Spark Streaming using Scala to insert to Hbase Issue - scala

I am trying to read records from Kafka message and put into Hbase. Though the scala script is running with out any issue, the inserts are not happening. Please help me.
Here is the code which I am using:
object Blaher {
def blah(row: Array[String]) {
val hConf = new HBaseConfiguration()
val hTable = new HTable(hConf, "test")
val thePut = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(row(0)))
thePut.add(Bytes.toBytes("cf"), Bytes.toBytes("a"), Bytes.toBytes(row(1)))
object TheMain extends Serializable{
def run() {
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(1))
val topicmap = Map("test" -> 1)
val lines = KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc,"", "test-consumer-group",topicmap).map(_._2)
val words = => line.split(",")).map(line => (line(0),line(1)))
val store = words.foreachRDD(rdd => rdd.foreach(Blaher.blah))

From the API doc for HTable's flushCommits() method: "Executes all the buffered Put operations". You should call this at the end of your blah() method -- it looks like they're currently being buffered but never executed or executed at some random time.


Running Multiple Queries in Spark Structured Streaming with Watermarking and Windowed Aggregations

My aim is to read data from multiple Kafka topics, aggregate the data and write into hdfs.
I looped through the list of kafka topics to create multiple queries. The code runs fine while running a single query but gives error while running multiple queries. I've kept the checkpoint directories for all topics different as I read in many posts that this can cause a similar issue.
The code is as follows:
object CombinedDcAggStreaming {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val jobConfigFile = "configPath"
/* Read input configuration */
val jobProps = Util.loadProperties(jobConfigFile).asScala
val sparkConfigFile = jobProps.getOrElse("spark_config_file", throw new RuntimeException("Can't find spark property file"))
val kafkaConfigFile = jobProps.getOrElse("kafka_config_file", throw new RuntimeException("Can't find kafka property file"))
val sparkProps = Util.loadProperties(sparkConfigFile).asScala
val kafkaProps = Util.loadProperties(kafkaConfigFile).asScala
val topicList = Seq("topic_1", "topic_2")
val avroSchemaFile = jobProps.getOrElse("schema_file", throw new RuntimeException("Can't find schema file..."))
val checkpointLocation = jobProps.getOrElse("checkpoint_location", throw new RuntimeException("Can't find check point directory..."))
val triggerInterval = jobProps.getOrElse("triggerInterval", throw new RuntimeException("Can't find trigger interval..."))
val outputPath = jobProps.getOrElse("output_path", throw new RuntimeException("Can't find output directory..."))
val outputFormat = jobProps.getOrElse("output_format", throw new RuntimeException("Can't find output format...")) //"parquet"
val outputMode = jobProps.getOrElse("output_mode", throw new RuntimeException("Can't find output mode...")) //"append"
val partitionByCols = jobProps.getOrElse("partition_by_columns", throw new RuntimeException("Can't find partition by columns...")).split(",").toSeq
val spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("streaming").master("local[4]").getOrCreate()
sparkProps.foreach(prop => spark.conf.set(prop._1, prop._2))
topicId => {
kafkaProps.update("subscribe", topicId)
val schemaPath = avroSchemaFile + "/" + topicId + ".avsc"
val dimensionMap = ConfigUtils.getDimensionMap(jobConfig)
val measureMap = ConfigUtils.getMeasureMap(jobConfig)
val source= Source.fromInputStream(Util.getInputStream(schemaPath)).getLines.mkString
val schemaParser = new Schema.Parser
val schema = schemaParser.parse(source)
val sqlTypeSchema = SchemaConverters.toSqlType(schema).dataType.asInstanceOf[StructType]
val kafkaStreamData = spark
val udfDeserialize = udf(deserialize(source), DataTypes.createStructType(sqlTypeSchema.fields))
val transformedDeserializedData ="value").as(Encoders.BINARY)
.withColumn("rows", udfDeserialize(col("value")))
.withColumn("end_time", (col("end_time") / 1000).cast(LongType))
.withColumn("timestamp", from_unixtime(col("end_time"),"yyyy-MM-dd HH").cast(TimestampType))
.withColumn("year", from_unixtime(col("end_time"),"yyyy").cast(IntegerType))
.withColumn("month", from_unixtime(col("end_time"),"MM").cast(IntegerType))
.withColumn("day", from_unixtime(col("end_time"),"dd").cast(IntegerType))
.withColumn("topic_id", lit(topicId))
val groupBycols: Array[String] = dimensionMap.keys.toArray[String] ++ partitionByCols.toArray[String]
val aggregatedData = AggregationUtils.aggregateDFWithWatermarking(transformedDeserializedData, groupBycols, "timestamp", "10 minutes", measureMap) //Watermarking time -> 10. minutes, window => window("timestamp", "5 minutes")
val query = aggregatedData
.partitionBy(partitionByCols: _*)
.option("path", outputPath)
.option("checkpointLocation", checkpointLocation + "//" + topicId)
def deserialize(source: String): Array[Byte] => Option[Row] = (data: Array[Byte]) => {
try {
val parser = new Schema.Parser
val schema = parser.parse(source)
val recordInjection: Injection[GenericRecord, Array[Byte]] = GenericAvroCodecs.toBinary(schema)
val record = recordInjection.invert(data).get
val objectArray = new Array[Any](record.asInstanceOf[GenericRecord].getSchema.getFields.size)
record.getSchema.getFields.asScala.foreach(field => {
val fieldVal = record.get(field.pos()) match {
case x: org.apache.avro.util.Utf8 => x.toString
case y: Any => y
case _ => None
objectArray(field.pos()) = fieldVal
Some(Row(objectArray: _*))
} catch {
case ex: Exception => {"Failed to parse schema with error: ${ex.printStackTrace()}")
I'm getting the following error while running the job:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Race while writing batch 0
But the job runs normally when I run a single query instead of multiple. Any suggestions on how this issue can be solved?
It may be a late answer. But I also faced the same problem.
I was able to resolve the problem. The root cause was that both the queries were trying to write to the same base path. Thus there was an overlap of the _spark_meta information. Spark Structured Streaming maintain checkpointing, as well as _spark_metadata file to keep track of the batch being processed.
Source Spark Doc:
In order to correctly handle partial failures while maintaining exactly once semantics, the files for each batch are written out to a unique directory and then atomically appended to a metadata log. When a parquet based DataSource is initialized for reading, we first check for this log directory and use it instead of file listing when present.
Thus for now every query should be given a separate path. There is no option to configure the _spark_matadata location, unlike in checkpointing.
Link to same type of question which I asked.

