iPhone 6 scaling using launch images - iphone

My app scales the same on iPhone 6 and 6 plus as on the 5. I'm trying to get the app to use the extra screen space on the larger phone. I've read about using the appropriate size launch images, but it only works in the simulator, not on the device. I added a 750x1334 launch image for the iPhone 6, and the various sizes for the other devices. When I launch in the simulator, the scaling takes place as expected. When I launch on the device, the screen scales to the iPhone 4s scale instead.
I tried starting over with the launch images, and adding one at a time. Whenever I add the 750x1334 for the Retina HD 4.7, the app on the phone scales to iPhone 4 size. I tried deleting the app and reinstalling but the same thing happens. Also, I notice now that when I put in the Retina HD 4.7 image, it also causes the same thing to happen on my iPhone 5, even though there is an appropriate launch image for that size device.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
EDITED TO ADD: My wife's iPhone 6 Plus just came in and it does not exhibit the above behavior (but remains a problem with iPhone 6 and 5).

I was able to achieve the desired result through doing the following:
1) leave in place my old Launch Images Source configuration set that covered iPhone 4 and 5. This takes care of iOS 7 devices.
2) create and designate a Launch Screen File in XIB. This takes care of all devices on iOS 8.
3) On iPhone 6, under Settings --> Display and Brightness --> Display Zoom, choose Standard instead of Zoomed. Users who have Zoomed will see the screen scaled to the same as that of iPhone 5.


if I changed app graphics for iphone 5 , is it going to work for iphone 4, 3GS properly

if I changed app graphics for iphone 5 , is it going to work for iphone 4, 3GS properly or the users have to resize the app like when you download iphone app in iPad ?
If you mean you are using both normal sized images and 2x images for retina display, you won't have a problem on older devices.
They'll just pickup the regular sized images while the ones with retina display will load the #2x ones.
What you do have to take into account is that if you don't include regular sized images (if you only use #2x images), older devices won't load them.
#2X will still work. However I did download xcode 4.5 with iOS 6 Gold Master seeds and played with it last night. The splash screen will include the new slightly higher resolution image 11??x640 as well as the 960x640 and 480x360.
For fullscreen images, you will have to supply at least two versions, better three.
One being 640 × 1136, one being 640 x 960 and one being 320 x 480.
For the 3.5" retina version, you may use the automatic selection (aka #2x). For the former 4" retina version it appears as if you will have to include your own code to select the right one.

How to turn on iPhone Retina in iOS Simulator?

I built and ran an iOS 4.3 app in Simulator. It initially brings up an iPhone 4 shell. Although all real iPhone 4s have retina display, this simulated iPhone 4 only has a resolution of 320x480.
I look in Hardware > Device. There's a checkmark next to the normal iPhone. So I'm using an iPhone 4 case but displaying normal iPhone resolution? I'm already confused!
✔ iPhone
iPhone (Retina)
I then switch over to iPhone (Retina). Strangely, it opens iPad with the same 320x480 resolution. Both the shell and the resolution are wrong here!
How am I supposed to turn Retina on and off and show it in the right shell?
iPhone (Retina) is the correct device to be choosing, but I'm not sure why Apple decided to use the iPad shell for that one. To enter 640x960 mode, go to Window > Scale and set it to 100%.
The iOS Simulator does indeed scale. I have no real reason to present on why it would choose the iPad shell, but the purpose of the scaling is to make sure it fits on your screen and stays (relatively) close to handset sizes. Be sure to check Window -> Scale and set it to whatever you find appropriate.

Running app built in iOS4 on iOS 3.0, why is everything huge?

My background and my icons are all huge, like it's zoomed in 2x. Any ideas why?
Check the images in the app- there should be two sets of images, with one set being at double resolution and suffixed with "#2x". If there's just one set and they seem large, odds are the developer never intended the app to be run on a device that's not running iOS4 (which seems odd, but there it is).
That's because the apps in iOS 4 are targeted for iPhone/iPod 4 which have a resolution of 960 x 640, whereas iOS 3 has a resolution of 480 x 320. Do read about Retina Display of iOS for further details.

Launch app in non-retina mode?

I have made an app that works both on iPhone 4 and iPhone 3, but I don't have an iPhone 3 to test on.
Is there any way to start my app in iPhone 3 mode (e.g. Info.plist setting)?
If it is just a particular view (and not an image file) that you want to test on development code, draw to a view scaled down to a half-sized (in points) view on an iPhone 4, and then display and (re)scale that half-sized view by 2X to fill the display, with antialiasing turned off (kCGInterpolationNone).
There appears to be no automatic flag to do this.
In short, no. Not on an iPhone 4.
Just remove all "#2x" retina files and you should see the old graphics. Another way would be the iPhone Simulator which runs by default in the old 320x480 pixel mode.

App running on iPhone 4 has a 320x480 resolution instead of 640x960

I'm creating an iPhone app, which will run on iPhone 3 and iPhone 4.
To that point, I was trying to make the images adjust to the resolution, but it turns out that even when running on the iPhone 4, the size of my window is 320x480.
On the XIB I specified "fullscreen at launch" and for the ViewController I even specified "Wants fullscreen", but I can never get it to recognise the actual resolution.
Am I missing something?
Is it running full screen on your iPhone 4? (I don't mean what resolution is being reported, I mean are there black bars around the app - I bet there aren't).
iOS is 'magical' in that you just deal with iPhone 3 size things i.e. xibs etc and it scales it correctly for you on the iPhone 4. You will always see the smaller resolution when you query the display.
To get images to load the correct resolution just create two versions i.e.
Make the second one exactly twice the size of the first and the iPhone will do the rest.
PS There's a property that's been added to UIImageView called scale - it's how the iPhone knows how large to render an image - have a look at the docs here.