What is the most pleasant way to signal to a user that no search results were found in android? - android-search

I have the following problem:
I use a ListView-Activity and an arrayadapter to display search results. Now, if there are no search results, the Activity consists only of a blank page.
What do you think is the best way to react to such a scenario? Should I implement two fragments, one with a Button and a Textview and show the proper fragment, according to which search results are given? Or should I just start another Activity from the ListView-Activity?
I am interested in your suggestions.

You can try making a dialog on the screen and then try to finish the dialog and the listview activity when the button is pressed.


Flutter on tap not working on Html element view

The webpage I'm loading contains a HtmlElementView class which will load an URL. And I am having an action in app bar and when I am tapping on a option, It is not responding.
In the reference image the account settings option is clickable because it is outside the HtmlElementView but the others two options are not clickable because it is on top of the HtmlElementView. Help me with an solution for this.
There seems to be no in easy way of dealing with this in flutter.
So the best option is to use pub.dev/packages/pointer_interceptor
Thanks to #Pat9RB for finding this!

Android - Show Back Button from XML

Before I begin, I want to mention that I've found a million answers showing how to do this from code, which involves setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true) from your Activity. However, what I have not been able to find is a way how to do it from XML. (I would like to hide as much UI code in the XML files as possible).
One article I did find is this, which states
Step 3: Specifying the parent activity name in the AndroidManifest.xml adds the Back-Button arrow
and Click-action. Tapping on the back-arrow takes us to the Parent
Activity i.e Home Screen.
which doesn't work for me (the Back Button doesn't appear). I've followed all the steps in the article.
Does anyone know how to do this via xml? Is it even possible?
Yes, it's possible but still, you have to set the listener in java code. You can create a custom toolbar view and add a button to it. Then create a button in the java file and set the CilckListener.
Or You can use the default toolbar and do setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true) from your Activity.
We usually make a custom toolbar, suppose you need a search bar in the toolbar then what you will do? So try to make an xml then use <include> tag in xml. You can search youtube. Follow the channel CodingInFlow, that guy explains very perfectly. If you don't understand what I am saying then understand the basics first, it will help you learn faster.

Usability for confirm message in a long form

I term of usability, I'm wondering what's the best solution to display my confirm message.
I have a long form, and in small screen I can't see the top of the form.
When I'm submitting my form, where is the best position for my message "Your information has been saved"?
In the top of the form, and I add an automatic scroll up ?
In the bottom close to the save button?
In a dialog box?
Other solutions?
I tried to find that on Internet but nothing really interesting. Please quote your source if you have an answer for me.
If this is the only place in your application that has this functionality, it doesn't matter so much; if you already have it working one way or the other somewhere else, consistency is the most important.
Where will the user need to navigate to next? If navigation is at the top, auto-scrolling them to the top and showing a message there might be appropriate.
If the navigation is on the left side, auto-scrolling will lose the user's place in the page, which will make navigation harder. In this case, tell them right next to the submit button.
If there's only one place they can navigate to next, skip the AJAX and do an interstitial "success!" screen that also takes them to the next place they'll want to navigate.
But most of all? Consistency with the rest of your app.

UISearchBar - what is "search results button" for?

(Duplicate of this question, but I figured I could try again, since that one wasn't answered...)
The UISearchBar on the iPhone has an option showsSearchResultsButton. When you turn it on, it shows a button with horizontal lines inside the search bar, and you can implement a callback that will be called when the user presses it.
The thing is, I can't find a single place on the Internet where it says what the intended purpose of this button is. I know I could make it do anything, but I'd like to know what it's actually for. Should it show a history of searches, or all items without filtering, or what?
It's simply to show search results when tapped.
Where Apple uses this is in their iPad App Store application. If you go to the Categories tab you'll see various app categories. Search for an item, you'll get a list of results, and when you press "Done" you are shown the categories screen again. Your previous search term is still listed in the search field, but now the Search Results Button appears in the field. After tapping this, a UIPopOver is displayed, showing a text list of the results from your last search.

Integrate IPhone Safari like view in Android?

The main concept goes like this. I have four listviews with its own
data loaded at the same time. Only one listview will be visible to the
user. Now, when the user presses a button, not only the current
listview but also other three listviews should be minimized and then
user can just scroll just as in Gallery and select the listview that
one wants to open.
I hope you all have understood what I want.
Let me know if someone have some idea of implementing such a User
Interface in Android.
You can use either View.draw() or View.getDrawingCache() depending on what suits you best. Then just display them using Gallery or something similar.