Spark Execution for twitter Streaming

Hi I'm new to spark and scala . I'm trying to stream some tweets through spark streaming with the following code:
object TwitterStreaming {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
if (args.length < 1) {
System.err.println("WrongUsage: PropertiesFile, [<filters>]")
val myConfigFile = args(0)
val batchInterval_s = 1
val fileConfig = ConfigFactory.parseFile(new File(myConfigFile))
val appConf = ConfigFactory.load(fileConfig)
// Set the system properties so that Twitter4j library used by twitter stream
// can use them to generate OAuth credentials
System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.consumerKey", appConf.getString("consumerKey"))
System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.consumerSecret", appConf.getString("consumerSecret"))
System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.accessToken", appConf.getString("accessToken"))
System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.accessTokenSecret", appConf.getString("accessTokenSecret"))
val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("TwitterStreaming").setMaster(appConf.getString("SPARK_MASTER"))//local[2]
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds(batchInterval_s)) // creating spark streaming context
val stream = TwitterUtils.createStream(ssc, None)
val tweet_data = => TweetData(status.getId, "#" + status.getUser.getScreenName, status.getText.trim()))
tweet_data.foreachRDD(rdd => {
println(s"A sample of tweets I gathered over ${batchInterval_s}s: ${rdd.take(10).mkString(" ")} (total tweets fetched: ${rdd.count()})")
case class TweetData(id: BigInt, author: String, tweetText: String)
My Error:
Exception in thread "main" com.typesafe.config.ConfigException$WrongType:/WorkSpace/InputFiles/application.conf: 5: Cannot concatenate object or list with a non-object-or-list, ConfigString("local") and SimpleConfigList([2]) are not compatible
at com.typesafe.config.impl.ConfigConcatenation.join(
can any one check the the code and tell me where I'm doing wrong?
If your config file contains:
Change it to:

