NAS (DS218+). I initially have a single 4TB (WD Red NAS Drive) drive (SHR - without data protection) and multivolume support was flagged as No. I decided to upgrade my storage capacity so I bought a new 8TB WD Red NAS Drive.
I've been reading the knowledgebase but still reluctant to proceed as I'm still quite confused if I'm doing the correct procedure. What I want to achieve is to upgrade my storage without data loss to 8TB (without data protection in mind yet). Lets just say I want to replace my 4TB to 8TB like nothing happened.
The current version of my DSM is 6.2.3. In my 1st bay is the 4TB. I attached the 8TB to the 2nd bay and saw the drive recognized and "Not Initialized" as expected. Now, the videos I've seen always mention a Manage button, but in my case I can't find it. And it didn't ask me to repair anything nor there was a "Degrade" status.
I only see Add Drive when I go to Storage Pool -> Action however. I went with it and clicked Next, then had a pop up warning me that the data in the newly added drive will be erased, I clicked OK and this was displayed:
Now, the Total Capacity: 3.63TB is what got me bummed. I'm new to Raid stuff so I'm still quite confused. I'm hoping to get a new max capacity of 7.2TB from my new 8TB. How do I do this without losing data? And my system as-is?
I hope you can guide me. I'd really appreciate it.
Thank you so much in advance.
To have redundancy you cannot have more than what can be saved on at least 2 disks. Right now you have only ~4TB available on 2 disks. If you have another 8TB you will be able to use 100% of the space.
More information

Magento 2 website goes down every day and need to restart server

I have one e-commerce website in Magento 2.2.2 and it keeps on going down almost every day. Whenever it goes down, users get site took too long too respond and it never loads. To get web site working again I have to restart the server and then it works.
Total space on the server is 50GB. Out of which the whole website is around 18GB (11GB Media files and then vendor files etc.). Here are things that i cannot figure out why:
a.) The server shows that 33GB has been used although it should show only 18GB has been used. I have checked everywhere and I can't find what is consuming additional 15GB of space. Complete HTML folder is only 18GB.
b.) When I checked log files: it shows the following:
WARNING: Memory size allocated for the temporary table is more than 20% of innodb_buffer_pool_size. Please update innodb_buffer_pool_size or decrease batch size value (which decreases memory usages for the temporary table). Current batch size: 100000; Allocated memory size: 280000000 bytes; InnoDB buffer pool size: 1073741824 bytes.
I have already set innodb_buffer_pool_size to 2GB. But still, this problem keeps coming.
The server is an Amazon EC2 server and Magento is in production mode. Can allocating 100GB instead of 50GB will solve the problem?
Increased innodb buffer pool size to 10GB and logs do not show error anymore but server still goes down every day. Since RAM is only 4GB on our server, can that be the main cause? Because everyone is suggesting at least 8GB RAM?
Try the things below.
Magento2 has big log files and caching system. There may be increase your files in var folder.
But still you have to check whether your site belongs to more than 3000 products with high size images for products and you are storing all these in your server itself.
The suggestions what I can give, If your site have more products which I already mentioned better you have to use CDN for better performance. So the entire image will be process from the third party.
Next is You have to setup cloud flare to avoid the down time errors or customer side effect. You can make your index page to load while the server is down. And obviously you have to write script to restart the site automatically while its down.
In your server side check the memory size for php, you can better to give to 2G.
In Mysql side : Check the whether its making sleep query or not. If its making through your custom extension area ask your developer to optimize the code.
for eg : May be the code passing 'collection' for a single item fetch.
You can use the tool like nurelic
If everything is fine from your developer area please try to optimize the site with making memory limit mysql killing etc.. with your server side.
In the mean while magento is a big platform for e-commerce sector, so it has more area to cover by default. Better to avoid the unwanted modules from your active site, like disable the core modules which you are not using yet.
For an average site Use 16gb RAM,
A restart your mysql to make it effect ?
Also you need to set that buffer up to 20971520000, thats around 20GB.
Magento uses a lot of sessions and cache.

Document directory is good to store data or cache in objective c?

Friends i need to store more than 100 mb data which come in zip format and i get data after unzip this zip file and unzip data is more than 70 mb in size , so my question is that which storage location is good to keep this data, currently i am using cache but it gives memory warning on device when i writes data in cache and then after sometimes app gets crashed.
This zip file contain html pages and images.
i checked this link also but did't get answer to store thes html and images which comes in zip format from server.
Any small help will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Don't try to read this entire ZIP file into memory at once! It's not the permanent storage (Flash) on the device which goves you the memory warning, but you eat up the RAM. Yes, the Documents or Library directory is fine for storing your app data, just be careful with the memory management.
Like H2CO3 stated, the memory warning is indeed caused by reading it all into RAM in one chunk. Apart from that, be sure to follow Apple's guidelines regarding data storage. If the data being saved is temporary, be sure not to store it in your documents directory, otherwise your application might get rejected (Speaking from experience).

Is there a limitation on the number of files in an iphone app?

Is there a limitation on the number of files in an iphone app?
My app will contain about 2000 or more text files.Would i be in trouble?
No, you should be fine, 2000 files isn't that many (more than usual but still not extreme)
The limit is probably the same limit as the directory structure can hold which is probably much much higher.
And even if you do hit that number, you can use subdirectories to hold your files.
NB If the files are all small they will be stored inefficiently - you might want to look into combining them into one file or using a simple database to store the data.
The Apple App Store Review Guidelines do not mention anything about a limit to the number of files an app can have.
The only section refering to size limits is section 2.15
Apps larger than 20MB in size will not
download over cellular networks (this
is automatically prohibited by the
App Store)
There is not a limit on the number of files you can include in your app, but including thousands of files does slow down app installation a lot.
Going with a database is one solution. Another option is putting your thousands of files into a .zip archive that you uncompress upon first run.