Spark Streaming - Broadcast variable - Case Class

My requirement is to enrich data stream data with profile information from a HBase table. I was looking to use a broadcast variable. Enclosed the whole code here.
The output of HBase data is as follows
In the Driver node HBaseReaderBuilder
(org.apache.spark.SparkContext#3c58b102,hbase_customer_profile,Some(data),WrappedArray(gender, age),None,None,List()))
In the Worker node
HBaseReaderBuilder(null,hbase_customer_profile,Some(data),WrappedArray(gender, age),None,None,List()))
As you can see it has lost the spark context. When i issue the statement val
myRdd = => Profile(r._1, r._2, r._3)) i get a NullPointerException
at it.nerdammer.spark.hbase.HBaseReaderBuilderConversions$class.toSimpleHBaseRDD(HBaseReaderBuilder.scala:83)
at it.nerdammer.spark.hbase.package$.toSimpleHBaseRDD(package.scala:5)
at it.nerdammer.spark.hbase.HBaseReaderBuilderConversions$class.toHBaseRDD(HBaseReaderBuilder.scala:67)
at it.nerdammer.spark.hbase.package$.toHBaseRDD(package.scala:5)
at testPartition$$anonfun$main$1$$anonfun$apply$1$$anonfun$apply$2.apply(testPartition.scala:34)
at testPartition$$anonfun$main$1$$anonfun$apply$1$$anonfun$apply$2.apply(testPartition.scala:33)
object testPartition {
def main(args: Array[String]) : Unit = {
val sparkMaster = "spark://x.x.x.x:7077"
val ipaddress = "x.x.x.x:2181" // Zookeeper
val hadoopHome = "/home/hadoop/software/hadoop-2.6.0"
val topicname = "new_events_test_topic"
val mainConf = new SparkConf().setMaster(sparkMaster).setAppName("testingPartition")
val mainSparkContext = new SparkContext(mainConf)
val ssc = new StreamingContext(mainSparkContext, Seconds(30))
val eventsStream = KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc,"x.x.x.x:2181","receive_rest_events",Map(topicname.toString -> 2))
val docRdd = mainSparkContext.hbaseTable[(String, Option[String], Option[String])]("hbase_customer_profile").select("gender","age").inColumnFamily("data")
println ("docRDD from Driver ",docRdd)
val broadcastedprof = mainSparkContext.broadcast(docRdd)
eventsStream.foreachRDD(dstream => {
dstream.foreachPartition(records => {
println("Broadcasted docRDD - in Worker ", broadcastedprof.value)
val bcdocRdd = broadcastedprof.value
records.foreach(record => {
//val myRdd = => Profile(r._1, r._2, r._3))
val Rows = record._2.split("\r\n")

i want to store each rdd into database in twitter streaming using apache spark but got error of task not serialize in scala

I write a code in which twitter streaming take a rdd of tweet class and store each rdd in database but it got error task not serialize I paste the code.
case class Tweet(id: Long, source: String, content: String, retweet: Boolean, authName: String, username: String, url: String, authId: Long, language: String)
trait SparkStreaming extends Connector {
def startStream(appName: String, master: String): StreamingContext = {
val db = connector("localhost", "rmongo", "rmongo", "pass")
val dbcrud = new DBCrud(db, "table1")
val sparkConf: SparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName(appName).setMaster(master).set(" spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true").set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer")
// .set("spark.kryo.registrator", "HelloKryoRegistrator")
// sparkConf.registerKryoClasses(Array(classOf[DBCrud]))
val sc: SparkContext = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
val ssc: StreamingContext = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(10))
object SparkStreaming extends SparkStreaming
I use this streaming context in plat controller to store tweets in database but it throws exception. I'm using mongodb to store it.
def streamstart = Action {
val stream = SparkStreaming
val a = stream.startStream("ss", "local[2]")
val db = connector("localhost", "rmongo", "rmongo", "pass")
val dbcrud = DBCrud
val twitterauth = new TwitterClient().tweetCredantials()
val tweetDstream = TwitterUtils.createStream(a, Option(twitterauth.getAuthorization))
val tweets = tweetDstream.filter { x => x.getUser.getLang == "en" }.map { x => Tweet(x.getId, x.getSource, x.getText, x.isRetweet(), x.getUser.getName, x.getUser.getScreenName, x.getUser.getURL, x.getUser.getId, x.getUser.getLang) }
// tweets.foreachRDD { x => x.foreach { x => dbcrud.insert(x) } }
tweets.saveAsTextFiles("/home/knoldus/sentiment project/spark services/tweets/tweets")
// val s=new BirdTweet()
// s.hastag(a.sparkContext)
Ok("start streaming")
When make a single of streaming which take tweets and use forEachRDD to store each tweet then it works but if I use it from outside it doesn't work.
Please help me.
Try to create connection with MongoDB inside foreachRDD block, as mentioned in Spark Documentation
tweets.foreachRDD { x =>
x.foreach { x =>
val db = connector("localhost", "rmongo", "rmongo", "pass")
val dbcrud = new DBCrud(db, "table1")

Spark rdd write to Hbase

I am able to read the messages from Kafka using the below code:
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(50))
val topicmap = Map("test" -> 1)
val lines = KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc,"", "test-consumer-group",topicmap)
But, I am trying to read each message from Kafka and putting into HBase. This is my code to write into HBase but no success.
lines.foreachRDD(rdd => {
rdd.foreach(record => {
val i = +1
val hConf = new HBaseConfiguration()
val hTable = new HTable(hConf, "test")
val thePut = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(i))
thePut.add(Bytes.toBytes("cf"), Bytes.toBytes("a"), Bytes.toBytes(record))
Well, you are not actually executing the Put, you are mereley creating a Put request and adding data to it. What you are missing is an
Adding other answer!!
You can use foreachPartition to establish connection at executor level to be more efficient instead of each row which is costly operation.
lines.foreachRDD(rdd => {
rdd.foreachPartition(iter => {
val hConf = new HBaseConfiguration()
val hTable = new HTable(hConf, "test")
iter.foreach(record => {
val i = +1
val thePut = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(i))
thePut.add(Bytes.toBytes("cf"), Bytes.toBytes("a"), Bytes.toBytes(record))
//missing part in your code